Amazon::S3 - A portable client library for working with and managing Amazon S3 buckets and keys.


use warnings;
use strict;

use Amazon::S3;


my $aws_access_key_id     = "Fill me in!";
my $aws_secret_access_key = "Fill me in too!";

my $s3 = Amazon::S3->new(
    {   aws_access_key_id     => $aws_access_key_id,
        aws_secret_access_key => $aws_secret_access_key,
        retry                 => 1

my $response = $s3->buckets;

# create a bucket
my $bucket_name = $aws_access_key_id . '-net-amazon-s3-test';
my $bucket = $s3->add_bucket( { bucket => $bucket_name } )
    or die $s3->err . ": " . $s3->errstr;

# store a key with a content-type and some optional metadata
my $keyname = 'testing.txt';
my $value   = 'T';
    $keyname, $value,
    {   content_type        => 'text/plain',
        'x-amz-meta-colour' => 'orange',

# list keys in the bucket
$response = $bucket->list
    or die $s3->err . ": " . $s3->errstr;
print $response->{bucket}."\n";
for my $key (@{ $response->{keys} }) {
      print "\t".$key->{key}."\n";  

# delete key from bucket

# delete bucket


Amazon::S3 provides a portable client interface to Amazon Simple Storage System (S3).

This module is rather dated. For a much more robust and modern implementation of an S3 interface try Net::Amazon::S3. Amazon::S3 ostensibly was intended to be a drop-in replacement for Net:Amazon::S3 that "traded some performance in return for portability". That statement is no longer accurate as Net::Amazon::S3 implements much more of the S3 API and may have changed the interface in ways that might break your applications. However, Net::Amazon::S3 is today dependent on Moose which may in fact level the playing field in terms of performance penalties that may have been introduced by Amazon::S3. YMMV, however, this module may still appeal to some that favor simplicity of the interface and a lower number of dependencies. Below is the original description of the module.

    Amazon S3 is storage for the Internet. It is designed to make web-scale computing easier for developers. Amazon S3 provides a simple web services interface that can be used to store and retrieve any amount of data, at any time, from anywhere on the web. It gives any developer access to the same highly scalable, reliable, fast, inexpensive data storage infrastructure that Amazon uses to run its own global network of web sites. The service aims to maximize benefits of scale and to pass those benefits on to developers.

    To sign up for an Amazon Web Services account, required to use this library and the S3 service, please visit the Amazon Web Services web site at

    You will be billed accordingly by Amazon when you use this module and must be responsible for these costs.

    To learn more about Amazon's S3 service, please visit:

    The need for this module arose from some work that needed to work with S3 and would be distributed, installed and used on many various environments where compiled dependencies may not be an option. Net::Amazon::S3 used XML::LibXML tying it to that specific and often difficult to install option. In order to remove this potential barrier to entry, this module is forked and then modified to use XML::SAX via XML::Simple.


As noted this module is no longer a drop-in replacement for Net::Amazon::S3 and has limitations that may make the use of this module in your applications questionable. The list of limitations below may not be complete.

  • API Signing

    Making calls to AWS APIs requires that the calls be signed. Amazon has added a new signing method (Signature Version 4) to increase security around their APIs. This module continues to use the original signing method (Signature Version 2).

    New regions after January 30, 2014 will only support Signature Version 4.

    There has been some effort to add support of Signature Version 4 however several method in this package may need significant refactoring and testing in order to support the new sigining method.

    Signature Version 2

    Signature Version 4

  • New APIs

    This module does not support the myriad of new API method calls available for S3 since its original creation.

  • Multipart Upload Support

    While there are undocumented methods for multipart uploads (used for files >5Gb), those methods have not been tested and may not in fact work today.

    For more information regarding multipart uploads visit the link below.



Create a new S3 client object. Takes some arguments:

credentials (optional)

Reference to a class (like Amazon::Credentials) that can provide credentials via the methods:


If you do not provide a credential class you must provide the keys when you instantiate the object. See below.

You are strongly encourage to use a class that provides getters. If you choose to provide your credentials to this class then they will be stored in this object. If you dump the class you will likely expose those credentials.


Use your Access Key ID as the value of the AWSAccessKeyId parameter in requests you send to Amazon Web Services (when required). Your Access Key ID identifies you as the party responsible for the request.


Since your Access Key ID is not encrypted in requests to AWS, it could be discovered and used by anyone. Services that are not free require you to provide additional information, a request signature, to verify that a request containing your unique Access Key ID could only have come from you.


