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Math::Formula::Type - variable types for Math::Formula


  is a Math::Formula::Token


my $string = MF::STRING->new("example");
my $answer = MF::INTEGER->new(42);

# See more details per section


This page describes all Types used by Math::Formula. The types are usually auto-detected. Operations are driven by the data-types.



Math::Formula::Type->new( $token|undef, [$value] )

The object is a blessed ARRAY. On the first spot is the $token. On the second spot might be the decoded value of the token, in internal Perl representation. When no $token is passed (value undef is explicit), then you MUST provide a $value. The token will be generated on request.


my $node = MF::BOOLEAN->new('true');    # value will be '1'
my $node = MF::BOOLEAN->new(undef, 1);  # token will be 'true'
my $node = MF::DATETIME->new(undef, DateTime->now);


The following methods and features are supported for any Type defined on this page.

All types can be converted into a string:

"a" ~ 2          => STRING "a2"

All types may provide attributes (calls) for objects of that type. Those get inherited (of course). For instance:

02:03:04.hour   => INTEGER 2

Type-convert a typed object into an object with a different type. Sometimes, the represented value changes a little bit, but usually not.

Any Type can be cast into a MF::STRING. Read the documentation for other types to see what they offer.


Returns the normalized version of the token(): leading and trailing blanks removed, intermediate sequences of blanks shortened to one blank.


Returns the token in string form. This may be a piece of text as parsed from the expression string, or generated when the token is computed from the value.


Where token() returns a string representation of the instance, the value() produces its translation into internal Perl values or objects, ready to be involved in computations.

MF::BOOLEAN, a truth value

Represents a truth value, either true or false.

Booleans implement the prefix operator "+", and infix operators 'and', 'or', and 'xor'.

The weird infix operator -> implements an 'if-then', which can also be used as substitute. When the left-side of the arrow is true, then the right side is returned.

When left of the -> is a possitive regular expression match =~, then the right side may can be a complex expression which may contains $1, 2 etc. The represent the captured values in the regexp.

. Example: for booleans

true    false     # the only two values
0                 # will be cast to false in boolean expressions
42                # any other value is true, in boolean expressions

not true               => BOOLEAN false
true and false         => BOOLEAN false
true  or false         => BOOLEAN true
true xor false         => BOOLEAN true

true  -> something        => something
false -> something        => undef     # rule fails
"abcd" =~ "^(.*)c" -> $1  => STRING "ab"

filename =~ "\.([^.]+)$" -> "extension is " ~ $1

MF::STRING, contains text

Represents a sequence of UTF-8 characters, which may be used single and double quoted.

Strings may be cast into regular expressions (MF::REGEXP) when used on the right side of a regular expression match operator ('=~' and '!~').

Strings may be cast into a pattern (MF::PATTERN) when used on the right of a pattern match operator ('like' and 'unlike').

Besides the four match operators, strings can be concatenated using '~'.

Strings also implement textual comparison operators lt, le, eq, ne, ge, gt, and cmp. Read its section in Math::Formula. These comparisons use Unicode::Collate in an attempt to get correct UTF-8 sorting.

Warning! When you create an expression which is only one string, then you will probably forget the double quotes:

Math::Formula->new(origin => 'Larry');      # wrong!!!
Math::Formula->new(origin => '"Larry"');    # right
Math::Formula->new(origin => "'Larry'");    # right
Math::Formula->new(origin => $string);      # probably wrong
Math::Formula->new(origin => "'$string'");  # probably wrong: can ' be in string?

Math::Formula->new(origin => \"Larry");     # right
Math::Formula->new(origin => \'Larry');     # right
Math::Formula->new(origin => \$string);     # right

See also Math::Formula::Context::new(lead_expressions), for a different solution.

