

Generate consolidated, interpolated series data from an array of objects.


use OP::Series;

my $series = OP::Series->new();


Axis Options

  • setXKey($xKey), setYKey($yKey)

    Define which object keys to use for X and Y axis:


X Axis Options

  • setXMin($xMin), setXMax($xMax)

    Confine the received data to a range specified by xMin and xMax.

    Set X axis opts (time opts, in this case):

  • setXTickSize($size)

    Specify the desired step interval between datapoints on the X axis.

    The unit of measurement would be the same as the value being used for the axis (so, seconds if plotting seconds, widgets if plotting widgets).

    $series->setXTickSize(1); # 1 Second
  • setXMajorTickSize($size)

    Apply a "moving average" to the data after expanding base ticks. (Optional/Experimental)

    $series->setXMajorTickSize(60); # 1 Minute
  • setXConsolidator($const)

    Specify a function to use for consolidation of overlapping values. Valid arguments are:

    OP::Enum::Consol::Average # Average value
    OP::Enum::Consol::Median  # Median value
    OP::Enum::Consol::Min     # Minimum value
    OP::Enum::Consol::Max     # Maximum value
    OP::Enum::Consol::Sum     # Sum of values
    OP::Enum::Consol::First   # First value seen
    OP::Enum::Consol::Last    # Last value seen
    OP::Enum::Consol::Random  # Random value

    This is an optional argument, and defaults to Average.


Y Axis Options

  • setYInterpolate($const)

    Optional, set interpolation type. Valid args are:

    OP::Enum::Inter::Linear     # Straight Line
    OP::Enum::Inter::Spline     # Cubic Spline
    OP::Enum::Inter::Constant   # Last Known
    OP::Enum::Inter::Undefined  # Unknowns are undef
    OP::Enum::Inter::None       # No Interpolation

    Defaults to Linear.

  • setYRpn($rpnStr)

    Optional, supply an RPN expression

    $series->setYRpn("-1,*"); # Inverted axis
  • setYType($const)

    Optional, supply statistic type.

    Derivative is like Counter but permits negative values (rate of change data)

    Valid arguments are:


    Defaults to Gauge.


Processing Data

  • addObject($object)

    Add an object to the raw data set. The objects don't need to be blessed, they just need to contain similar attributes:

      timestamp => 1218508949,
      value => 99.1
      timestamp => 1218508969,
      value => 99.8
  • cooked()

    Generate an OP::Hash object, containing consolidated, interpolated, unsorted associative rows:

    for ( @objects ) {
    my $data = $series->cooked(); # Returns an OP::Hash
    # { X => Y, ... }
    # This example has been dealing with time series data
    # (X is time) and the hash will look like:
    # { 
    #   timestamp => value,
    #   timestamp => value,
    #   ...
    # }
    # Access the processed series data as a normal Perl hashref,
    # or with any OP::Hash instance method:
    $data->each( sub{
      print "at unix time $_, value was $data->{$_}\n";
    } );
  • clearHash()

    Resets all internal data structures to a pre-cooked state.

    my $set1 = $series->cooked();
    my $set2 = $series->cooked();


Parse::RPN, Math::Spline, Math::VecStat

OP::Class, OP::Array, OP::Hash

Inspired by Tie::Hash::Interpolate

This file is part of OP.


$Id: //depotit/tools/source/snitchd-0.20/lib/OP/ $