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Bot::Cobalt::Plugin::Rehash - Rehash config or langs on-the-fly
Rehash 'cobalt.conf':
!rehash core
Rehash 'channels.conf':
!rehash channels
Rehash 'plugins.conf' and plugin-specific configs:
!rehash plugins
All of the above:
!rehash all
Load a different language set:
!rehash langset ebonics
!rehash langset english
Reloads configuration files or language sets on the fly.
Few guarantees regarding consequences are made as of this writing; playing with core configuration options might not necessarily always do what you expect. (Feel free to report as bugs via either RT or e-mail, of course.)
Note that plugin-specific configs will be reloaded when the 'plugins' target is. This is new behavior as of Bot-Cobalt-0.013.
Every rehash triggers a Bot_rehashed event, informing the plugin pipeline of the newly reloaded configuration values.
The first event argument is the type of rehash that was performed; it will be one of core, channels, langset, or plugins.
Jon Portnoy <avenj@cobaltirc.org>