PEF::Front::Config - how to configure PEF::Front to suit your needs
PEF::Front::Config handles configuration of your apps. The documentation for this module aims to describe how to change settings, and which settings are available.
Subroutine names in your configuration module *::AppFrontConfig define configuration parameters. This module has to be loaded first on startup. PEF::Front has many sensible defaults but you have to provide some data.
package MyApp::AppFrontConfig;
sub cfg_db_user { "user" }
sub cfg_db_password { "mypassword" }
sub cfg_db_name { "mydb" }
In these subroutines you can return some constants or load them from some source.
You can define your own subroutines and export them to your handlers. PEF::Front::Config has some limited functionality of Exporter.
package MyApp::AppFrontConfig;
our @EXPORT = qw(avatar_images_path);
sub avatar_images_path { cfg_www_static_dir() .'/images/avatars' }
# somewhere in handlers
package MyApp::Local::Avatar;
use PEF::Front::Config;
sub upload {
my ($req, $ctx) = @_;
my $upload_path = avatar_images_path();
# ...
It works a little-bit non-trivial: PEF::Front reads parameters from MyApp::AppFrontConfig, determines the whole configuration and re-export it into MyApp::AppFrontConfig. This way you can use automatically calculated configuration data in your configuration subroutines.
PEF::Front::Config::cfg( $config_key
) returns configuration value for the given $config_key
if it doesn't require parameter.
- cfg_app_namespace
Application modules namespace. By default it's calculated from full name of your *::AppFrontConfig module. But probably you can change it for some unknown reason.
- cfg_cache_file
Full path to cache file. Default is
cfg_project_dir() . "/var/cache/shared.cache"
- cfg_cache_method_expire
Default expire time for cached responses. By default it's equal to 60 [seconds].
- cfg_cache_size
Cache size. Default is equal to "8m" = 8 Megabytes.
- cfg_captcha_db
Sets the directory to hold the database that will be used to store the current non-expired valid captcha tokens. Default is
cfg_project_dir() . "/var/captcha-db"
- cfg_captcha_expire_sec
Sets the number of seconds this captcha will remain valid. Default is 300.
- cfg_captcha_font
The absolute path to your TrueType (.ttf) font file. Be aware that relative font paths are not recognized due to problems in the libgd library. Default is "giant" - not a good font, you would better change it.
- cfg_captcha_image_class
Allows to inject user's captcha image generation class. Default is "PEF::Front::SecureCaptcha" which is really not very pretty but works. Captcha image generation class have to implement only one method:
generate_image( width => $width, height => $height, size => $size, str => $str, code => $sha1, out_folder => $cfg_www_static_captchas_dir, font => cfg_captcha_font(), %$image_init, )
Where $image_init is optional hash reference from cfg_captcha_image_init parameter.
- cfg_captcha_image_init
Optional hash reference of extra values for captcha's generate_image method.
- cfg_captcha_secret
Salt for secure captcha's code generation. Default is cfg_app_namespace.
- cfg_captcha_symbols
Array of symbols for captcha's code.
- cfg_collect_unknown_msgid
Boolean value whether to collect or not not translated localized phrases. You can translate these collected phrases later.
Cookie-unset sets expiration time of the cookie in the past. This parameter says how much in the past. Default is -3600 seconds - 1 hour.
- cfg_db_name
Default full DSN or PostgreSQL's database name. Default is "pef" which is pretty useless. Here "pef" really means "dbi:Pg:dbname=pef".
- cfg_db_password
Default password for DB user.
- cfg_db_reconnect_trys
How many times it tries to reconnect with 1 second pauses in case some DB connection failure. During this time all queries will be waiting for connection. They will fail after final failure or continue to work as if nothing happened if connection finally comes back.
- cfg_db_user
Default DB user name.
- cfg_default_lang
Default localization language when guessing from HTTP headers or Geo IP doesn't help.
- cfg_handle_static
Boolean value whether your application handle static content or not. Default is false - it is better served by some fast server like Nginx.
