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WebService::BitbucketServer::SSH::V1 - Bindings for a Bitbucket Server REST API


version 0.605


my $stash = WebService::BitbucketServer->new(
    base_url    => '',
    username    => 'bob',
    password    => 'secret',
my $api = $stash->ssh;


This is a Bitbucket Server REST API for SSH::V1.

Original API documentation created by and copyright Atlassian.



Get the instance of WebService::BitbucketServer passed to "new".



$api = WebService::BitbucketServer::SSH::V1->new(context => $webservice_bitbucketserver_obj);

Create a new API.

Normally you would use $webservice_bitbucketserver_obj->ssh instead.


Register a new SSH key and grants access to the repository identified in the URL.

POST keys/1.0/projects/{projectKey}/repos/{repositorySlug}/ssh


  • 200 - data, type: application/json

    The newly created access key

  • 400 - errors, type: application/json

    The current request contains invalid or missing values.

  • 401 - errors, type: application/json

    The currently authenticated user has insufficient permissions to add an access key to the repository

  • 404 - errors, type: application/json

    The specified repository does not exist


Retrieves the access keys for the repository identified in the URL.

GET keys/1.0/projects/{projectKey}/repos/{repositorySlug}/ssh


  • filter - string, default: none

    if specified only SSH access keys with a label prefixed with the supplied string will be returned

  • effective - boolean, default: false

    Controls whether SSH access keys configured at the project level should be included in the results or not. When set to true all keys that have access to the repository (including project level keys) are included in the results. When set to false, only access keys configured for the specified repository are considered. Default is false.

  • permission - string, default: none

    if specified only SSH access keys with at least the supplied permission will be returned Default is Permission.REPO_READ.


  • 200 - page, type: application/json

    A single page of access keys for the repository.

  • 401 - errors, type: application/json

    The currently authenticated user has insufficient permissions to retrieve the access keys for this repository

  • 404 - errors, type: application/json

    The specified repository does not exist


Retrieves the access keys for the repository identified in the URL.

GET keys/1.0/projects/{projectKey}/repos/{repositorySlug}/ssh/{keyId}


  • keyId - int, default: none

    the identifier of the SSH key


  • 200 - page, type: application/json

    A single page of access keys for the repository.

  • 401 - errors, type: application/json

    The currently authenticated user has insufficient permissions to retrieve the access keys for this repository

  • 404 - errors, type: application/json

    The specified repository does not exist


Remove an existing access key for the repository identified in the URL. If the same SSH key is used as an access key for multiple projects or repositories, only the access to the repository identified in the URL will be revoked.

DELETE keys/1.0/projects/{projectKey}/repos/{repositorySlug}/ssh/{keyId}


  • keyId - int, default: none

    the identifier of the SSH key


  • 401 - errors, type: application/json

    The currently authenticated user has insufficient permissions to remove access keys for this repository

  • 204 - data, type: application/json

    The access key was deleted (or none was found matching the given id).


Updates the permission granted to the specified SSH key to the project identified in the URL.

PUT keys/1.0/projects/{projectKey}/repos/{repositorySlug}/ssh/{keyId}/permission/{permission}


  • keyId - int, default: none

    the SSH key ID

  • permission - string, default: none

    the new permission to be granted to the SSH key


  • 200 - data, type: application/json

    The newly created access key

  • 401 - errors, type: application/json

    The currently authenticated user has insufficient permissions on the project to edit its access keys

  • 404 - errors, type: application/json

    The specified project does not exist


Register a new SSH key and grants access to the project identified in the URL.

POST keys/1.0/projects/{projectKey}/ssh


  • 200 - data, type: application/json

    The newly created access key

  • 400 - errors, type: application/json

    The current request contains invalid or missing values.

  • 401 - errors, type: application/json

    The currently authenticated user has insufficient permissions to add an access key to the project.

  • 404 - errors, type: application/json

    The specified project does not exist


Retrieves the access keys for the project identified in the URL.

GET keys/1.0/projects/{projectKey}/ssh


  • filter - string, default: none

    if specified only SSH access keys with a label prefixed with the supplied string will be returned

  • permission - string, default: none

    if specified only SSH access keys with at least the supplied permission will be returned Default is {@link Permission#PROJECT_READ}.


  • 200 - page, type: application/json

    A single page of access keys associated with the project.

  • 401 - errors, type: application/json

    The currently authenticated user has insufficient permissions to retrieve the access keys for this project

  • 404 - errors, type: application/json

    The specified project does not exist


Retrieves the access keys for the project identified in the URL.

GET keys/1.0/projects/{projectKey}/ssh/{keyId}


  • keyId - int, default: none

    the identifier of the SSH key


  • 200 - page, type: application/json

    A single page of access keys associated with the project.

