Astro::ADS::Query - Object definining an prospective ADS query.
$query = new Astro::ADS::Query( Authors => \@authors,
AuthorLogic => $aut_logic,
Objects => \@objects,
ObjectLogic => $obj_logic,
Bibcode => $bibcode,
Proxy => $proxy,
Timeout => $timeout,
URL => $url );
my $results = $query->querydb();
Stores information about an prospective ADS query and allows the query to be made, returning an Astro::ADS::Result object.
The object will by default pick up the proxy information from the HTTP_PROXY and NO_PROXY environment variables, see the LWP::UserAgent documentation for details.
$Id:,v 1.25 2013/08/06 bjd Exp $ $Id:,v 1.24 2009/07/01 bjd Exp $ $Id:,v 1.22 2009/05/01 bjd Exp $ $Id:,v 1.21 2002/09/23 21:07:49 aa Exp $
- new
Create a new instance from a hash of options
$query = new Astro::ADS::Query( Authors => \@authors, AuthorLogic => $aut_logic, Objects => \@objects, ObjectLogic => $obj_logic, Bibcode => $bibcode, Proxy => $proxy, Timeout => $timeout, URL => $url );
returns a reference to an ADS query object.
Accessor Methods
- querydb
Returns an Astro::ADS::Result object for an inital ADS query
$results = $query->querydb();
- followup
Returns an Astro::ADS::Result object for a followup query, e.g. CITATIONS, normally called using accessor methods from an Astro::ADS::Paper object, but can be called directly.
$results = $query->followup( $bibcode, $link_type );
returns undef if no arguements passed. Possible $link_type values are AR, CITATIONS, REFERENCES and TOC.
- proxy
Return (or set) the current proxy for the ADS request.
$query->proxy( '' ); $proxy_url = $query->proxy();
- timeout
Return (or set) the current timeout in seconds for the ADS request.
$query->timeout( 30 ); $proxy_timeout = $query->timeout();
- url
Return (or set) the current base URL for the ADS query.
$url = $query->url(); $query->url( "" );
if not defined the default URL is
As of v1.24, this method sets a class attribute to keep it consistant across all objects. Not terribly thread safe, but at least you know where your query is going.
- agent
Returns the user agent tag sent by the module to the ADS server.
$agent_tag = $query->agent();
- Authors
Return (or set) the current authors defined for the ADS query.
@authors = $query->authors(); $first_author = $query->authors(); $query->authors( \@authors );
if called in a scalar context it will return the first author.
- AuthorLogic
Return (or set) the logic when dealing with multiple authors for a search, possible values for this parameter are OR, AND, SIMPLE, BOOL and FULLMATCH.
$author_logic = $query->authorlogic(); $query->authorlogic( "AND" );
if called with no arguements, or invalid arguements, then the method will return the current logic.
- Objects
Return (or set) the current objects defined for the ADS query.
@objects = $query->objects(); $query->objects( \@objects );
- ObjectLogic
Return (or set) the logic when dealing with multiple objects in a search, possible values for this parameter are OR, AND, SIMPLE, BOOL and FULLMATCH.
$obj_logic = $query->objectlogic(); $query->objectlogic( "AND" );
if called with no arguements, or invalid arguements, then the method will return the current logic.
- Bibcode
Return (or set) the current bibcode used for the ADS query.
$bibcode = $query->bibcode(); $query->bibcode( "1996PhDT........42J" );
- startmonth
Return (or set) the current starting month of the ADS query.
$start_month = $query->startmonth(); $query->startmonth( "01" );
- endmonth
Return (or set) the current end month of the ADS query.
$end_month = $query->endmonth(); $query->endmonth( "12" );
- startyear
Return (or set) the current starting year of the ADS query.
$start_year = $query->startyear(); $query->start_year( "2001" );
- endyear
Return (or set) the current end year of the ADS query.
$end_year = $query->endyear(); $query->end_year( "2002" );
- journal
Return (or set) whether refereed, non-refereed (OTHER) or all bibilographic sources (ALL) are returned.
$query->journal( "REFEREED" ); $query->journal( "OTHER" ); $query->journal( "ALL" ); $journals = $query->journal();
the default is ALL bibilographic sources
General Methods
- configure
Configures the object, takes an options hash as an argument
$query->configure( %options );
Does nothing if the array is not supplied.
- #35645 filed at (Ampersands)
Older versions can't handle ampersands in the bibcode, such as A&A for Astronomy & Astrophysics. Fixed for queries in 1.22 - 5/2009. Fixed for references in 1.23 - Boyd Duffee <b dot duffee at isc dot keele dot ac dot uk>, 7/2011.
Copyright (C) 2001 University of Exeter. All Rights Reserved.
This program was written as part of the eSTAR project and is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Public License.
Alasdair Allan <>,