Consider using a credential class as described above to provide credentials, otherwise this class will store your credentials for signing the requests. If you dump this object to logs your credentials could be discovered.


An optional temporary token that will be inserted in the request along with your access and secret key. A token is used in conjunction with temporary credentials when your EC2 instance has assumed a role and you've scraped the temporary credentials from


Set this to a true value if you want to use SSL-encrypted connections when connecting to S3. Starting in version 0.49, the default is true.

default: true


Defines the time, in seconds, your script should wait or a response before bailing.

default: 30s


Enables or disables the library to retry upon errors. This uses exponential backoff with retries after 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 seconds, as recommended by Amazon.

default: off


Defines the S3 host endpoint to use.


Note that requests are made to domain buckets when possible. You can prevent that behavior if either the bucket name does conform to DNS bucket naming conventions or you preface the bucket name with '/'.

If you set a region then the host name will be modified accordingly if it is an Amazon endpoint.


The AWS region you where your bucket is located.

default: no region


The default buffer size when reading or writing files.

default: 4096


Returns undef on error, else HASHREF of results:


The owner's ID of the buckets owner.


The name of the owner account.


Any ARRAYREF of Amazon::SimpleDB::Bucket objects for the account.


Takes a HASHREF:


The name of the bucket you want to add

acl_short (optional)

See the set_acl subroutine for documenation on the acl_short options

Returns 0 on failure or a Amazon::S3::Bucket object on success

bucket BUCKET

Takes a scalar argument, the name of the bucket you're creating

Returns an (unverified) bucket object from an account. This method does not access the network.


Takes either a Amazon::S3::Bucket object or a HASHREF containing


The name of the bucket to remove

Returns false (and fails) if the bucket isn't empty.

Returns true if the bucket is successfully deleted.


Set or get a boolean that indicates whether to use DNS bucket names.

default: true

list_bucket, list_bucket_v2

List all keys in this bucket.

Takes a HASHREF of arguments:


REQUIRED. The name of the bucket you want to list keys on.


Restricts the response to only contain results that begin with the specified prefix. If you omit this optional argument, the value of prefix for your query will be the empty string. In other words, the results will be not be restricted by prefix.


If this optional, Unicode string parameter is included with your request, then keys that contain the same string between the prefix and the first occurrence of the delimiter will be rolled up into a single result element in the CommonPrefixes collection. These rolled-up keys are not returned elsewhere in the response. For example, with prefix="USA/" and delimiter="/", the matching keys "USA/Oregon/Salem" and "USA/Oregon/Portland" would be summarized in the response as a single "USA/Oregon" element in the CommonPrefixes collection. If an otherwise matching key does not contain the delimiter after the prefix, it appears in the Contents collection.

Each element in the CommonPrefixes collection counts as one against the MaxKeys limit. The rolled-up keys represented by each CommonPrefixes element do not. If the Delimiter parameter is not present in your request, keys in the result set will not be rolled-up and neither the CommonPrefixes collection nor the NextMarker element will be present in the response.

NOTE: CommonPrefixes isn't currently supported by Amazon::S3.


This optional argument limits the number of results returned in response to your query. Amazon S3 will return no more than this number of results, but possibly less. Even if max-keys is not specified, Amazon S3 will limit the number of results in the response. Check the IsTruncated flag to see if your results are incomplete. If so, use the Marker parameter to request the next page of results. For the purpose of counting max-keys, a 'result' is either a key in the 'Contents' collection, or a delimited prefix in the 'CommonPrefixes' collection. So for delimiter requests, max-keys limits the total number of list results, not just the number of keys.


This optional parameter enables pagination of large result sets. marker specifies where in the result set to resume listing. It restricts the response to only contain results that occur alphabetically after the value of marker. To retrieve the next page of results, use the last key from the current page of results as the marker in your next request.

See also next_marker, below.

If marker is omitted,the first page of results is returned.

Returns undef on error and a HASHREF of data on success:

The HASHREF looks like this:

      bucket       => $bucket_name,
      prefix       => $bucket_prefix, 
      marker       => $bucket_marker, 
      next_marker  => $bucket_next_available_marker,
      max_keys     => $bucket_max_keys,
      is_truncated => $bucket_is_truncated_boolean
      keys          => [$key1,$key2,...]

Explanation of bits of that:


B flag that indicates whether or not all results of your query were returned in this response. If your results were truncated, you can make a follow-up paginated request using the Marker parameter to retrieve the rest of the results.


