This module is used both as a base for YAX::Elememt, YAX::Text and YAX::Fragment. It is also partly mixed into YAX::Document.
It is also used to represent comment, cdata sections and processing instruction nodes.
- type()
Returns the type of the node as a number in a way analogous to the W3C DOM:
use YAX::Constants qw/:all/; if ( $node->type == ELEMENT_NODE ) { ... }
- name()
If the node is an element node, then returns the tag name, otherwise returns a human readible string: '#text', '#document', '#processing-instruction', etc.
- data( $new_val )
Used for text nodes, CDATA sections, processing instructions and declaration nodes to store the text values associated with them.
- next()
Returns the next sibling if any.
- prev()
Returns the previous sibling if any.
- parent( $new_value )
Returns the parent node if any.
- document()
Returns the document node ancestor of this node. Only works if this node is actually part of the tree (this is different to the W3C DOM where a node remains owned by a document after it is removed).
- as_string()
Serializes this node. '""' is overloaded to call this method, so the following are equivalent:
my $xml_str = $node->as_string; my $xml_str = "$node";
YAX:Element, YAX::Text, YAX::Fragment, YAX::Constants, YAX::Document
Richard Hundt
This program is free software and may be modified and distributed under the same terms as Perl itself.