Git::Lint::Config - configuration for Git::Lint


use Git::Lint::Config;

my $config   = Git::Lint::Config->new();
my $profiles = $config->{profiles};


Git::Lint::Config defines and loads settings for Git::Lint.



Returns a reference to a new Git::Lint::Config object.



Reads, parses, and returns the user config settings from git config.


Configuration is done through git config files (~/.gitconfig or /repo/.git/config).

Only one profile, default, is defined internally. default contains all check modules by default.

The default profile can be overridden through git config files (~/.gitconfig or /repo/.git/config).

To set the default profile to only run the Whitespace commit check:

[lint "profiles.commit"]
    default = Whitespace

Or set the default profile to Whitespace and the fictional commit check, Flipdoozler:

[lint "profiles.commit"]
    default = Whitespace, Flipdoozler

Additional profiles can be added with a new name and list of checks to run.

[lint "profiles.commit"]
    default = Whitespace, Flipdoozler
    hardcore = Other, Module, Names

Message check profiles can also be defined.

[lint "profiles.message"]
    # override the default profile to only contain SummaryLength, SummaryEndingPeriod, and BlankLineAfterSummary
    default = SummaryLength, SummaryEndingPeriod, BlankLineAfterSummary
    # create a summary profile with specific modules
    summary = SummaryEndingPeriod, SummaryLength

An example configuration is provided in the examples directory of this project.