A convenience element, useful when paginating with delimiters. The value of next_marker, if present, is the largest (alphabetically) of all key names and all CommonPrefixes prefixes in the response. If the is_truncated flag is set, request the next page of results by setting marker to the value of next_marker. This element is only present in the response if the delimiter parameter was sent with the request.

Each key is a HASHREF that looks like this:

    key           => $key,
    last_modified => $last_mod_date,
    etag          => $etag, # An MD5 sum of the stored content.
    size          => $size, # Bytes
    storage_class => $storage_class # Doc?
    owner_id      => $owner_id,
    owner_displayname => $owner_name


Returns the logger object. If you did not set a logger when you created the object then the an instance of Amazon::S3::Logger is returned. You can log to STDERR using this logger. For example:

$s3->get_logger->debug('this is a debug message');

$s3->get_logger->trace(sub { return Dumper([$response]) });

list_bucket_all, list_bucket_all_v2

List all keys in this bucket without having to worry about 'marker'. This is a convenience method, but may make multiple requests to S3 under the hood.

Takes the same arguments as list_bucket.

You are encouraged to use the newer list_bucket_all_v2 method.


Returns the last HTTP::Response object.


Returns the last HTTP::Request object.


Set the logging level.

default: error


This module contains code modified from Amazon that contains the following notice:

#  This software code is made available "AS IS" without warranties of any
#  kind.  You may copy, display, modify and redistribute the software
#  code either by itself or as incorporated into your code; provided that
#  you do not remove any proprietary notices.  Your use of this software
#  code is at your own risk and you waive any claim against Amazon
#  Digital Services, Inc. or its affiliates with respect to your use of
#  this software code. (c) 2006 Amazon Digital Services, Inc. or its
#  affiliates.


Testing S3 is a tricky thing. Amazon wants to charge you a bit of money each time you use their service. And yes, testing counts as using. Because of this, the application's test suite skips anything approaching a real test unless you set these environment variables:


Doesn't matter what you set it to. Just has to be set


Sets the host to use for the API service.


Note that if this value is set, DNS bucket name usage will be disabled for testing. Most likely, if you set this variable, you are using a mocking service and your bucket names are probably not resolvable. You can override this behavior by setting AWS_S3_DNS_BUCKET_NAMES to any value.


Set this to any value to override the default behavior of disabling DNS bucket names during testing.


Your AWS access key


Your AWS sekkr1t passkey. Be forewarned that setting this environment variable on a shared system might leak that information to another user. Be careful.


Doesn't matter what you set it to. Just has to be set if you want to skip ACLs tests.


Doesn't matter what you set it to. Just has to be set if you want to skip region constraint test.


Doesn't matter what you set it to. Just has to be set if you want to skip tests that would fail on minio.


Doesn't matter what you set it to. Just has to be set if you want to skip tests that would fail on LocalStack.


A comma delimited list of regions to use for testing. The default will only test creating a bucket in the local region.

Consider using an S3 mocking service like minio or LocalStack if you want to create real tests for your applications or this module.



Additional debugging information can be output to STDERR by setting the level option when you instantiate the Amazon::S3 object. Levels are represented as a string. The valid levels are:


You can set an optionally pass in a logger that implements a subset of the Log::Log4perl interface. Your logger should support at least these method calls. If you do not supply a logger the default logger (Amazon::S3::Logger) will be used.


At the trace level, every HTTP request and response will be output to STDERR. At the debug level information regarding the higher level methods will be output to STDERR. There currently is no additional information logged at lower levels.

Bucket restrictions and limitations
Bucket naming rules
Amazon S3 REST API
Authenticating Requests (AWS Signature Version 4)
Authenticating Requests (AWS Signature Version 2)


Bugs should be reported via the CPAN bug tracker at


For other issues, contact the author.


Original author: Timothy Appnel <>

Current maintainer: Rob Lauer <>


Amazon::S3::Bucket, Net::Amazon::S3


This module was initially based on Net::Amazon::S3 0.41, by Leon Brocard. Net::Amazon::S3 was based on example code from Amazon with this notice:

This software code is made available "AS IS" without warranties of any kind. You may copy, display, modify and redistribute the software code either by itself or as incorporated into your code; provided that you do not remove any proprietary notices. Your use of this software code is at your own risk and you waive any claim against Amazon Digital Services, Inc. or its affiliates with respect to your use of this software code. (c) 2006 Amazon Digital Services, Inc. or its affiliates.

The software is released under the Artistic License. The terms of the Artistic License are described at Except where otherwise noted, Amazon::S3 is Copyright 2008, Timothy Appnel, All rights reserved.