Bio::Tools::GFF - A Bio::SeqAnalysisParserI compliant GFF format parser
use Bio::Tool::GFF;
# specify input via -fh or -file
my $gffio = Bio::Tools::GFF->new(-fh => \*STDIN, -gff_version => 2);
my $feature;
# loop over the input stream
while($feature = $gffio->next_feature()) {
# do something with feature
# you can also obtain a GFF parser as a SeqAnalasisParserI in
# HT analysis pipelines (see Bio::SeqAnalysisParserI and
# Bio::Factory::SeqAnalysisParserFactory)
my $factory = Bio::Factory::SeqAnalysisParserFactory->new();
my $parser = $factory->get_parser(-input => \*STDIN, -method => "gff");
while($feature = $parser->next_feature()) {
# do something with feature
This class provides a simple GFF parser and writer. In the sense of a SeqAnalysisParser, it parses an input file or stream into SeqFeatureI objects, but is not in any way specific to a particular analysis program and the output that program produces.
That is, if you can get your analysis program spit out GFF, here is your result parser.
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AUTHOR - Matthew Pocock
The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods. Internal methods are usually preceded with a _
Title : new
Usage :
Function: Creates a new instance. Recognized named parameters are -file, -fh,
and -gff_version.
Returns : a new object
Args : names parameters
Title : next_feature
Usage : $seqfeature = $gffio->next_feature();
Function: Returns the next feature available in the input file or stream, or
undef if there are no more features.
Example :
Returns : A Bio::SeqFeatureI implementing object, or undef if there are no
more features.
Args : none
Title : from_gff_string
Usage : $gff->from_gff_string($feature, $gff_string);
Function: Sets properties of a SeqFeatureI object from a GFF-formatted
string. Interpretation of the string depends on the version
that has been specified at initialization.
This method is used by next_feature(). It actually dispatches to
one of the version-specific (private) methods.
Example :
Returns : void
Args : A Bio::SeqFeatureI implementing object to be initialized
The GFF-formatted string to initialize it from
Title : _from_gff1_string
Usage :
Example :
Returns : void
Args : A Bio::SeqFeatureI implementing object to be initialized
The GFF-formatted string to initialize it from
Title : _from_gff2_string
Usage :
Example :
Returns : void
Args : A Bio::SeqFeatureI implementing object to be initialized
The GFF2-formatted string to initialize it from
Title : write_feature
Usage : $gffio->write_feature($feature);
Function: Writes the specified SeqFeatureI object in GFF format to the stream
associated with this instance.
Example :
Returns :
Args : A Bio::SeqFeatureI implementing object to be serialized
Title : gff_string
Usage : $gffstr = $gffio->gff_string($feature);
Function: Obtain the GFF-formatted representation of a SeqFeatureI object.
The formatting depends on the version specified at initialization.
This method is used by write_feature(). It actually dispatches to
one of the version-specific (private) methods.
Example :
Returns : A GFF-formatted string representation of the SeqFeature
Args : A Bio::SeqFeatureI implementing object to be GFF-stringified
Title : _gff1_string
Usage : $gffstr = $gffio->_gff1_string
Example :
Returns : A GFF1-formatted string representation of the SeqFeature
Args : A Bio::SeqFeatureI implementing object to be GFF-stringified
Title : _gff2_string
Usage : $gffstr = $gffio->_gff2_string
Example :
Returns : A GFF2-formatted string representation of the SeqFeature
Args : A Bio::SeqFeatureI implementing object to be GFF2-stringified
Title : _gff_version
Usage : $gffversion = $gffio->gff_version
Example :
Returns : The GFF version this parser will accept and emit.
Args : none