. Example: of strings

"double quoted string"
'single quoted string'   # alternative

String operations:

"a" + 'b'           => STRING  "ab"
"a" =~ "regexp"     => BOOLEAN, see MF::REGEXP
"a" like "pattern"  => BOOLEAN, see MF::PATTERN

"a" gt "b"          => BOOLEAN
"a" cmp "b"         => INTEGER -1, 0, 1


"abc".length       => INTEGER  3
"".is_empty        => BOOLEAN true   # only white-space
"ABC".lower        => STRING "abc", lower-case using utf8 folding

MF::INTEGER, a long whole number

Integers contain a sequence of ASCII digits, optionally followed by a multiplier. Numbers may use an underscore ('_') on the thousands, to be more readable. For instance, '42k' is equal to '42_000'.

Supported multipliers are

  • 1000-based k, M, G, T, E, and Z;

  • 1024-based kibi, Mibi, Gibi, Tibi, Eibi, and Zibi;

The current guaranteed value boundaries are ±2⁶³ which is about 9 Zeta, just below C(10¹)>.

Integers can be cast to booleans, where 0 means false and all other numbers are true.

Integers support prefix operators + and -.

Integers support infix operators +, -, *, % (modulo) which result in integers. Infix operator / returns a float. All numeric comparison operators return a boolean.

Integers implement the numeric sort operator <=>, which may be mixed with floats.

. Example: of integers

42            # the answer to everything
8T            # how my disk was sold to me
7451Mibi      # what my system tells me the space is
-12           # negatives
1_234_567     # _ on the thousands, more readable

+ 2          => INTEGER   2      # prefix op
- 2          -> INTEGER   -2     # prefix op
- -2         -> INTEGER   2      # prefix op, negative int

1 + 2        => INTEGER   3      # infix op
5 - 9        -> INTEGER   -4     # infix op
3 * 4        => INTEGER   12
12 % 5       => INTEGER   2
12 / 5       => FLOAT     2.4

1 < 2        => BOOLEAN   true
1 <=> 2      => INTEGER   -1     # -1, 0, 1

not 0        => BOOLEAN   true
not 42       => BOOLEAN   false


(-3).abs     -> INTEGER   3      # -3.abs == -(3.abs)

MF::FLOAT, floating-point numbers

Floating point numbers. Only a limited set of floating point syntaxes is permitted, see examples. Especially: a float SHALL contain a dot or 'e'. When it contains a dot, there must be a digit on both sides.

Floats support prefix operators + and -.

Floats support infix operators +, -, *, % (modulo), and / which result in floats. All numeric comparison operators are supported, also in combination with integers.

. Example: of floats

0.0        # leading zero obligatory

3.14 / 4
2.7 < π        => BOOLEAN true
2.12 <=> 4.89  => INTEGER -1    # -1, 0, 1

MF::DATETIME, refers to a moment of time

The datetime is a complex value. The ISO8601 specification offers many, many options which make interpretation expensive. To simplify access, one version is chosen. This is an example of that version:


Mind the 'T' between the date and the time components. Second fractions are optional.

The time-zone is relative to UTC. The first two digits reflect an hour difference, the latter two are minutes.

DateTimes can be cast to a time or a date, with loss of information.

It is possible to add (+) and subtract (-) durations from a datetime, which result in a new datetime. When you subtract one datetime from another datetime, the result is a duration.

Compare a datetime with an other datetime numerically (implemented as text comparison). When the datetime is compared with a date, it is checked whether the point of time is within the specified date range (from 00:00:00 in the morning upto 23:59:61 at night).

. Example: for datetime


2023-02-21T11:28:34 + P2Y3DT2H -> DATETIME  2025-02-24T13:28:34
2023-02-21T11:28:34 - P2Y3DT2H -> DATETIME  2021-02-18T09:28:34
2023-02-21T11:28:34 - 2021-02-18T09:28:34 -> DURATION P2Y3DT2H

Attributes: (the date and time attributes combined)

date = 2006-11-21T12:23:34.56+0110
dt.year     => INTEGER  2006
dt.month    => INTEGER  11      => INTEGER  21
dt.hour     => INTEGER  12
dt.minute   => INTEGER  23
dt.second   => INTEGER  34
dt.fracsec  => FLOAT    34.56
dt.timezone => TIMEZONE +0110
dt.time     => TIME     12:23:34.56     => DATE     2006-11-21+0110

MF::DATE, refers to a day in some timezone

A date has format 'YYYY-MM-DD+TZ', for instance 2023-02-20+0100.

