Myriad::Service - starting point for building microservices


package Example::Service;
use Myriad::Service;

async method startup {
 $log->infof('Starting %s', __PACKAGE__);

# Trivial RPC call, provides the `example` method
async method example : RPC {
 return { ok => 1 };

# Slightly more useful - return all the original parameters.
# Due to an unfortunate syntactical choice in core Perl, the
# whitespace before the (%args) is *mandatory*, without that
# you're actually passing (%args) to the RPC attribute...
async method echo : RPC (%args) {
 return \%args;

# Default internal diagnostics checks are performed automatically,
# this method is called after the microservice status such as Redis
# connections, exception status etc. are verified
async method diagnostics ($level) {
 my ($self, $level) = @_;
 return 'ok';



Since this is a framework, by default it attempts to enforce a common standard on all microservice modules. See Myriad::Class for the details.

The calling package will be marked as an Object::Pad class, providing the "method" in Object::Pad, "has" in Object::Pad and async method keywords.

This also makes available a Log::Any instance in the $log package variable, and for OpenTracing::Any support you get $tracer as an OpenTracing::Tracer instance.

Custom language features

You can disable the language behaviour defaults by specifying :custom as an "import" parameter:

package Example::Service;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Myriad::Service qw(:custom);
use Log::Any qw($log);

This will only apply the Myriad::Service::Implementation parent class, and avoid any changes to syntax or other features.


Deriv Group Services Ltd.

See "CONTRIBUTORS" in Myriad for full details.


Copyright Deriv Group Services Ltd 2020-2021. Licensed under the same terms as Perl itself.