Class::ReluctantORM::Manual::Monitors - Inspecting SQL Activity
One of the most frustrating tasks when working with an ORM in a production environment is tracing and optimizing the SQL that is generated. CRO eases this pain somewhat by providing monitors - objects that you can configure to watch for and report on the status of SQL generation. You can even abort a query if it exceeds certain parameters. CRO comes with a useful basic toolkit of 8 Monitors, to assist in tracing and optimizing queries. It's also easy to create new monitors of your own design, which can execute arbitrary Perl.
We'll first work with Class::ReluctantORM::Monitor::Dump, which simply dumps out various information to STDERR as queries execute.
use Class::ReluctantORM::Monitor::Dump;
# The 'all' flag says to dump everything, all the time
my $mon = Class::ReluctantORM::Monitor::Dump->new(all => 1);
# To monitor just queries on Ship objects:
Dump can also send its output to a log file of your choice, and you can also tone down the avalanche of output. See Class::ReluctantORM::Monitor::Dump.
Now run some queries. You'll see output like this:
# In code
# On STDERR, gobs of info
As a query makes its journey from SQL object to rendered SQL string, through execution, several events occur which a Monitor may choose to respond to. You can pass these as flags under the 'when' option to the Monitor's new().
- render_begin
Notifies the monitoring system that the driver has begun work to render the given SQL object.
- render_transform
Notifies the monitoring system that the driver has finished transforming the SQL object.
- render_finish
Notifies the monitoring system that the driver has finished rendering the SQL object.
- execute_begin
Notifies the monitoring system that the driver is about to perform a DBI execute.
- execute_finish
Notifies the monitoring system that the driver has returned from performing a DBI execute.
- fetch_row
Notifies the monitoring system that the driver has returned from performing a DBI fetchrow.
- finish
Notifies the monitoring system that the driver has finished the query (called $sth->finish).
- Dump
Dumps the query structures to the log.
- QueryCounter
Counts the number of statements executed.
- ColumnCounter
Counts the number of columns returned by a query.
- JoinCounter
Counts the number of JOINs in the query.
- QuerySize
Monitors the total size, in bytes, of the data returned by a query.
- RowCounter
Monitors the number of rows returned by the query.
- RowSize
Monitors the size, in bytes, of each individual row.
- Timer
Tracks execution time of each query.
To create a Monitor, simply inherit from Class::ReluctantORM. Then implement any of the notify_* methods you see fit.
Clinton Wolfe March 2010