Test::Override::UserAgent - Override the LWP::UserAgent to return canned responses for testing
Version 0.002_001
package Test::My::Module::UserAgent::Configuration;
# Load into configuration module
use Test::Override::UserAgent for => 'configuration';
# Allow unhandled requests to be live
override_request path => '/test.html', sub {
my ($request) = @_;
# Do something with request and make HTTP::Response
return $response;
package main;
# Load the module
use Test::My::Module::UserAgent::Configuration;
my $scope = Test::My::Module::UserAgent::Configuration
This module allows for very easy overriding of the request-response cycle of LWP::UserAgent and any other module extending it. The override can be done per-scope (where the API of a module doesn't let you alter it's internal user agent obejct) or per-object, but modifying the user agent.
This will construct a new configuration object to allow for configuring user agent overrides.
- new(%attributes)
is a HASH where the keys are attributes (specified in the "ATTRIBUTES" section). - new($attributes)
is a HASHREF where the keys are attributes (specified in the "ATTRIBUTES" section).
This is a Boolean specifying if the user agent is allowed to make any live requests (so allowing it to make requests that are not overwritten). The default is 0
which causes any requests made to a location that has not been overwritten to return an appropriate HTTP request as if the overwritten responses are the entire Internet.
The first argument is a HTTP::Request object. The rest of the arguments are a hash (not a hash reference) with the keys specified below. This will return either a HTTP::Response if the request had a corresponding override or undef
if no override was present to handle the request. Unless the live_request_handler
was specified, which changes what is returned (see below).
- live_request_handler
This takes a code reference that will be called if it is determined that the request should be live. The sode is given one argument: the request object that was given to "handle_request". If this argument is given, then if it is determined that live requests are not permitted, "handle_request" will no longer return
and will instead return a HTTP::Response object as normal (but won't be a successful response).$conf->handle_request($request, live_request_handler => sub { my ($live_request) = @_; # Make the live request somehow my $response = ... # Return the response return $response; });
This will install the user agent override configuration into the current scope. The recommended install is "install_in_user_agent" but if what needs to be tested does not expose the user agent for manipulation, then that method should be used. This will return a scalar reference Test::Override::UserAgent::Scope, that until destroyed (by going out of scope, for instance) will override all LWP::UserAgent requests.
# Current config in $config
# Install in this scope
my $scope = $config->install_in_scope;
# Test our API
ok $object->works, "The object works!";
# $scope is destroyed, and so override configuration is removed
This will install the overrides directly in a user agent, allowing for localized overrides. This is the perferred method of overrides. This will return the user agent that has the overrides installed.
# Install into a user agent
# Install into a new copy
my $new_ua = $ua_override->install_in_user_agent($ua, clone => 1);
The first argument is the user agent object (expected to have the add_handler
method) that the overrides will be installed in. After that, the method takes a hash of arguments:
- clone
This is a Boolean specifying to clone the given user agent (with the
method) and install the overrides into the new cloned user agent. The default is0
to not clone the user agent.
This will add a new request override to the configuration. The argument is a plain hash with the keys that HTTP::Config takes as specified in "Matching" in HTTP::Config. The keys may leave off the m_
prefix. The subroutine must function as specified in "HANDLER SUBROUTINE".
This method will remove the handlers belonging to this configuration from the specified user agent. The first argument is the user agent to remove the handlers from.
The handler subroutine is what you will give to actualy handle a request and return a response. The handler subroutine is always given a HTTP::Request object as the first argument, which is the request for the handler to handle.
The return value can be one of type kinds:
- HTTP::Response object
- PSGI-like response array reference
The return value is expected to be similar to
[$code, [%headers], [@lines]]
. The response is expected to be identical to the spec and will be validated. If the PSGI response is invalid according to the spec, then a response with a status code of 417 will be returned.
HTTP::Config 5.815
Sub::Install 0.90
namespace::clean 0.04
Douglas Christopher Wilson, <doug at>
Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-test-override-useragent at
, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc Test::Override::UserAgent
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Copyright 2010 Douglas Christopher Wilson.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either:
the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option) any later version, or
the Artistic License version 2.0.