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Muldis::D::Core::Tuple - Muldis D generic tuple operators


This document is Muldis::D::Core::Tuple version 0.119.0.


This document is part of the Muldis D language specification, whose root document is Muldis::D; you should read that root document before you read this one, which provides subservient details. Moreover, you should read the Muldis::D::Core document before this current document, as that forms its own tree beneath a root document branch.


This document describes essentially all of the core Muldis D generic tuple operators (for generic tuples).

This documentation is pending.


These functions are applicable to mainly tuple types, but are generic in that they typically work with any tuple types.


function sys.std.Core.Tuple.D0 (Tuple <--) {...}

This named-value selector function results in the only zero-attribute Tuple value, which is known by the special name Tuple:D0, aka D0.

function (NNInt <-- $topic : Tuple) {...}

This function results in the degree of its argument (that is, the count of attributes it has).


function sys.std.Core.Tuple.is_nullary (Bool <-- $topic : Tuple) {...}

This function results in Bool:True iff its argument has a degree of zero (that is, it has zero attributes), and Bool:False otherwise. By definition, the only 1 tuple value for which this function would result in Bool:True is the value Tuple:D0.


function sys.std.Core.Tuple.is_not_nullary (Bool <-- $topic : Tuple) {...}

This function is exactly the same as sys.std.Core.Tuple.is_nullary except that it results in the opposite boolean value when given the same argument.


function sys.std.Core.Tuple.has_attrs (Bool <-- $topic : Tuple, $attr_names : set_of.Name) {...}

This function results in Bool:True iff, for every one of the attribute names specified by its attr_names argument, its topic argument has an attribute with that name; otherwise it results in Bool:False. As a trivial case, this function's result is Bool:True if attr_names is empty.


function sys.std.Core.Tuple.attr_names (set_of.Name <-- $topic : Tuple) {...}

This function results in the set of the names of the attributes of its argument.


function sys.std.Core.Tuple.attr (Universal <-- $topic : Tuple, $name : Name) {...}

This function results in the scalar or nonscalar value of the attribute of topic whose name is given by name. This function will fail if name specifies an attribute name that topic doesn't have. Note that this operation is also known as .%{}.


function sys.std.Core.Tuple.update_attr (Tuple <-- $topic : Tuple, $name : Name, $value : Universal) {...}

This function results in its topic argument but that its attribute whose name is name has been updated with a new scalar or nonscalar value given by value. This function will fail if name specifies an attribute name that topic doesn't have; this function will otherwise warn if the declared type of value isn't a subtype of the declared type of the attribute.


function sys.std.Core.Tuple.multi_update (Tuple <-- $topic : Tuple, $attrs : Tuple) {...}

This function is like sys.std.Core.Tuple.update_attr except that it handles N tuple attributes at once rather than just 1. The heading of the attrs argument must be a subset of the heading of the topic argument; this function's result is topic with all the attribute values of attrs substituted into it. This function could alternately be named sys.std.Core.Tuple.static_subst.


function sys.std.Core.Tuple.rename (Tuple <-- $topic : Tuple, $map : AttrRenameMap) {...}

This function results in a Tuple value that is the same as its topic argument but that some of its attributes have different names. Each tuple of the argument map specifies how to rename one topic attribute, with the after and before attributes of a map tuple representing the new and old names of a topic attribute, respectively. As a trivial case, this function's result is topic if map has no tuples. This function supports renaming attributes to each others' names. This function will fail if map specifies any old names that topic doesn't have, or any new names that are the same as topic attributes that aren't being renamed. Note that this operation is also known as %{<-}.


function sys.std.Core.Tuple.projection (Tuple <-- $topic : Tuple, $attr_names : set_of.Name) {...}

This function results in the projection of its topic argument that has just the subset of attributes of topic which are named in its attr_names argument. As a trivial case, this function's result is topic if attr_names lists all attributes of topic; or, it is the nullary tuple if attr_names is empty. This function will fail if attr_names specifies any attribute names that topic doesn't have. Note that this operation is also known as %{}.


