Badger::Test - test module
use Badger::Test
tests => 8,
debug => 'My::Badger::Module Your::Badger::Module',
args => \@ARGV;
# -d in @ARGV will enable $DEBUG for My::Badger::Module
# and Your::Badger::Module, as well as exporting a $DEBUG
# flag here. -c will enable colour mode.
# e.g. $ perl t/test.t -d -c
ok( $bool, 'Test passes if $bool true' );
is( $one, $two, 'Test passes if $one eq $two' );
isnt( $one, $two, 'Test passes if $one ne $two' );
like( $one, qr/regex/, 'Test passes if $one =~ /regex/' );
unlike( $one, qr/regex/, 'Test passes if $one !~ /regex/' );
pass('This test always passes');
fail('This test always fails');
This module implements a simple test framework in the style of Test::Simple or Test::More. As well as the usual plan(), ok(), is(), isnt() and other subroutines you would expect to find, it also implements a number of import hooks to enable certain Badger-specific features.
The Badger::Test
module exports the following subroutines, similar to those found in Test::Simple or Test::More.
Specify how many tests you plan to run. You can also sepcify this using the tests import hook.
ok($flag, $name)
Report on the success or failure of a test:
ok(1, 'This is good');
ok(0, 'This is bad');
is($this, $that, $name)
Test if the first two arguments are equal.
is($this, $that, "This and that are equal");
isnt($this, $that, $name)
Test if the first two arguments are not equal.
isnt($this, $that, "This and that are equal");
like($text, qr/regex/, $name)
Test if the first argument is matched by the regex passed as the second argument.
like($this, qr/like that/i, "This and that are alike");
unlike($text, qr/regex/, $name)
Test if the first argument is not matched by the regex passed as the second argument.
unlike($this, qr/like that/i, "This and that are unalike");
Pass a test.
pass('Module Loaded');
Fail a test.
fail('Stonehenge in danger of being crushed by a dwarf');
Skip a single test.
skip("That's just nit-picking isn't it?");
Skip all tests. This should be called instead of plan()
skip_all("We don't have that piece of scenery any more");
Skip a number of tests.
skip_some(11, "Hugeness of object understated");
Skip any remaining tests.
skip_rest("Should have made a big thing out of it");
The Badger::Test
module defines the following class methods to access and/or configure the test framework.
This class method can be used to set the number of tests. It does the same thing as the plan() subroutine.
Method to get or set the name of the backend test manager object class. This is defined in the $MANAGER package variable. The default manager is Badger::Test::Manager.
# defining a custom manager class
This method can be used to set various testing options from command line arguments. It is typically called via the args import option.
use Badger::Test
debug => 'My::Module',
args => \@ARGV,
tests => 42;
The method parses the arguments looking for the following options:
-d --debug Enable debugging
-t --trace Enable stack tracing
-c --colour/--color Enable colour output
-s --summary Display summary of test results
-h --help This help summary
Arguments can be passed as a list or reference to a list.
Badger::Test->args(@ARGV); # either
Badger::Test->args(\@ARGV); # or
Any of the arguments listed above appearing at the start of the list will be removed from the list and acted upon. Processing will end as soon as an unrecognised argument is encountered.
Prints a summary of the test results. Delegates to Badger::Test::Manager method of the same name.
Method to enable or disable colour output.
Badger::Test->colour(1); # technicolor
Badger::Test->colour(0); # monochrome
An alias for colour().
This method can be called to define one or more modules that should have their $DEBUG
flag enabled when running in debug mode (i.e. with the -d
command line option). This method is called by the debug import hook.
Multiple modules can be specified in a single string or by reference to a list.
# whitespace-delimited string
Badger::Test->debug('My::Badger::Module Your::Badger::Module');
# list reference
Badger::Test->debug(['My::Badger::Module', 'Your::Badger::Module']);
This method simply stores the list of modules in the $DEBUG_MODULES
package variable for the debugging() method to use.
This method enables or disables debugging for all modules named in the $DEBUG_MODULES
list. It also sets the internal $DEBUG
Badger::Test->debugging(1); # enable debugging
Badger::Test->debugging(0); # disable debugging
This method enables or disables stack tracing in the Badger::Exception module.
This method returns the help text display when help is requested with the -h
or --help
command line options. See args() for further details.
The following import hooks are provided to allow you to load and configure the Badger::Test
module in one fell swoop.
Specify the number of tests. Does the same thing as calling the plan() subroutine or tests() class method.
use Badger::Test
tests => 42;
An import hook to define a different test manager module. See the manager() method.
use My::Test::Manager;
use Badger::Test
manager => 'My::Test::Manager';
An import hook to enable colour mode. See the colour() method.
use Badger::Test
colour => 1;
An alias for colour
This import hook can be used to feed the command line arguments to the args() method so that -d
and -c
enable debugging and colour moes, respectively.
use Badger::Test
args => \@ARGV;
An import hook to associate a list of module with our debugging mode. See the debug() method.
use Badger::Test
debug => 'My::Badger::Module Your Badger::Module',
args => \@ARGV;
This package variable stores the name of the manager class, Badger::Test::Manager by default.
package variable holds the name(s) of module(s) for which debugging should be enabled, as defined via the debug() method.
Flag set true or false to indicate debugging mode is enabled or disabled. As set by the debugging() method.
Andy Wardley
Copyright (C) 1996-2008 Andy Wardley. All Rights Reserved.
This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.