App::JobLog - base of work log application


version 1.006


houghton@NorthernSpy:~$ job
Available commands:

   commands: list the application's commands
       help: display a command's help screen

        add: log an event
  configure: set or display various parameters
       done: mark current task as done
       edit: open a text editor to edit the log
       info: describe job log
       last: describe the last task recorded
     modify: add details to last event
     resume: resume last closed task
    summary: list tasks with certain properties in a particular time range
      today: what has happened today
   vacation: list or define days off

houghton@NorthernSpy:~$ job summary this week
Sunday, 27 February, 2011
   8:00 - 9:39 am  1.65  widgets  improving debugging rig to handle batches of files and to print all output to files for later comparison; checking code changes   
                                  into github                                                                                                                       

Monday, 28 February
  8:00 - 10:47 am  2.79  widgets  gussying up pdf conversion                                                                                                        

Tuesday,  1 March
   8:00 - 9:23 am  1.39  widgets  adding handling of simplified pdf docs                                                                                            

Friday,  4 March
   1:48 - 2:55 pm  1.11  widgets  trying to get Eclipse working properly again                                                                                      
   3:50 - 5:30 pm  1.66  widgets  figuring out why some files are really, really slow                                                                               

  widgets     8.60
houghton@NorthernSpy:~$ job today
No events in interval specified.
houghton@NorthernSpy:~$ job add --clear-tags messing around
houghton@NorthernSpy:~$ job a messing around some more
houghton@NorthernSpy:~$ job done
houghton@NorthernSpy:~$ job t
Sunday,  6 March, 2011
  9:02 - 9:03 am  0.01  messing around; messing around some more                                                                                            

houghton@NorthernSpy:~$ job resume
houghton@NorthernSpy:~$ job t
Sunday,  6 March, 2011
     9:02 - 9:03 am  0.01  messing around; messing around some more                                                                                            
  9:03 am - ongoing  0.00  messing around some more                                                                                                            

houghton@NorthernSpy:~$ job configure --list
day length                          8
editor                   /usr/bin/vim
hidden columns                   none
merge              adjacent same tags
pay period length                  14
precision                           2
start pay period           2009-01-11
sunday begins week               true
workdays                        MTWHF
houghton@NorthernSpy:~$ job conf --precision 1
precision set to 1
houghton@NorthernSpy:~$ job t
Sunday,  6 March, 2011
     9:02 - 9:03 am  0.0  messing around; messing around some more                                                                                            
  9:03 am - ongoing  0.0  messing around some more                                                                                                            

houghton@NorthernSpy:~$ job d
houghton@NorthernSpy:~$ job t
Sunday,  6 March, 2011
  9:02 - 9:03 am  0.0  messing around; messing around some more                                                                                            
  9:03 - 9:06 am  0.0  messing around some more                                                                                                            

houghton@NorthernSpy:~$ cat ~/.joblog/log


2011  3  1  8  0  0:widgets:adding handling of simplified pdf docs
2011  3  1  9 23 24:DONE
# 2011/03/04
2011  3  4 13 48 42:widgets:trying to get Eclipse working properly again
2011  3  4 14 55 34:DONE
2011  3  4 15 50 46:widgets:figuring out why some files are really, really slow
2011  3  4 17 30  7:DONE
# 2011/03/06
2011  3  6  9  2 58::messing around
2011  3  6  9  3 13::messing around some more
2011  3  6  9  3 18:DONE
2011  3  6  9  3 48::messing around some more
2011  3  6  9  6 30:DONE


App::JobLog provides a simple command line utility for keeping track of what you do when. The underlying design goals were to keep it fast, simple, and idiot proof and to keep the generated documents human readable and comprehensible. The usual form of such a document is a log -- a series of line-delimited events, each containing a time stamp, a description, and perhaps other meta-data. The problem with a log is that it's usually a little numbing to scroll through it for anything but the most recent events, and with a job log what you usually want isn't time stamps but durations. So in addition to a logging facility we want a report extraction facility. Finally, we often want to filter out particular activities and categorize them in various ways, so along with the time stamps and descriptions we want tags. That's about it.

App::JobLog keeps its documents, by default, in a hidden directory in your home directory called .joblog/. These documents are a README file explaining to anyone who stumbles across the directory what it's function is, a log, called log, a configuration file, called config.ini, a vacation file, called vacation, and perhaps a backup of the log called log.bak.

To perform any action with App::JobLog one invokes the executable with a command and a list of options. These commands are listed below.



Provides extended help information for a particular command. E.g.

houghton@NorthernSpy:~$ job help summary
job summary [-iMmTtV] [long options...] <date or date range>

List events with certain properties in a particular time range. Only the portions
of events falling within the range will be listed.

Events may be filtered in numerous ways: by tag, time of day, or terms used in descriptions.

Provides the list of available commands.


Appends an event to the end of the log. See App::JobLog::Command::add.


Lists or modifies configuration parameters. See App::JobLog::Command::configure.


Appends an event to the log marking the last event as done. See App::JobLog::Command::done.


Edit the log safely. See App::JobLog::Command::edit.


Provides extended general help text. See App::JobLog::Command::info.


Describes the last event in the log. See App::JobLog::Command::last.


Modifies the last event in the log. See App::JobLog::Command::modify.


Resumes the last closed event in the log. See App::JobLog::Command::resume.


Presents a portion of the log in more human readable form. See App::JobLog::Command::summary.


Summarizes everything done today. See App::JobLog::Command::today.


Allows viewing and modification of a simple database of vacation times kept separately from the log. See App::JobLog::Command::vacation.


Thanks to Ricardo Signes for the redoubtable App::Cmd which wires this all together, Dave Rolsky for DateTime, which does all the calendar math, and Ingy döt Net for IO:All, which makes random access to a log file trivial.

Thanks also to my wife Paula, who was my only beta tester other than myself.


App::Cmd, DateTime, IO::All


David F. Houghton <>


This software is copyright (c) 2011 by David F. Houghton.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.