  • 401 - errors, type: application/json

    The currently authenticated user has insufficient permissions to retrieve the access keys for this project

  • 404 - errors, type: application/json

    The specified project does not exist


Remove an existing access key for the project identified in the URL. If the same SSH key is used as an access key for multiple projects or repositories, only the access to the project identified in the URL will be revoked.

DELETE keys/1.0/projects/{projectKey}/ssh/{keyId}


  • keyId - int, default: none

    the identifier of the SSH key


  • 401 - errors, type: application/json

    The currently authenticated user has insufficient permissions to remove access keys for this project

  • 204 - data, type: application/json

    The access key was deleted (or none was found matching the given id).


Updates the permission granted to the specified SSH key to the project identified in the URL.

PUT keys/1.0/projects/{projectKey}/ssh/{keyId}/permission/{permission}


  • keyId - int, default: none

    the SSH key ID

  • permission - string, default: none

    the new permission to be granted to the SSH key


  • 200 - data, type: application/json

    The newly created access key

  • 401 - errors, type: application/json

    The currently authenticated user has insufficient permissions on the project to edit its access keys

  • 404 - errors, type: application/json

    The specified project does not exist


Remove an existing access key for the projects and repositories in the submitted entity. If the same SSH key is used as an access key for multiple projects or repositories not supplied, only the access to the projects or repositories identified will be revoked.

DELETE keys/1.0/ssh/{keyId}


  • keyId - int, default: none

    the identifier of the SSH key


  • 401 - errors, type: application/json

    The currently authenticated user has insufficient permissions to remove access keys for one or more of the specified projects or repositories

  • 204 - data, type: application/json

    The access keys were deleted (or none was found matching the given id and repositories or projects).

  • 404 - errors, type: application/json

    On or more of the specified repositories or projects does not exist or the key itself does not exist


Retrieves all project-related access keys for the SSH key with id keyId. If the current user is not an admin any of the projects the key provides access to, none are returned.

GET keys/1.0/ssh/{keyId}/projects


  • keyId - int, default: none


  • 200 - page, type: application/json

    the SSH key with ID keyId.

  • 404 - errors, type: application/json

    The specified key does not exist


Retrieves all repository-related access keys for the SSH key with id keyId. If the current user is not an admin of any of the projects the key provides access to, none are returned.

GET keys/1.0/ssh/{keyId}/repos


  • keyId - int, default: none


  • 200 - page, type: application/json

    the SSH key with ID keyId.

  • 404 - errors, type: application/json

    The specified key does not exist


Retrieve a page of ssh keys.

GET ssh/1.0/keys


  • user - string, default: none

    the username of the user to retrieve the keys for. If no username is specified, the ssh keys will be retrieved for the current authenticated user.


  • 200 - page, type: application/json

    A page of ssh keys.

  • 401 - errors, type: application/json

    The currently authenticated user has insufficient permissions to retrieve the ssh keys. This is only possible when a user is explicitly supplied.

  • 404 - errors, type: application/json

    No user matches the supplied user


Delete all ssh keys for a supplied user.

DELETE ssh/1.0/keys


  • user - string, default: none

    the username of the user to delete the keys for. If no username is specified, the ssh keys will be deleted for the current authenticated user.


  • 401 - errors, type: application/json

    The currently authenticated user has insufficient permissions to delete the ssh keys. This is only possible when a user is explicitly supplied.

  • 204 - data, type: unknown

    The ssh keys matching the supplied user were deleted.

  • 404 - errors, type: application/json

    No user matches the supplied user


Add a new ssh key to a supplied user.

POST ssh/1.0/keys


  • user - string, default: none

    the username of the user to add the ssh key for. If no username is specified, the ssh key will be added for the current authenticated user.


  • 201 - sshKey, type: application/json

    The newly created ssh key.

  • 400 - errors, type: application/json

    The ssh key was not created because the key was not a valid RSA/DSA/ECDSA/Ed25519 key of a supported length.

  • 401 - errors, type: application/json

    Either there is no authenticated user or the currently authenticated user has insufficient permissions to add an ssh key. The latter is only possible when a user is explicitly supplied.

  • 404 - errors, type: application/json

    No user matches the supplied user

  • 409 - errors, type: application/json

    The ssh key already exists on the system.


Delete an ssh key.

DELETE ssh/1.0/keys/{keyId}


  • keyId - int, default: none

    the id of the key to delete.


  • 401 - errors, type: application/json

    The currently authenticated user has insufficient permissions to delete the ssh key.

  • 204 - data, type: unknown

    The ssh key matching the supplied id was deleted or did not exist.


GET ssh/1.0/settings


  • 200 - data, type: application/json

    The ssh settings from upstream

  • 401 - errors, type: application/json

    The request was not authenticated



Please report any bugs or feature requests on the bugtracker website

When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a patch to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired feature.


Charles McGarvey <>


This software is copyright (c) 2018 by Charles McGarvey.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.