function sys.std.Core.Tuple.cmpl_proj (Tuple <-- $topic : Tuple, $attr_names : set_of.Name) {...}

This function is the same as projection but that it results in the complementary subset of attributes of topic when given the same arguments. Note that this operation is also known as %{!}.


function sys.std.Core.Tuple.static_exten (Tuple <-- $topic : Tuple, $attrs : Tuple) {...}

This function results in the extension of its topic argument by joining that with its attrs argument; the attribute names of the 2 arguments must be disjoint. See also sys.std.Core.Tuple.product for an N-adic version of this.


function sys.std.Core.Tuple.wrap (Tuple <-- $topic : Tuple, $outer : Name, $inner : set_of.Name) {...}

This function results in a Tuple value that is the same as its topic argument but that some of its attributes have been wrapped up into a new Tuple-typed attribute, which exists in place of the original attributes. The inner argument specifies which topic attributes are to be removed and wrapped up, and the outer argument specifies the name of their replacement attribute. As a trivial case, if inner is empty, then the result has all the same attributes as before plus a new tuple-typed attribute of degree zero; or, if inner lists all attributes of topic, then the result has a single attribute whose value is the same as topic. This function supports the new attribute having the same name as an old one being wrapped into it. This function will fail if inner specifies any attribute names that topic doesn't have, or if outer is the same as a topic attribute that isn't being wrapped. Note that this operation is also known as %{%<-}.


function sys.std.Core.Tuple.cmpl_wrap (Tuple <-- $topic : Tuple, $outer : Name, $cmpl_inner : set_of.Name) {...}

This function is the same as wrap but that it wraps the complementary subset of attributes of topic to those specified by cmpl_inner. Note that this operation is also known as %{%<-!}.


function sys.std.Core.Tuple.unwrap (Tuple <-- $topic : Tuple, $inner : set_of.Name, $outer : Name) {...}

This function is the inverse of sys.std.Core.Tuple.wrap, such that it will unwrap a Tuple-type attribute into its member attributes. This function will fail if outer specifies any attribute name that topic doesn't have, or if an attribute of topic{outer} has the same name as another topic attribute. Now conceptually speaking, the inner parameter is completely superfluous for this Tuple variant of unwrap; however, it is provided anyway so that this function has complete API parity with the Relation variant of unwrap, where inner is necessary in the general case, and so Muldis D code using this function is also forced to be more self-documenting or strongly typed. This function will fail if inner does not match the names of the attributes of topic{outer}. Note that this operation is also known as %{<-%}.


function sys.std.Core.Tuple.product (Tuple <-- $topic : set_of.Tuple) {...}

This function is similar to sys.std.Core.Relation.product but that it works with tuples rather than relations. This function is mainly intended for use in connecting tuples that have all disjoint headings, such as for extending one tuple with additional attributes.


function sys.std.Core.Tuple.attr_from_Tuple (Universal <-- $topic : Tuple) {...}

This function results in the scalar or nonscalar value of the sole attribute of its argument. This function will fail if its argument is not of degree 1.


function sys.std.Core.Tuple.Tuple_from_attr (Tuple <-- $name : Name, $value : Universal) {...}

This function results in the Tuple value which has just one attribute whose name is given by name and whose value is given by value.


function sys.std.Core.Tuple.order_by_attr_names (Order <-- $topic : Tuple, $other : Tuple, $order_by : array_of.OrderByName, $is_reverse_order? : Bool) {...}

