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Venus::Meta - Class Metadata


Class Metadata for Perl 5


package Person;

use Venus::Class;

attr 'fname';
attr 'lname';

package Identity;

use Venus::Role;

attr 'id';
attr 'login';
attr 'password';

sub EXPORT {
  # explicitly declare routines to be consumed
  ['id', 'login', 'password']

package Authenticable;

use Venus::Role;

sub authenticate {
  return true;

sub AUDIT {
  my ($self, $from) = @_;
  # ensure the caller has a login and password when consumed
  die "${from} missing the login attribute" if !$from->can('login');
  die "${from} missing the password attribute" if !$from->can('password');

sub EXPORT {
  # explicitly declare routines to be consumed

package Novice;

use Venus::Mixin;

sub points {

package User;

use Venus::Class 'attr', 'base', 'mixin', 'test', 'with';

base 'Person';

with 'Identity';

mixin 'Novice';

attr 'email';

test 'Authenticable';

sub valid {
  my ($self) = @_;
  return $self->login && $self->password ? true : false;

package main;

my $user = User->new(
  fname => 'Elliot',
  lname => 'Alderson',

my $meta = $user->meta;

# bless({name => 'User'}, 'Venus::Meta')


This package provides configuration information for Venus derived classes, roles, and interfaces.


This package provides the following methods:


attr(string $name) (boolean)

The attr method returns true or false if the package referenced has the attribute accessor named.

Since 1.00

attr example 1
# given: synopsis

package main;

my $attr = $meta->attr('email');

# 1
attr example 2
# given: synopsis

package main;

my $attr = $meta->attr('username');

# 0


attrs() (arrayref)

The attrs method returns all of the attributes composed into the package referenced.

Since 1.00

attrs example 1
# given: synopsis

package main;

my $attrs = $meta->attrs;

# [
#   'email',
#   'fname',
#   'id',
#   'lname',
#   'login',
#   'password',
# ]


base(string $name) (boolean)

The base method returns true or false if the package referenced has inherited the package named.

Since 1.00

base example 1
# given: synopsis

package main;

my $base = $meta->base('Person');

# 1
base example 2
# given: synopsis

package main;

my $base = $meta->base('Student');

# 0


bases() (arrayref)

The bases method returns returns all of the packages inherited by the package referenced.

Since 1.00

bases example 1
# given: synopsis

package main;

my $bases = $meta->bases;

# [
#   'Person',
#   'Venus::Core::Class',
#   'Venus::Core',
# ]


data() (hashref)

The data method returns a data structure representing the shallow configuration for the package referenced.

Since 1.00

data example 1
# given: synopsis

package main;

my $data = $meta->data;

# {
#   'ATTR' => {
#     'email' => [
#       'email'
#     ]
#   },
#   'BASE' => {
#     'Person' => [
#       'Person'
#     ]
#   },
#   'ROLE' => {
#     'Authenticable' => [
#       'Authenticable'
#     ],
#     'Identity' => [
#       'Identity'
#     ]
#   }
# }


emit(string $name, any @args) (any)

The emit method invokes the lifecycle hook specified on the underlying package and returns the result.

Since 2.91

emit example 1
# given: synopsis

package main;

my $result = $meta->emit('attr', 'mname');

# "User"


find(string $type, string $name) (tuple[string,tuple[number,arrayref]])

The find method finds and returns the first configuration for the property type specified. This method uses the "search" method to search roles, bases, mixins, and the source package, in the order listed. The "property type" can be any one of attr, base, mixin, or role.

Since 1.02

find example 1
# given: synopsis

package main;

my $find = $meta->find;

# ()
find example 2
# given: synopsis

package main;

my $find = $meta->find('attr', 'id');

# ['Identity', [ 1, ['id']]]
find example 3
# given: synopsis

package main;

my $find = $meta->find('sub', 'valid');

# ['User', [1, [sub {...}]]]
find example 4
# given: synopsis

package main;

my $find = $meta->find('sub', 'authenticate');

# ['Authenticable', [1, [sub {...}]]]


local(string $type) (arrayref)

The local method returns the names of properties defined in the package directly (not inherited) for the property type specified. The $type provided can be either attrs, bases, roles, or subs.

