Git::Raw::Diff - Git diff class


version 0.25


A Git::Raw::Diff represents the diff between two entities.

WARNING: The API of this module is unstable and may change without warning (any change will be appropriately documented in the changelog).


merge( $from )

Merge the given diff with the Git::Raw::Diff $from.

patch( $callback )

Generate text output from the diff object. The $callback will be called for each line of the diff with two arguments: the first one represents the type of the patch line ("ctx" for context lines, "add" for additions, "del" for deletions, "file" for file headers, "hunk" for hunk headers or "bin" for binary data) and the second argument contains the content of the patch line.

compact( $callback )

Generate compact text output from a diff object. Differently from patch(), this function only passes the names and statuses of changed files to the callback.


Alessandro Ghedini <>


Copyright 2012 Alessandro Ghedini.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.

See for more information.