Perlbal::Manual::Logging - How Perlbal's logging system works
Perlbal 1.78.
Perlbal supports logging of a few messages (and you can log your messages in your plugins, for instance).
This document describes how to achieve that.
IMPORTANT: foreground vs. background
If Perlbal is running on the foreground, it logs by calling printf
, which means you should get the logs on STDOUT
If Perlbal is running on the background, it logs through Sys::Syslog. If Sys::Syslog is not available, there will be no logging, and THAT'S THE MOST IMPORTANT THING TO KNOW ABOUT PERLBAL'S LOGGING SYSTEM.
How to log a message
You can log a message by calling Perlbal::log
as you'd call Sys::Syslog's syslog
Perlbal::log( $priority, $format, @args );
You should read the documentation for Sys::Syslog for more information, but here's an example:
Perlbal::log( 'info', 'beginning run' );
And here's another example:
Perlbal::log( 'crit', "this thing crashed: $!" );
What is logged?
When we try to read from or write to a filehandle that is undefined, Perlbal::AIO logs a critical message:
Perlbal::log("crit", "Undef \$fh: $stack_trace");
When failing to create a socket, Perlbal::BackendHTTP logs a critical message:
Perlbal::log('crit', "Error creating socket: $!");
fails to create a socket, Perlbal::BackendHTTP logs a critical message:Perlbal::log('crit', "inet_aton failed creating socket for $ip");
When writing to a client, if we try to read more than we should from the backend, Perlbal::ClientHTTPBase logs a warning message:
Perlbal::log('warning', "tried to readahead negative bytes. filesize=$self->{reproxy_file_size}, offset=$self->{reproxy_file_offset}");
When opening a file being PUT for writing to disk, if there's an error (which is going to originate a 500 server error), Perlbal::ClientHTTPBase logs a warning message:
Perlbal::log('warning', "system error: $msg ($info)");
If we receive a request with a content lenght different from the actual length of the request, Perlbal::ClientProxy logs a critical message:
Perlbal::log('crit', "Content length of $clen declared but $self->{buoutpos} bytes written to disk");
When trying to buffer data to disk, if the operation fails Perlbal::ClientProxy logs a critical message:
Perlbal::log('crit', "Failure to open $fn for buffered upload output");
After buffering data to disk, if the file is empty, Perlbal::ClientProxy logs a critical message:
Perlbal::log('crit', "Error writing buffered upload: $!. Tried to do $len bytes at $self->{buoutpos}.");
When purging a buffered upload on the disk, if an error occurs, Perlbal::ClientProxy logs a critical message:
Perlbal::log('warning', "Unable to link $self->{bufilename}: $!");
When marking a backend as pending, if there's already another one in that ip/port, Perlbal::Service will log a couple of warning messages:
Perlbal::log('warning', "Warning: attempting to spawn backend connection that already existed."); Perlbal::log('warning', " -- [$filename:$line] $package::$subroutine");
When deciding whether we should spawn one or more backend connections, if the total of pending conections is negative, Perlbal::Service will log a critical message:
Perlbal::log('crit', "Bogus: service $self->{name} has pending connect count of $self->{pending_connect_count}?! Resetting.");
When spawning a backend connection, if there is no IP address for the backend, Perlbal::Service will log a critical message:
Perlbal::log('crit', "No backend IP for service $self->{name}");
When starting, Perlbal will log an info message:
Perlbal::log('info', 'beginning run');
When shutting down, Perlbal will log an info message:
Perlbal::log('info', 'ending run');
After each loop, is some error occurred, Perlbal will log a critical message:
Perlbal::log('crit', "crash log: $_") foreach split(/\r?\n/, $@);
When attempting to create the pidfile, if unsuccessful, Perlbal will log an info message:
Perlbal::log('info', "couldn't create pidfile '$file': $!" );
When attempting to write to the pidfile, if unsuccessful, Perlbal will log an info message:
Perlbal::log('info', "couldn't write into pidfile '$file': $!" );
Generating more logs by sending a USR1 signal to perlbal
If you send a USR1 signal to perlbal, that tells it to log some basic statistics to the syslog.
It's similar to connecting to a management service and issue a show service
for each service, plus a states
and a queues
Where is it logged to?
The way Perlbal opens Sys::Syslog, it logs to /var/log/daemon.log by default.
You can tweek Sys::Syslog's configuration under /etc/syslog.conf. See Sys::Syslog for more details.