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Net::Curl::Simple::examples - sample modules for Net::Curl::Simple

Download accelerator

Extracted from examples/

Simple downloader capable to download a file using multiple connections.

use strict;
use warnings;
use Net::Curl::Simple::UserAgent;
use IO::Handle; # for STDOUT->flush

my $width = 80;
my $uri = shift @ARGV or die "Usage: $0 URI [num connections]\n";
my $threads = shift @ARGV || 0;
$threads = $threads >= 1 ? int $threads : 3;

# we'll disguise as chrome
my $chrome = Net::Curl::Simple::UserAgent->new(
    useragent => 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1) AppleWebKit/534.24 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/11.0.696.60 Safari/534.24',
    httpheader => [
        'Connection: keep-alive',
        'Cache-Control: max-age=0',
        'Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8',
        'Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.8',
        'Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.3',
    connecttimeout => 30,

# get some basic information about the download
my $size;
my $fulluri;
my $filename;
    # test this uri
    my $curl = $chrome->curl->head( $uri,
        # check whether server supports resume
        resume_from_large => 1,
        # no callback here so it will block
        undef );

    # make sure there were no errors
    die "HEAD failed: ${ \$curl->code }: ${ \$curl->error }\n"
        if $curl->code;

    ( $size, $fulluri, my $code ) = $curl->getinfos(

    # 206 -- partial content (http)
    # 350 -- Restarting at (ftp)
    die "Cannot download, code $code\n"
        unless $code == 206 or $code == 350;

    # we started at 1, so the reported size is wrong
    $size += 1;

    # extract output file name
    # decoding Content-Disposition to complicated to bother
    $fulluri =~ m#.*/(.*)#;
    $filename = $1;

# align sizes, optional
my $alignsize = 1024;
my $maxthreads = 1 + int ( $size / $alignsize / 4 );
$threads = $maxthreads if $threads > $maxthreads;
my $partsize = $alignsize * int ( $size / ( $alignsize * $threads ) );

# progress display information
my $partwidth = int ( $width / $threads );
my @display = ( 0 ) x $threads;
my $lastupdate = 0;

print "Downloading $filename ($size bytes, $threads connections):\n";
die "ERROR: File exists\n" if -f $filename;

foreach my $part ( 0 .. ( $threads - 1 ) ) {
    my $resume_from = $part * $partsize;

    open my $fout, '+>', $filename
        or die "Cannot save to $filename: $!\n";
    seek $fout, $resume_from, 0;

    my $easy = $chrome->curl;
    $easy->{file} = $fout;
    $easy->{part} = $part;
    # last part may be larger
    $easy->{partsize} = $part != $threads - 1 ?
        $partsize : $size - $resume_from;

    $easy->get( $uri,
        # where we want to resume
        resume_from_large => $resume_from,
        # header will tell us where we really have to resume
        headerfunction => \&cb_header,
        # write to file handle directly
        writedata => $fout,
        # enable progress callback
        noprogress => 0,
        progressfunction => \&cb_progress,
        sub { update_display( $_[0]->{part}, 1 ) }

# start download and wait for all threads to finish
1 while Net::Curl::Simple->join;

# update display one last time
$lastupdate = 0;
update_display( 0, 1 );
print "\nFinished\n";

exit 0;

sub cb_header
    my ( $easy, $data, $uservar ) = @_;
    push @{ $easy->{headers} }, $data;
    if ( $data =~ /^Content-Range:\s*bytes\s+(\d+)/ ) { # HTTP
        seek $easy->{file}, $1, 0;
    } elsif ( $data =~ /^350 Restarting at (\d+)/ ) { # FTP
        seek $easy->{file}, $1, 0;
    return length $data;

sub update_display
    $display[ $_[0] ] = $_[1];
    my $time = time;
    return if $time == $lastupdate;
    $lastupdate = $time;

    print join '', "\r", map { $_ >= $partwidth ? "*" x $partwidth
        : "#" x $_ . "_" x ($partwidth - $_) }
        map { int $_ * $partwidth } @display;

sub cb_progress
    my $curl = $_[0];
    update_display( $curl->{part}, $_[2] / $curl->{partsize} );
    # abort if we've got what we wanted
    return 1 if $_[2] > $curl->{partsize};

    return 0;

# vim: ts=4:sw=4

Irssi CPAN search

Extracted from examples/

This example searches modules on CPAN.

use strict;
use warnings;
use Irssi;
use URI::Escape;
use Net::Curl::Simple;

my $max_pages = 5;

sub got_body
    my ( $window, $easy ) = @_;
    if ( my $result = $easy->code ) {
        warn "Could not download $easy->{uri}: $result\n";

    my @found;
    while ( $easy->{body} =~ s#<h2 class=sr><a href="(.*?)"><b>(.*?)</b></a></h2>## ) {
        my $uri = $1;
        $_ = $2;
        s/&#(\d+);/chr $1/eg;
        push @found, $_;
    @found = "no results" unless @found;
    my $msg = "CPAN search %9$easy->{args}%n $easy->{page}%9:%n "
        . (join "%9;%n ", @found);
    if ( $window ) {
        $window->print( $msg );
    } else {
        Irssi::print( $msg );

    return if ++$easy->{page} > $max_pages;
    $easy->{body} =~ m#<a href="(.*?)">Next &gt;&gt;</a>#;
    return unless $1;
    $easy->get( $1, sub { got_body( $window, @_ ) } );

sub cpan_search
    my ( $args, $server, $window ) = @_;

    my $query = uri_escape( $args );
    my $uri = "${query}&mode=all&n=20";
    my $easy = Net::Curl::Simple->new();
    $easy->{args} = $args;
    $easy->{page} = 1;
    $easy->get( $uri, sub { got_body( $window, @_ ) } );

Irssi::command_bind( 'cpan', \&cpan_search );

# vim: ts=4:sw=4