App::hopen::Gen - Base class for hopen generators


The code that generates blueprints for specific build systems lives under App::hopen::Gen. App::hopen calls modules under App::hopen::Gen to create the blueprints. Those modules must implement the interface defined here.



(Required) A Path::Class::Dir instance specifying the root directory of the project.


(Required) A Path::Class::Dir instance specifying where the generated output (e.g., blueprint or other files) should be written.

_assets (Internal)

A Data::Hopen::G::DAG of App::hopen::G::AssetOp instances representing the App::Hopen::Assets to be created when a build is run.


A generator (App::hopen::Gen subclass) is a Visitor plus some.

Note: The generator does not have access to Data::Hopen::G::Link instances. That lack of access is the primary distinction between Ops and Links.


Called by an Op (App::hopen::G::Op subclass) to add an asset (App::hopen::G::AssetOp instance) to the build. Usage:

$Generator->asset([-asset=>]$asset, [-from=>]$from[, [-how=>]$how]);

If $how is specified, it will be saved in the AssetOp for use later. Later calls with the same asset and a defined $how will overwrite the how value in the AssetOp. Specify 'UNDEF' as the $how to expressly undefine a how.

Returns the AssetOp.


Add a dependency edge between two assets or goals. Any assets must have already been added using "asset". Usage:

$Generator->connect([-from=>]$from, [-to=>$to]);

TODO add missing assets automatically?

TODO rename the asset-graph public interface so it's more clear that it's the asset graph and not the command graph.


Read-only accessor for the default goal of the asset graph


Runs the build tool for which this generator has created blueprint files. Runs the tool with the destination directory as the current dir.





(Required) Returns the name of the App::hopen::G::AssetOp subclass that should be used to represent assets in the _assets graph.


(Required) Returns the package stem of the default toolset for this generator.

When a hopen file invokes use language "Foo", hopen will load App::hopen::T::<stem>::Foo. <stem> is the return value of this function unless the user has specified a different toolset.

As a sanity check, hopen will first try to load App::hopen::T::<stem>, so make sure that is a valid package.


(Optional) Do whatever the generator wants to do to finish up. By default, no-op. Is provided the Data::Hopen::G::DAG instance as a parameter. Usage:

$generator->finalize(-phase=>$Phase, -graph=>$Build,

$dag is the command graph, and $data is the output from the command graph.

finalize is always called with named parameters.


(Optional) Implementation of "run_build". The default does not die, but does warn().


Add a target corresponding to the name of the goal. Usage:

$Generator->visit_goal($node, $node_inputs);

This happens while the command graph is being run.

This can be overriden by a generator that wants to handle Data::Hopen::G::Goal nodes differently. For example, the generator may want to change the goal's outputs.


(Optional) Do whatever the generator wants to do with a Data::Hopen::G::Node that is not a Goal (see "visit_goal"). By default, no-op. Usage:
