Term::ShellKit::Commands - Basic shell functions
> perl -MTerm::ShellKit -eshell
Term::ShellKit: Starting interactive shell
Term::ShellKit> eval join ', ', 1 .. 10
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Term::ShellKit> alias incr eval $i += 1
Term::ShellKit> incr
Term::ShellKit> incr
Term::ShellKit> help
Term::ShellKit - Generic Perl command-line environment
Term::ShellKit> exit
The following commands are available.
Manipulates Term::ShellKit aliases.
alias: Shows all aliases.
alias name: Shows the alias for name.
alias name command: Sets name as an alias for command.
echo (alias ")
Prints the provided argument.
eval (alias $)
Run some Perl using eval.
eval perl statements...
Runs the provided code (with Perl's eval operator) and prints the result.
execute (alias !)
Run an external program with Perl's qx operator.
execute program arguments...
Runs the named external program (with Perl's qx operator) and waits for it to complete, then prints the program's output.
exit (alias quit, or q)
Exit the shell.
help (alias ?)
Uses the pod2text script to display documentation for a Perl module.
help: Gets help for the current shell
help kit KitName: Gets help for the named module
help module: Gets help for the named module
Load a ShellKit package.
kit KitName, KitName, ...
Load the named kits.
Try "kit Dev" to load the Dev kit, or "help kit Dev" to learn more about it.
Typing "kit AutoPager" will provide ShellKit with output buffered through /usr/bin/more or your prefered pager program.