- cfg_in_filter_dir
Directory of input parameter filter modules. It's better not to change, use it as read-only value. Changing this value you can break framework. Default is "$app_project_dir/InFilter".
- cfg_location_error
Redirect for location errors (404). Default is "/appError?msgid=Internal\%20Error".
- cfg_log_level_debug
Boolean value whether debug logging is on. Default is false.
- cfg_log_level_error
Boolean value whether error logging is on. Default is true.
- cfg_log_level_info
Boolean value whether informational logging is on. Default is true.
- cfg_model_dir
Directory of model description YAML-files. Default is cfg_project_dir() . "/model".
- cfg_model_local_dir
Directory of "local" model handlers modules. Do not change it. Default is "$app_project_dir/Local".
- cfg_no_multilang_support
Boolean value whether application supports multilanguage. Default is true.
- cfg_no_nls
Boolean value whether application localization is off. Default is false. Localization can work without multilanguage support.
- cfg_oauth_connect_timeout
Timeout for operations with Oauth2-providers. Default is 15 seconds.
- cfg_out_filter_dir
Directory of response output filter modules. It's better not to change, use it as read-only value. Changing this value you can break framework. Default is "$app_project_dir/OutFilter".
- cfg_project_dir
Root directory of your application. It is guessed by default from path to your startup file.
- cfg_session_db_file
Sets database file that will be used to store the user session data. Default is cfg_project_dir() . "/var/cache/session.db".
- cfg_session_request_field
Sets session identifier field from cookies or form data. Session data can be automatically loaded during request validation. Default is "auth".
- cfg_session_ttl
Time to live for session data. Default is 30 days.
- cfg_template_cache
Sets directory for compiled templates. Default is cfg_project_dir() . "/var/tt_cache".
- cfg_template_dir_contains_lang
Boolean value whether templates for different languages are in their own directories. Default is false.
- cfg_unknown_msgid_db
Sets database file for not translated localized messages. You can export these phrases into POT file and translate them later. Default is cfg_project_dir() . "/var/cache/unknown-msgid.db".
- cfg_upload_dir
Root directory for uploaded files. Default is cfg_project_dir() . "/var/upload".
- cfg_url_contains_lang
Boolean value whether URI path is prefixed with short language name like /en/, /de/, etc. Default is false.
- cfg_www_static_captchas_dir
Directory for generated captcha images. Default is cfg_project_dir() . "/www-static/captchas".
- cfg_www_static_captchas_path
URI path for generated captcha images. Default is deducted cfg_www_static_dir from cfg_www_static_captchas_dir.
- cfg_www_static_dir
Directory of static content that is usually served directly by web-server.
- cfg_context_post_hook($context)
This function is called when request context is already made up but handler is not called yet.
- cfg_logger($request)
This method should return subroutine that accept ({level => "warn", message => $message}) and writes log message. By default this function returns
$request->{env}{'psgix.logger'} || sub {$request->{env}{'psgi.errors'}->print($_[0]->{message});}
- cfg_model_rpc($method)
This function calls "remote" model methods.
- cfg_oauth_client_id($service)
client id
of your application for given $service. Default is 'anonymous'. - cfg_oauth_client_secret($service)
client secret
of your application for given $service. Default is 'anonymous_secret'. - cfg_oauth_scopes($service)
Returns scopes for given $service. Default is quite sensible for all supported services to obtain user info.
- cfg_parse_extra_params($src, $params, $form)
Parses extra parameters from request's path.
By default if
is on of 'app', 'get' then it splits path by '/' and tries to split every part into pair divided by '-'. Left part is parameter name and right part is value. If it was not possible to split by '-' then first parameter is namedcookie
and rest isget_param_$i
with increasing from 1$i
. - cfg_template_dir($request, $lang)
Returns one or more directories with templates. Default is cfg_project_dir() . "/templates" or cfg_project_dir() . "/templates/$lang" depending on cfg_template_dir_contains_lang.
This module was written and is maintained by Anton Petrusevich.
Copyright and License
Copyright (c) 2016 Anton Petrusevich. Some Rights Reserved.
This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.