Strehler::Manual::ExtraEntityConfiguration - Configurable flags on extra entities
The behaviour of Strehler when it manages an extra entity can be highly customized just using standard Strehler flags. These flags will be listed here and explained.
There're two ways to assign a custom value to a flag related to an extra entity.
In the new entity class you can override methods that belong to Strehler::Element::Role::Configured to make them return flag value you want. For example:
sub updatable { return 0; }
will make your entity elements impossible to be modified, turning off the "Edit" button.
Standard implementation of configuration methods just try to read the flag from the config.yml or return a default value. So you can use Dancer2 configuration to change values.
auto: 1
class: My::Entity
deletable: 0
My_entity will not have delete button on its entries.
REMEMBER: Overriding configuration methods has always priority on config.yml configuration.
- visible
Put this flag to 0 to make an entity disappear from the top bar.
Warning: Category menu cannot be hidden
- auto
default: 1
Tell Strehler to use standard implementation for all the backend navigations. With auto = 0, paths like /admin/entity/list have to be implemented.
- exposed
default: 1
Data about the entity is automatically exposed through Strehler's APIs.
- plural
default: a label deriver from item_type using Lingua::EN::Inflect
Label that will be used to build API paths.
- label
default: ???
The label that will appear in the menu and in the entity pages.
- class
Mandatory in config.yml
Indicates the class that will manage the entity (a "Strehler::Element subclass").
- form
default: undef
Say the file with the form configuration for the CRUD of the entity. If no form is defined create/update functions will fail.
- multilang_form
default: undef
As for form flag, defines the file with multilang fields configuration. TO be used only if you have multilang fields.
- creatable
default: 1
Say if Strehler user can create an entry for the entity.
- updatable
default: 1
Say if Strehler user can modify an entry for the entity.
- deletable
default: 1
Say if Strehler user can delete an entry for the entity.
- categorized
default: 0
Say if entity can be categorized using Strehler categories. To be categorized, the entity must have a column CATEGORY (INTEGER) in its database table.
To add category selector to your form use Strehler::FormFu::Element::Category. Just add:
- type: "+Strehler::FormFu::Element::Category"
to your form. For tags use Strehler::FormFu::Element::Tags.
- type: "+Strehler::FormFu::Element::Tags"
- ordered
default: 0
Say if entity uses Strehler ordering feature. To use it, the entity must ave a column DISPLAY_ORDER (INTEGER) in its database table.
To add order field (with Next! button) to your form use Strehler::FormFu::Element::DisplayOrder
- type: "+Strehler::FormFu::Element::DisplayOrder"
- dated
default: 0
Say if entity uses Strehler publish date feature. To use it, the entity must ave a column PUBLISH_DATE (DATE) in its database table.
To add order field (with Next! button) to your form use Strehler::FormFu::Element::PublishDate
- type: "+Strehler::FormFu::Element::PublishDate"
- publishable
default: 0
Say if entity uses Strehler publish feature To use it, the entity must ave a column PUBLISHED (TINYINT) in its database table.
- auto_publish
default: 0
A publishable content appear already online at creation. Can be put offline.
- custom_list_template
default: undef
This method can be overriden to return path to a custom template that represent the line of an element in the list view. Writing it, consider that the element will be passed to it as the object el.
- allowed_role
default: ""
If role is equal to admin only admin user will see the entity.
These methods can only be overriden inside a subclass of Element to obtain a customization.
- data_fields
return undef
This method can be overriden to give back different fields from the database columns in get_basic_data function.
In a custom element make it return an array of strings.
WARNING: behaviour unpredictable if any string is not a database column or a custom function.
- multilang_data_fields
return undef
This method can be overriden to give back different fields from the database columns in get_ext_data function (it controls multilang fields).
In a custom element make it return an array of strings.
WARNING: behaviour unpredictable if any string is not a database column of the multilang table or a custom function.
- custom_add_snippet
return undef
This method can be overriden to return an HTML snippet that will be displayed on the side of the edit form of the element.
Strehler::Manual::ExtraEntityTutorial explains how to create a new entity and how configuration flags can be used.