Since 1.02

local example 1
# given: synopsis

package main;

my $attrs = $meta->local('attrs');

# ['email']
local example 2
# given: synopsis

package main;

my $bases = $meta->local('bases');

# ['Person', 'Venus::Core::Class']
local example 3
# given: synopsis

package main;

my $roles = $meta->local('roles');

# ['Identity', 'Authenticable']
local example 4
# given: synopsis

package main;

my $subs = $meta->local('subs');

# [
#   'attr',
#   'authenticate',
#   'base',
#   'email',
#   'false',
#   'id',
#   'login',
#   'password',
#   'test',
#   'true',
#   'valid',
#   'with',
# ]


mixin(string $name) (boolean)

The mixin method returns true or false if the package referenced has consumed the mixin named.

Since 1.02

mixin example 1
# given: synopsis

package main;

my $mixin = $meta->mixin('Novice');

# 1
mixin example 2
# given: synopsis

package main;

my $mixin = $meta->mixin('Intermediate');

# 0


mixins() (arrayref)

The mixins method returns all of the mixins composed into the package referenced.

Since 1.02

mixins example 1
# given: synopsis

package main;

my $mixins = $meta->mixins;

# [
#   'Novice',
# ]


new(any %args | hashref $args) (object)

The new method returns a new instance of this package.

Since 1.00

new example 1
# given: synopsis

package main;

$meta = Venus::Meta->new(name => 'User');

# bless({name => 'User'}, 'Venus::Meta')
new example 2
# given: synopsis

package main;

$meta = Venus::Meta->new({name => 'User'});

# bless({name => 'User'}, 'Venus::Meta')


role(string $name) (boolean)

The role method returns true or false if the package referenced has consumed the role named.

Since 1.00

role example 1
# given: synopsis

package main;

my $role = $meta->role('Identity');

# 1
role example 2
# given: synopsis

package main;

my $role = $meta->role('Builder');

# 0


roles() (arrayref)

The roles method returns all of the roles composed into the package referenced.

Since 1.00

roles example 1
# given: synopsis

package main;

my $roles = $meta->roles;

# [
#   'Identity',
#   'Authenticable'
# ]
search(string $from, string $type, string $name) (within[arrayref, tuple[string,tuple[number,arrayref]]])

The search method searches the source specified and returns the configurations for the property type specified. The source can be any one of bases, roles, mixins, or self for the source package. The "property type" can be any one of attr, base, mixin, or role.

Since 1.02

search example 1
# given: synopsis

package main;

my $search = $meta->search;

# ()
search example 2
# given: synopsis

package main;

my $search = $meta->search('roles', 'attr', 'id');

# [['Identity', [ 1, ['id']]]]
search example 3
# given: synopsis

package main;

my $search = $meta->search('self', 'sub', 'valid');

# [['User', [1, [sub {...}]]]]
search example 4
# given: synopsis

package main;

my $search = $meta->search('self', 'sub', 'authenticate');

# [['User', [1, [sub {...}]]]]


sub(string $name) (boolean)

The sub method returns true or false if the package referenced has the subroutine named on the package directly, or any of its superclasses.

Since 1.00

sub example 1
# given: synopsis

package main;

my $sub = $meta->sub('authenticate');

# 1
sub example 2
# given: synopsis

package main;

my $sub = $meta->sub('authorize');

# 0


subs() (arrayref)

The subs method returns all of the subroutines composed into the package referenced.

Since 1.00

subs example 1
# given: synopsis

package main;

my $subs = $meta->subs;

# [
#   'attr', ...,
#   'base',
#   'email',
#   'false',
#   'fname', ...,
#   'id',
#   'lname',
#   'login',
#   'new', ...,
#   'role',
#   'test',
#   'true',
#   'with', ...,
# ]




Copyright (C) 2022, Awncorp,

This program is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Apache license version 2.0.