- new( \%options )
Creates a new NRD::Client object. Options include * serializer - required * timeout - defaults to no, otherwise number of seconds. This is a timeout per send/receive of data * timeout_handler - sub to call on timeout. Defaults to croak
- read_confg($file)
Read an NRD configuration file.
Returns a hash with options as keys.
Invoke as NRD::Client->read_config (if invoked as a method, in the future, it may mutate the object)
- connect( @options )
Creates the connection to NRD::Daemon and sends helo information if serializer requires.
@options is passed through to IO::Socket::INET.
Will croak if failures occur.
- send_result( $data )
Sends the data packet to NRD::Daemon
- send_results_from_lines( $file_descriptor )
Helper function to read the data from file descriptor and then calls $self->send_result.
- end
Will send a commit message to Daemon. Will check response - errors will be croaked. Returns true otherwise
1 POD Error
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 12:
'=item' outside of any '=over'
=over without closing =back