Astro::ADS::Paper - A class for holding the document attributes for the results of a Search
version 1.90.1
my $result = $search->query();
say $_->title grep { $_->year > 2010 } for $result->get_papers();
This class is used to contain the individual results from your searches. Please note that it only contains the attributes fetched from the search, not the whole ADS record for the paper.
In searches, the "=" sign turns off the synonym expansion feature available with the author and title fields.
This class has a regex for bibcodes!
Coding that regex has shown that bibcodes fields are overloaded in ways not documented. I did not know that 'A' is an acceptable bibcode field for publication type, which maybe short for Abstract.
arXiv papers don't have a Volume, so they overflow into that section
Follow up queries
Methods available in Astro::ADS v1 for fetching references and citations are now accessed via the Links service (which will be on the development Roadmap).
Allowed fields
Allowed: abstract ┃ ack ┃ aff ┃ aff_id ┃ alternate_bibcode ┃ alternate_title ┃ arxiv_class ┃ author ┃ author_count ┃ author_norm ┃ bibcode ┃ bibgroup ┃ bibstem ┃ citation ┃ citation_count ┃ cite_read_boost ┃ classic_factor ┃ comment ┃ copyright ┃ data ┃ database ┃ date ┃ doctype ┃ doi ┃ eid ┃ entdate ┃ entry_date ┃ esources ┃ facility ┃ first_author ┃ first_author_norm ┃ grant ┃ grant_agencies ┃ grant_id ┃ id ┃ identifier ┃ indexstamp ┃ inst ┃ isbn ┃ issn ┃ issue ┃ keyword ┃ keyword_norm ┃ keyword_schema ┃ lang ┃ links_data ┃ nedid ┃ nedtype ┃ orcid_pub ┃ orcid_other ┃ orcid_user ┃ page ┃ page_count ┃ page_range ┃ property ┃ pub ┃ pub_raw ┃ pubdate ┃ pubnote ┃ read_count ┃ reference ┃ simbid ┃ title ┃ vizier ┃ volume ┃ year
Given this list is 81 fields, it doesn't make sense to create that many empty attributes.
The full list is at
v1 had the following methods * references * citations * alsoread * tableofcontents
all of which grepped $self->links for either REFERENCES, CITATIONS, AR or TOC
These are returned in the links_data field, but we should be using the Links service to get this data
Boyd Duffee <>
This software is Copyright (c) 2025 by Boyd Duffee.
This is free software, licensed under:
The MIT (X11) License