prove_cover - Run tests (as prove would do) under Devel::Cover, and use Devel::CoverReport for report.


prove_cover [options] [files or directories]


Boolean options:

-v,  --verbose     Print all test lines.
-l,  --lib         Add 'lib' to the path for your tests (-Ilib).
-b,  --blib        Add 'blib/lib' and 'blib/arch' to the path for your tests
-s,  --shuffle     Run the tests in random order.
-c,  --color       Colored test output (default).
     --nocolor     Do not color test output.
     --count       Show the X/Y test count when not verbose (default)
     --nocount     Disable the X/Y test count.
-D   --dry         Dry run. Show test that would have run.
     --ext         Set the extension for tests (default '.t')
-f,  --failures    Show failed tests.
-o,  --comments    Show comments.
     --fork        Fork to run harness in multiple processes.
     --ignore-exit Ignore exit status from test scripts.
-m,  --merge       Merge test scripts' STDERR with their STDOUT.
-r,  --recurse     Recursively descend into directories.
     --reverse     Run the tests in reverse order.
-q,  --quiet       Suppress some test output while running tests.
-Q,  --QUIET       Only print summary results.
-p,  --parse       Show full list of TAP parse errors, if any.
     --directives  Only show results with TODO or SKIP directives.
     --timer       Print elapsed time after each test.
     --normalize   Normalize TAP output in verbose output
-T                 Enable tainting checks.
-t                 Enable tainting warnings.
-W                 Enable fatal warnings.
-w                 Enable warnings.
-h,  --help        Display this help
-?,                Display this help
-H,  --man         Longer manpage for prove
     --norc        Don't process default .proverc

Options that take arguments:

-I                 Library paths to include.
-P                 Load plugin (searches App::Prove::Plugin::*.)
-M                 Load a module.
-e,  --exec        Interpreter to run the tests ('' for compiled tests.)
     --harness     Define test harness to use.  See TAP::Harness.
     --formatter   Result formatter to use. See TAP::Harness.
-a,  --archive     Store the resulting TAP in an archive file.
-j,  --jobs N      Run N test jobs in parallel (try 9.)
     --state=opts  Control prove's persistent state.
     --rc=rcfile   Process options from rcfile

Coverage Report options:

--cover_db     Location of the cover_db directory
--no_report    Stop after running tests, do not generate the report itself

See also: prove.


App::Prove usage

Both prove and prove_cover use App::Prove. The only difference is this line, added to prove_cover:

$app->{'exec'} = q{/usr/bin/perl -MDevel::Cover=-db,} . $db_path;

That said, prove_cover should be a drop-in replacement for prove, and work the same way (in the 'running tests' part).

Devel::Cover usage

Since prove_cover must run all tests under Devel::Cover, ther are run by: /usr/bin/perl -MDevel::Cover=-db,/foo/bar/cover_db. /foo/bar/cover_db is the current working directory.

Devel::CoverReport usage

At this point, there is no way to pass options to Devel::CoverReport. This may change in future release. Report will be generated as Html output, with all options set at their default values.


I have observed many times, that when running many tests at once can corrupt Devel::Cover database and thus produce false statistics.

Running with -j 1 (default) should be a safe bet.


Consider this script to be an early ALPHA. It does the job for me, so it's here.

This is my first CPAN module, so I expect that some things may be a bit rough around edges.

The plan is, to fix both those issues, and remove this warning in next immediate release.


Bartłomiej Syguła <>


Copyright 2009-2011, Bartłomiej Syguła

This is free software. It is licensed, and can be distributed under the same terms as Perl itself.

Parts of the code for prove_cover (especially: options description) borrowed from prove command, by Andy Armstrong.

This script was inspired by prove by Andy Armstrong and Devel::Cover by Paul Johnson.

1 POD Error

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 122:

Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in 'Bartłomiej'. Assuming UTF-8