This order-determination function provides convenient short-hand for the common case of ordering tuples of a relation on a sequential list of its named attributes, and the type of each of those attributes is a subtype of a single scalar root type having a non-customizable (using misc_args) type-default order-determination function, which is used to order on that attribute. This function is a short-hand for invoking sys.std.Core.Cat.Order.reduction on an Array each of whose Order elements is the result of invoking sys.std.Core.Ordered.order on the corresponding attributes of topic and other whose names are given in order_by; the Array given to Order.reduction has the same number of elements as order_by has. For each element value in order_by, the name attribute specifies the attribute name of each of topic and other to be compared, and the comparison operator's is_reverse_order argument is supplied by the is_reverse_order attribute. This function will fail if topic and other don't have an identical degree and attribute names, or if order_by specifies any attribute names that topic|other doesn't have, or if for any attribute named to be ordered by, that attribute's value for either of topic and other isn't a member of a scalar root type having a type-default ordering function, or if said root type isn't identical for both topic and other. The order_by_attr_names function's is_reverse_order argument is optional and defaults to Bool:False, meaning it has no further effect on the function's behaviour; but if this argument is Bool:True, then this function will result in the opposite Order value that it otherwise would have when given all the same other argument values. It is expected that for any relation whose tuples are to be ordered using order_by_attr_names, the order_by constitutes a key or superkey.


function sys.std.Core.Tuple.subst_in_default (Tuple <-- $of : APTypeNC, $subst : Tuple) {...}

This function results in the tuple value that is the default value of the tuple data type whose name is given in the of argument, but that zero or more of its attribute values have been substituted by values given in the subst argument. This function is a short-hand for sys.std.Core.Tuple.multi_update on the result of sys.std.Core.Universal.default. This function will fail if either default would fail for the same of argument, or if its result isn't a tuple type, or if the heading of subst isn't a subset of the heading of the default. The purpose of this function is to support greater brevity in Muldis D coding such that users can define just part of a desired tuple value and have the remainder filled in from defaults for them; particularly useful with tuples that conceptually have some optional attributes.


Updaters That Rename Attributes


updater sys.std.Core.Tuple.assign_rename (&$topic : Tuple, $map : AttrRenameMap) {...}

This update operator is a short-hand for first invoking the sys.std.Core.Tuple.rename function with the same arguments, and then assigning the result of that function to topic. This procedure is analogous to the data-manipulation phase of a SQL RENAME TABLE|VIEW or ALTER TABLE|VIEW RENAME TO statement iff topic is Database-typed; each tuple of map corresponds to a renamed SQL table.

Updaters That Add Attributes


updater sys.std.Core.Tuple.assign_static_exten (&$topic : Tuple, $attrs : Tuple) {...}

This update operator is a short-hand for first invoking the sys.std.Core.Tuple.static_exten function with the same arguments, and then assigning the result of that function to topic. This procedure is analogous to the data-manipulation phase of a SQL CREATE TABLE|VIEW statement iff both arguments are Database-typed; each relation-typed attribute of attrs corresponds to a created SQL table.

Updaters That Remove Attributes


updater sys.std.Core.Tuple.assign_projection (&$topic : Tuple, $attr_names : set_of.Name) {...}

This update operator is a short-hand for first invoking the sys.std.Core.Tuple.projection function with the same arguments, and then assigning the result of that function to topic.


updater sys.std.Core.Tuple.assign_cmpl_proj (&$topic : Tuple, $attr_names : set_of.Name) {...}

This update operator is a short-hand for first invoking the sys.std.Core.Tuple.cmpl_proj function with the same arguments, and then assigning the result of that function to topic. This procedure is analogous to the data-manipulation phase of a SQL DROP TABLE|VIEW statement iff topic is Database-typed; each relation-typed attribute named by attr_names corresponds to a dropped SQL table.


Go to Muldis::D for the majority of distribution-internal references, and Muldis::D::SeeAlso for the majority of distribution-external references.


Darren Duncan (


This file is part of the formal specification of the Muldis D language.

Muldis D is Copyright © 2002-2010, Muldis Data Systems, Inc.

See the LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT of Muldis::D for details.


The TRADEMARK POLICY in Muldis::D applies to this file too.


The ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS in Muldis::D apply to this file too.