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Math::Polynomial::ModInt::Order - order relations on ModInt polynomials


This documentation refers to version 0.005 of Math::Polynomial::ModInt::Order.


use Math::Polynomial::ModInt qw(modpoly);
use Math::Polynomial::ModInt::Order qw($BY_INDEX $SPARSE $CONWAY);

@monic_mod_5_degree_3 = map { modpoly($_, 5) } 125 .. 249;

@sorted_by_index      = sort $BY_INDEX @monic_mod_5_degree_3;
@sorted_sparse_first  = sort $SPARSE   @monic_mod_5_degree_3;
@sorted_for_conway    = sort $CONWAY   @monic_mod_5_degree_3;

$p1 = modpoly(12, 3);     # x^2 + x
$p2 = modpoly(13, 3);     # x^2 + x + 1
$p3 = modpoly(15, 3);     # x^2 + 2*x

$cmp = $BY_INDEX->cmp($p1, $p2);   # -1 (p1 < p2 lexically)
$cmp = $SPARSE->cmp($p2, $p3);     # 1  (p2 > p3 in sparse order)
$cmp = $CONWAY->cmp($p1, $p3);     # 1  (p1 > p3 in Conway order)

$bool = $BY_INDEX->eq($p1, $p2);   # false (equal)
$bool = $BY_INDEX->ne($p1, $p2);   # true  (not equal)
$bool = $BY_INDEX->lt($p1, $p2);   # true  (less than)
$bool = $BY_INDEX->le($p1, $p2);   # true  (less or equal)
$bool = $BY_INDEX->gt($p1, $p2);   # false (greater than)
$bool = $BY_INDEX->ge($p1, $p2);   # false (greater or equal)
# ... etc. etc. ...

for (
  my $p = modpoly(125, 5);
  $p = $CONWAY->next_poly($p)
) {
  # do something with $p, $p running through monic
  # third degree polynomials in Conway order


This module provides several different set order relations for modular integer polynomials. They are given as (read-only) variables so that they can be used as name argument for the perl builtin sort operator. These variables are at the same time objects with methods for additional functionality, most notably a mechanism for iterating through polynomials in a given order.

While it would be conceivable to implement comparison operators as overloaded perl operators on Math::Polynomial::ModInt objects directly, this module keeps them separate for two reasons.

Firstly, the generic class Math::Polynomial chooses to treat comparisons other than for equality as an error, since polynomial rings are not in general ordered spaces. This might change if the API is extended to distinguish more strictly between different coefficient spaces and to treat them differently. Secondly, this separate module emphasizes the fact that there are multiple orderings of interest even for the same set of elements. We hesitate to couple an arbitrary order relation too closely with the entities to order, which means builtin operators probably should not be used for just one particular such relation.


Math::Polynomial::ModInt::Order provides these exportable variables:


$BY_INDEX represents the order given by comparing first the modulus, then the index in ascending order. With the same modulus, this is lexicographic order based on coefficients' normalized residue values (ranging from zero to the modulus minus one, each). Highest order coefficients are most significant.


$SPARSE represents an order similar to $BY_INDEX as far as the modulus, the degree, and the highest order coefficient are concerned, but considers the number of non-zero terms before the rest of the coefficients, with sparse polynomials preceding abundant polynomials. This order is intended for use by algorithms searching for monic polynomials with certain properties, and as few non-zero coefficients as possible, by visiting monic polynomials before others, and among those, sparse polynomials first.


$CONWAY represents an order similar to $BY_INDEX, but in the lexical part considering the positive value of the highest order coefficient, the negative of the second highest, and so on with alternating signs. This order is intended for use by algorithms searching for Conway polynomials.



$order->cmp($p1, $p2) compares two polynomials, returning minus one if the first sorts before the second, zero if both are equivalent, or plus one if the first sorts after the second.


Boolean comparison operators $order->eq($p1, $p2) etc. return boolean results analoguous to the builtin string comparison operators they are named after. They check whether two modular integer polynomials are equal, or inequal, or the first one is strictly less, less or equal, strictly greater, or not less than the second one, respectively, with respect to the given order.


$order->next_poly($p) returns the next higher element in a given sort order $order by calculating an "incremented" polynomial adjacent to the argument $p. This is usually more space efficient than sorting and more space and time efficient than calculating an index, incrementing that, and mapping the index back to a polynomial, even with the simplest order $BY_INDEX.

For orders $BY_INDEX and $CONWAY, an optional second argument $i0 can be used to increment by i0th powers of the modulus rather than single steps. Example: $BY_INDEX->next_poly(modpoly(11, 3), 1) yields modpoly(14, 3), since 11 + 3 ** 1 == 14.


There are no diagnostics specific to this module.


Math::Polynomial::ModInt::Order has no external dependencies, but it operates on Math::Polynomial::ModInt objects.


Bug reports and suggestions are always welcome — please submit them as lined out in the distribution's main module, Math::Polynomial::ModInt.



Martin Becker, <becker-cpan-mp (at)>


Contributions to this library are welcome (see the CONTRIBUTING file).


Copyright (c) 2013-2022 by Martin Becker, Blaubeuren.

This library is free software; you can distribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Artistic License 2.0 (see the LICENSE file).


This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.