App::JobLog::Command::summary - show what you did during a particular period


version 1.026


houghton@NorthernSpy:~$ job summary --help
job <command>

job summary [-ciMmnTtVW] [long options...] <date or date range>
	Use 'job help summary' to see full details.
	-n --notes                          show notes instead of events
	-t --tag                            filter events/notes to include
	                                    only those with given tags;
	                                    multiple tags may be specified
	-T --exclude-tag                    filter events/notes to exclude
	                                    those with given tags; multiple
	                                    tags may be specified
	-m --match                          filter events/notes to include
	                                    only those one of whose
	                                    descriptions matches the given
	                                    regex; multiple regexes may be
	-M --no-match                       filter events/notes to include
	                                    only those one of whose
	                                    descriptions do not match the
	                                    given regex; multiple regexes may
	                                    be specified
	-i --time                           consider only those portions of
	                                    events/notes that overlap the
	                                    given time range
	--ma --mall --merge-all             glom all events/notes into one
	--madj --merge-adjacent             merge contiguous events
	--mast --merge-adjacent-same-tags   merge contiguous,
	                                    identically-tagged events/notes
	--mst --merge-same-tags             merge all identically tagged
	--msd --merge-same-day              merge all events/notes in a given
	--msdst --merge-same-day-same-tags  merge all events/notes in a given
	--nm --no-merge                     keep all events/notes separate
	-V --no-vacation                    do not display vacation hours
	--no-date                           do not display a date before each
	                                    distinct day
	--no-time                           do not display event or note
	                                    start times and event end times
	--no-duration                       do not display event durations
	--no-tags                           do not display tags
	--no-description                    do not display event/note
	--no-totals                         do not display the footer
	                                    containing total hours worked,
	-c --columns                        limit the width of the report to
	                                    the specified number of columns; 
	                                    by default the width of the
	                                    terminal is automatically
	                                    detected and, if that fails, a
	                                    width of 76 is used
	-W --no-wrap                        do not wrap the text to fit
	--help                              this usage screen
houghton@NorthernSpy:~$ job s this week
Sunday,  6 March, 2011
     7:36 - 7:37 pm  0.01  bar, foo  something to add; and still more                                                                                                  

Monday,  7 March
  8:01 am - ongoing  1.05  bar, foo  something to add; and still more                                                                                                  

  bar         1.07
  foo         1.07
houghton@NorthernSpy:~$ job s --notes this week
Monday,  6 February
  1:32 - 1:33 pm         giving this thing a test run; maybe the second note will be faster                                                     
  2:08 - 4:31 pm  foo    testing out note tagging; another note that should have the same tag; taking a note                                    
  4:32 - 4:33 pm  money  taking a note about money; taking another note that will be tagged with money                                          
         4:33 pm         taking a note without any tags                                                                                         

houghton@NorthernSpy:~$ job s this month
Tuesday,  1 March, 2011
     8:00 - 9:23 am  1.39  widgets   adding handling of simplified pdf docs                                                                                            

Friday,  4 March
     1:48 - 2:55 pm  1.11  widgets   trying to get Eclipse working properly again                                                                                      
     3:50 - 5:30 pm  1.66  widgets   figuring out why some files are really, really slow                                                                               

Sunday,  6 March
     7:36 - 7:37 pm  0.01  bar, foo  something to add; and still more                                                                                                  

Monday,  7 March
  8:01 am - ongoing  1.05  bar, foo  something to add; and still more                                                                                                  

  bar         1.07
  foo         1.07
  widgets     4.16
houghton@NorthernSpy:~$ job s 2011/3/1
Tuesday,  1 March, 2011
  8:00 - 9:23 am  1.39  widgets  adding handling of simplified pdf docs                                                                                            

  widgets     1.39
houghton@NorthernSpy:~$ job s Friday through today
Friday,  4 March, 2011
     1:48 - 2:55 pm  1.11  widgets   trying to get Eclipse working properly again                                                                                      
     3:50 - 5:30 pm  1.66  widgets   figuring out why some files are really, really slow                                                                               

Sunday,  6 March
     7:36 - 7:37 pm  0.01  bar, foo  something to add; and still more                                                                                                  

Monday,  7 March
  8:01 am - ongoing  1.06  bar, foo  something to add; and still more                                                                                                  

  bar         1.07
  foo         1.07
  widgets     2.77
houghton@NorthernSpy:~$ job s --merge-same-tags Friday through today
  2.77  widgets   trying to get Eclipse working properly again; figuring out why some files are really, really slow                                   
  1.07  bar, foo  something to add; and still more                                                                                                    

  bar         1.07
  foo         1.07
  widgets     2.77


App::JobLog::Command::summary is the command that extracts pretty reports from the log. Its options are all concerned with filtering events and formatting the report. The report must be either a report of tasks or a report of notes.


App::JobLog::Command::today, App::JobLog::Command::last, App::JobLog::Command::parse, App::JobLog::Command::tags, App::JobLog::TimeGrammar


David F. Houghton <>


This software is copyright (c) 2011 by David F. Houghton.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.