use Abstract::Meta::Class ':all';
has '$.attr1' => (default => 0);
An object that describes an attribute. It includes required, data type, association validation, default value, lazy retrieval. Name of attribute must begin with one of the follwoing prefix: $. => Scalar, @. => Array, %. => Hash, &. => Code,
- new
- initialise
Initialises attribute
- name
Returns attribute name
- class
Attribute's class name.
- storage_key
Returns storage attribute key in object
- perl_type
Returns attribute type, Scalar, Hash, Array, Code
- accessor
Returns accessor name
- mutator
Returns mutator name
- required
Returns required flag
- default
Returns default value
- transistent
If this flag is set, than storage of that attribte, will be force outside the object, so you cant serialize that attribute, It is especially useful when using callback, that cant be serialised (Storable dclone) This option will generate cleanup and DESTORY methods.
- item_accessor
Returns name that will be used to construct the hash or array item accessor. It will be used to retrieve or set array or hash item item
has '%.items' => (item_accessor => 'item'); ... my $item_ref = $obj->items; $obj->item(x => 3); my $value = $obj->item('y')'
- associated_class
Return name of the associated class.
- index_by
Name of the asscessor theat will return unique attribute for associated objects. Only for toMany associaion, by deault uses objecy reference as index.
package Class; use Abstract::Meta::Class ':all'; has '$.name' => (required => 1); has '%.details' => ( index_by => 'id', item_accessor => 'detail', ); my $obj = Class->
- the_other_end
Name of the asscessor/mutator on associated class to keep bideriectional association This option will generate cleanup method.
- data_type_validation
Flag that turn on/off data type validation. Data type validation happens when using association_class or Array or Hash data type unless you explicitly disable it by seting data_type_validation => 0.
- on_read
Returns code reference that will be replace data read routine
has '%.attrs.' => ( item_accessor => 'attr' on_read => sub { my ($self, $attribute, $scope, $key) = @_; my $values = $attribute->get_values($self); if ($scope eq 'accessor') { return $values; } else { return $values->{$key}; } }, ); has '@.array_attrs.' => ( item_accessor => 'array_item' on_read => sub { my ($self, $attribute, $scope, $index) = @_; my $values = $attribute->get_values($self); if ($scope eq 'accessor') { return $values; } else { return $values->[$index]; } }, );
- set_on_read
Sets code reference that will be replace data read routine
my $attr = MyClass->meta->attribute('attrs'); $attr->set_on_read(sub { my ($self, $attribute, $scope, $key) = @_; #do some stuff });
- on_change
Code reference that will be executed when data is set, Takes reference to the variable to be set.
- set_on_change
Sets code reference that will be executed when data is set,
my $attr = MyClass->meta->attribute('attrs'); $attr->set_on_change(sub { my ($self, $attribute, $scope, $value, $key) = @_; if($scope eq 'mutator') { my $hash = $$value; foreach my $k (keys %$hash) { # do some stuff #$self->validate_trigger($k, $hash->{$k}); } } else { # do some stuff $self->validate_trigger($key. $$value); } $self; });
The Abstract::Meta::Attribute module is free software. You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public License or the Artistic License, as specified in the Perl README file.
Adrian Witas, <</gt>