
Usage   : $obj->compile_manifest()
Function: Called by L</write_makefile()>, this iterates over all .pm
          files in the distro MANIFEST and tries to compile them (perl -c)
          prints to STDERR a diagnostic message for each.
Args    : none.


Usage   : $obj->write_makefile(%arg)
Function: calls ExtUtils::MakeMaker's WriteMakefile() with provided %arg,
          as well as PL_FILES and EXE_FILES as determined by
          Package::Configure (config file [PL_FILES] [EXE_FILES]
Returns :
Args    : an anonymous hash of WriteMakefile() args.  See
          L<ExtUtils::MakeMaker> for details.


Usage   : $obj->configure($newval)
Function: holds a Package::Configure instance
Example : 
Returns : value of configure (a scalar)
Args    : on set, new value (a scalar or undef, optional)

METHODS FOR ExtUtils::MakeMaker