SQL::Entity - Entity sql abstraction layer.
use SQL::Entity;
my $entity = SQL::Entity->new(
id => 'emp',
name => 'emp',
unique_expression => 'rowid',
columns => {
emp_name => sql_column(name => 'ename'),
emp_no => sql_column(name => 'empno'),
my($sql_text, $bind_variables) = $entity->query(
sql_cond('emp_no', '>', '20')
->and(sql_cond('emp_name', 'NOT LIKE', 'HO%'))
# select from database
.... do some stuff
my ($sql_text, $bind_variables) = $entity->insert(
emp_no => '0',
emp_name => 'Smith',
# insert row/s
... do some stuff
my ($sql_text, $bind_variables) = $entity->update(
{ ename => 'Smith'},
{ empno => '20'} #pk values
# update row
... do some stuff
my ($sql_text, $bind_variables) = $entity->delete(
empno => '20'
# delete row/s
... do some stuff
my $dept = SQL::Entity->new(
name => 'dept',
columns => [
sql_column(name => 'deptno'),
sql_column(name => 'dname')
my $emp = SQL::Entity->new(
name => 'emp',
primary_key => ['empno'],
unique_expression => 'rowid',
columns => [
sql_column(name => 'ename'),
sql_column(name => 'empno'),
sql_column(name => 'deptno')
target_entity => $dept,
condition => sql_cond($dept->column('deptno'), '=', $entity->column('deptno'))
# or join_columns => ['deptno'],
This class uses entity meta definition to generate different kinds of sql statmements.
sql_or by 'all' tag
- id
- query_from
SQL fragment.
- columns
- unique_expression
Expression that's value will be used to identifying the unique row in Entity. It may be any column or pseudo column like ROWID for Oracle, or expression like PK_COLUMN1||PK_COLUMN2
- unique_row_column
Association to the column object that based on unique_expression.
- to_one_relations
Association many_to_one, or one_to_one tables.
- to_many_relations
Association many_to_many, or one_to_many tables. To many relation implicitly creates to one relation on the reflective entity.
- sql_template_parameters
Allows use mini language variable,
SELECT t.* FROM (SELECT t.* FROM tab t WHERE t.col1 = [% var1 %]) t
- initialise
- initialise_unique_row_column
- set_relationship_join_method
Sets join methods
- query
Returns sql statement and bind variables, Takes optionally array ref of the requeted columns (undef returns all entity columns), condition object, bind_variables reference
my ($sql, $bind_variables) = $entity->query(undef, sql_cond('empno', '>', '20')->and(sql_cond('dname', 'NOT LIKE', 'HO%')) );
- lock
Returns sql that locks all rows that meets passed in condition It uses SELECT ... FOR UPDATE pattern. Takes optionally array ref of the requeted columns, condition object, bind_variables reference
my ($sql, $bind_variables) = $entity->lock(undef, sql_cond('empno', '>', '20')->and(sql_cond('dname', 'NOT LIKE', 'HO%')) );
- insert
Returns insert sql statement and bind variables
my ($sql, $bind_variables) = $entity->insert( dname => 'hr', deptno => '10', ename => 'adi', empno => '1', );
- update
Returns update sql statement and bind variables
my ($sql, $bind_variables) = $entity->update( {dname => 'hr', deptno => '10', ename => 'adi', empno => '1',}, {the_rowid => 'AAAMgzAAEAAAAAgAAB'}, );
- delete
Returns deletes sql statement and bind variables
my ($sql, $bind_variables) = $entity->delete(empno => '1');
- unique_condition_values
Returns condition that uniquely identify the entity. Takes the entity fields values, and validation flag. If validation flag is true, then exception will be raise if there are not condition values.
- selectable_columns
Retuns list of columns that can be selected. Takes requested columns as parameter.
- from_sql_clause
Returns FROM .. sql fragment without join.
- from_clause_params
Returns FROM sql frgments with join clause.
- join_clause
Returns "JOIN ... " sql fragment for all to one relationship
- relationship_query
Returns sql query + bind_variables to many relationship
- normalise_field_names
Replaces all keys that are passed in as alias to column name
- relationship
Return relationship object, takes relationship name.
- query_columns
All columns that belongs to this object.
- condition_converter
Converts passed in argumets to condition object
- parse_template_parameters
Parses template variables.
- clone
Clones this entity
SQL::Entity::Table SQL::Entity::Index SQL::Entity::Column SQL::Entity::Condition
The SQL::Entity module is free software. You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public License or the Artistic License, as specified in the Perl README file.
Adrian Witas,
See also DBIx::Connection DBIx::QueryCursor DBIx::PLSQLHandler.