digitagCT - Post-processing tool for DGE tags mapped using CRAC software.
digitagCT --gff file.gff dge.sam [--sage sage.csv] [--rna-seq rna-seq.sam] [--tar tar.bed(.gz)]
dge.sam: a file with mapping information for each tag in SAM standard format.
Nicolas PHILIPPE <>, Alban MANCHERON <> AND Jerome AUDOUX <>
--gff=file.gff Specify GFF3 file to perform annotation with. (or declare ANNOTATION_GFF in conf file)
--est=file.gff Specify GFF3 file with EST annotations. These annotations will be used if we don't find any matching annotation in the --gff annotation file.
--sage=sage.csv Specify a csv file exported by TranscriRef database with all sage/DGE tag features.
--rna-seq= [1.sam, ..., N.sam] Specify a list of sam file generated by CRAC software from RNA-Seq reads.
--tar=tar.bed Specify a bed file exported by UCSC Genome Browser with all tiling arrays features. This file can be gzipped.
--tag-occ Specify a tsv file with occurences for each tag (Tag_sequence\tNb_occ)
--stranded This option is used to specify if rna-seq data are stranded.
--summary=summary.txt Specify a file to print the annotation summary.
--conf=CracTools.cfg Specify a specific configuration file.
--help Print this message.
--man Open man page.