KinoSearch::Docs::Tutorial - Step-by-step introduction to KinoSearch.
The KinoSearch code base has been assimilated by the Apache Lucy project. The "KinoSearch" namespace has been deprecated, but development continues under our new name at our new home:
Explore KinoSearch's basic functionality by starting with a minimalist CGI search app based on KSx::Simple and transforming it, step by step, into an "advanced search" interface utilizing more flexible core modules like KinoSearch::Index::Indexer and KinoSearch::Search::IndexSearcher.
KinoSearch::Docs::Tutorial::Simple - Build a bare-bones search app using KSx::Simple.
KinoSearch::Docs::Tutorial::BeyondSimple - Rebuild the app using core classes like Indexer and IndexSearcher in place of KSx::Simple.
KinoSearch::Docs::Tutorial::FieldType - Experiment with different field characteristics using subclasses of KinoSearch::Plan::FieldType.
KinoSearch::Docs::Tutorial::Analysis - Examine how the choice of KinoSearch::Analysis::Analyzer subclass affects search results.
KinoSearch::Docs::Tutorial::Highlighter - Augment search results with highlighted excerpts.
KinoSearch::Docs::Tutorial::QueryObjects - Unlock advanced search features by using Query objects instead of query strings.
Source materials
The source material used by the tutorial app -- a multi-text-file presentation of the United States constitution -- can be found in the sample
directory at the root of the KinoSearch distribution, along with finished indexing and search apps.
sample/ # indexing app
sample/search.cgi # search app
sample/us_constitution # corpus
The user is expected to be familiar with OO Perl and basic CGI programming.
The code in this tutorial assumes a Unix-flavored operating system and the Apache webserver, but will work with minor modifications on other setups.
More advanced and esoteric subjects are covered in KinoSearch::Docs::Cookbook.
Copyright 2005-2011 Marvin Humphrey
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.