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Test::DBIC::DBDConnector - A Moo::Role for implementing DBD-versions of a DBIC test-class


package Test::DBIC::SQLite;
use Moo;
with 'Test::DBIC::DBDConnector';

sub MyDBD_connection_parameters {
    my $class = shift;
    my ($db_name) = @_;

    $db_name //= ':memory:';
    return [ "dbi:SQLite:dbname=$db_name" ];

sub MyDBD_check_wants_deploy {
    my $class = shift;
    my ($connection_params) = @_;

    my ($db_name) = $connection_params->[0] =~ m{dbname=(.+)(?:;|$)};
    my $wants_deploy = $db_name eq ':memory:'
        ? 1
        : ((not -f $db_name) ? 1 : 0);
    return $wants_deploy;

use namespace::autoclean 0.16;

package main;
use Test::More;
my $td = Test::DBIC::SQLite->new(schema_class => 'My::Schema');
my $schema = $td->connect_dbic_ok();


ok 1 - the schema ISA My::Schema


This Moo::Role is intended to be the base for this type of tester module. It is part of the Test::DBIC::SQLite distribution because SQLite is also used for testing DBIx::Class, so the only way to test this role (that deploys a DBIx::Class::Schema subclass to a database), was to write a working implementation of Test::DBIC::SQLite although there already was one.



These are named parameters.

schema_class => $your_schema_class (Required)

This is the DBIx::Class::Schema subclass for your ORM.

dbi_connect_info => $your_dbd_connect_info (Optional)

This argument is always passed to the Driver-Specific-Implementation of MyDBD_connection_parameters() that should return an array of arguments that will be passed to DBIx::Class::Schema->connect().

pre_deploy_hook => $pre_deploy_hook (Optional)

A CodeRef to execute before $schema->deploy is called.

This CodeRef is called with an instantiated $your_schema_class object as argument.

post_connect_hook => $post_connect_hook (Optional)

A coderef to execute after $schema->deploy is called, if at all.

This coderef is called with an instantiated $your_schema_class object as argument.


MyDBD_connection_parameters is a class method that you must implement in your class.

This role provides an around for this method that makes sure the ignore_version option is added with a true value in the extra connection options hash. One can check this in the connect method of the schema-class.


It gets the second argument from dbic_connect_ok(), this will be DBD specific.


This method should return an ArrayRef with the list of arguments to pass to YourDBD::DBIC::Schema->connect()


MyDBD_check_wants_deploy is a class method that you must implement in your class.


It gets the second argument from dbic_connect_ok(), this will be DBD specific.


© MMXXI - Abe Timmerman <>


This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.