Resque::Worker - Does the hard work of babysitting Resque::Job's
version 0.01
resque The Resque object running this worker.
queues Queues this worker should fetch jobs from.
stat See Resque::Stat.
id Unique identifier for the running worker. Used to set process status all around.
The worker stringify to this attribute.
verbose Set to a true value to make this worker report what's doing while on work().
cant_fork Set it to a true value to stop this worker from fork jobs.
By default, the worker will fork the job out and control the children process. This make the worker more resilient to memory leaks.
child PID of current running child.
shutdown When true, this worker will shutdown after finishing current job.
paused When true, this worker won't proccess more jobs till false.
pause Stop processing jobs after the current one has completed (if we're currently running one).
unpause Start processing jobs again after a pause
shutdown_please Schedule this worker for shutdown. Will finish processing the current job.
shutdown_now Kill the child and shutdown immediately.
work Calling this method will make this worker to start pulling & running jobs from queues().
This is the main wheel and will run while shutdown() is false.
work_tick Perform() one job and wait till it finish.
perform Call perform() on the given Resque::Job capturing and reporting any exception.
kill_child Kills the forked child immediately, without remorse. The job it is processing will not be completed.
add_queue Add a queue this worker should listen to.
del_queue Stop listening to the given queue.
next_queue Circular iterator over queues().
reserve Pull the next job to be precessed.
working_on Set worker and working status on the given Resque::Job.
done_working Inform the backend this worker has done its current job
started What time did this worker start? Returns an instance of DateTime. TODO: not working in this release. This is returning a string used internally.
set_started Tell Redis we've started
processing Returns a hash explaining the Job we're currently processing, if any.
state Returns a string representing the current worker state, which can be either working or idle
is_working Boolean - true if working, false if not
is_idle Boolean - true if idle, false if not
procline Given a string, sets the procline ($0) and logs. Procline is always in the format of: resque-VERSION: STRING
startup Helper method called by work() to:
1. register_signal_handlers()
2. prune_dead_workers();
3. register_worker();
register_signal_handlers Registers the various signal handlers a worker responds to.
TERM: Shutdown immediately, stop processing jobs.
INT: Shutdown immediately, stop processing jobs.
QUIT: Shutdown after the current job has finished processing.
USR1: Kill the forked child immediately, continue processing jobs.
USR2: Don't process any new jobs
CONT: Start processing jobs again after a USR2
prune_dead_workers Looks for any workers which should be running on this server and, if they're not, removes them from Redis.
This is a form of garbage collection. If a server is killed by a hard shutdown, power failure, or something else beyond our control, the Resque workers will not die gracefully and therefore will leave stale state information in Redis.
By checking the current Redis state against the actual environment, we can determine if Redis is old and clean it up a bit.
register_worker Registers ourself as a worker. Useful when entering the worker lifecycle on startup.
unregister_worker Unregisters ourself as a worker. Useful when shutting down.
worker_pids Returns an Array of string pids of all the other workers on this machine. Useful when pruning dead workers on startup.
log If verbose() is true, this will print to STDERR.
processed Retrieve from Resque::Stat many jobs has done this worker. Pass a true argument to increment by one.
failed How many failed jobs has this worker seen. Pass a true argument to increment by one.
find Returns a single worker object. Accepts a string id.
all Returns all worker registered on the backend.
exists Returns true if the given worker id exists on redis() backend.
Diego Kuperman <>
This software is copyright (c) 2011 by Diego Kuperman.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.