Astro::FITS::Header::NDF - Manipulate FITS headers from NDF files


use Astro::FITS::Header::NDF;

$hdr = new Astro::FITS::Header::NDF( Cards => \@cards );
$hdr = new Astro::FITS::Header::NDF( Items => \@items );
$hdr = new Astro::FITS::Header::NDF( ndfID => $indf );
$hdr = new Astro::FITS::Header::NDF( File => $file );

$hdr->writehdr( $indf );
$hdr->writehdr( File => $file );


This module makes use of the Starlink NDF module to read and write to an NDF FITS extension or to a .HEADER block in an HDS container file.

It stores information about a FITS header block in an object. Takes an hash as an argument, with either an array reference pointing to an array of FITS header cards, array of Astro::FITS::Header::Item objects, or a filename, or (alternatively) an NDF identifier.



Reads a FITS header from an NDF.

$hdr->configure( Cards => \@cards );
$hdr->configure( ndfID => $indf );
$hdr->configure( File => $filename );

Accepts an NDF identifier or a filename. If both ndfID and File keys exist, ndfID key takes priority.

If the file is actually an HDS container, an attempt will be made to read a ".HEADER" NDF inside that container (this is the standard layout of UKIRT (and some JCMT) data files.


Write a FITS header to an NDF.

$hdr->writehdr( ndfID => $indf );
$hdr->writehdr( File => $file );

Accepts an NDF identifier or a filename. If both ndfID and File keys exist, ndfID key takes priority.

Returns undef on error, true if the header was written successfully.


This module requires the Starlink NDF module.


NDF, Astro::FITS::Header, Astro::FITS::Header::Item Astro::FITS::Header::CFITSIO


Tim Jenness <>, Alasdair Allan <>


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