The date may be cast into a datetime, where the time is set to 00:00:00. This transformation is actually slightly problematic: a date means "anywhere during the day, where a datetime is a specific moment.

You may add (+) and subtract (-) durations from a date, which result in a new date. Those durations cannot contain a time component.

An subtract (-) from a date produces a duration.

You may also add a time to a date, forming a datetime. Those may be in different time-zones. You may also numerically compare dates, but only when they are not in the same timezone, this will return false.

. Example: for date

1966-12-21        # without timezone, default from context
1966-12-21+0200   # with explicit timezone info

2023-02-21+0200 - P3D            -> DATE     2023-02-18+0200
2012-03-08+0100 + 06:07:08+0200  -> DATETIME 2012-03-08T06:07:08+0300
2023-02-26 - 2023-01-20          -> DURATION P1M6D
2023-02-22 < 1966-04-05          -> BOOLEAN  false
2023-02-22 <=> 1966-04-05        -> INTEGER 1      # -1, 0 1

4 + 2000-10-20 -> INTEGER 1974  # parser accident repaired


date = 2006-11-21+0700
date.year      => INTEGER   2006
date.month     => INTEGER   11       => INTEGER   21
date.timezone  => TIMEZONE  +0700

MF::TIME, a moment during any day

Useful to indicate a daily repeating event. For instance, start-backup: 04:00:12. Times do no have a timezone: it only gets a meaning when added to a (local) time.

Time supports numeric comparison. When you add (+) a (short) duration to a time, it will result in a new time (modulo 24 hours).

When you subtract (-) one time from another, you will get a duration modulo 24 hours. This does not take possible jumps to and from Daylight Savings time into account. When you care about that, than create a formula involving the actual date:

bedtime = 23:00:00
wakeup  = 06:30:00
now     =
sleep   = ((now+P1D).date + wakeup) - ( + bedtime)  #DURATION

. Example: for time

12:00:34      # lunch-time, in context default time-zone
23:59:61      # with max leap seconds
09:11:11.111  # precise time (upto nanoseconds)

12:00:34 + PT30M => TIME 12:30:34   # end of lunch
12:00:34 - PT15M -> TIME 11:45:34   # round-up coworkers
23:40:00 + PT7H  => TIME 06:40:00   # early rise
07:00:00 - 23

18:00:00 ==  17:00:00 => BOOLEAN
18:00:00 <=> 17:00:00 => INTEGER


time = 12:23:34.56
time.hour        => INTEGER 12
time.minute      => INTEGER 23
time.second      => INTEGER 34
time.fracsec     => FLOAT   34.56

MF::TIMEZONE, time-zone.

Clock difference to UTC (Zulu). The format requires a plus (+) or minus (-) followed by two digits representing hours and two digits for minutes.

Timezone supports numeric comparison. When you add (+) and subtract (-) a (short) duration to a timezone.

When you subtract (-) one timezone from another, you will get a duration.

. Example: for timezone


-0600 + PT1H     -> -0500
+0230 - PT3H30M  -> -0100


tz = -1236
tz.in_minutes    => INTEGER -756
tz.in_seconds    => INTEGER -45360

MF::DURATION, a period of time

Durations are usually added to datetimes, and may be negative. They are formatted in ISO8601 standard format, which is a bit awkward, to say the least.

Durations can be added (+) together, subtracted (-) together, or multiplied by an integer factor. The prefix + and - are also supported.

Be warned that operations may not always lead to the expected results. A sum of 12 months will lead to 1 year, but 40 days will stay 40 days because the day length differs per month. This will only be resolved when the duration is added to an actual datetime.

Two durations can be compared numerically. However: a bit of care must be taken. Sometimes, it is only clear what the ordering is when relative to a specific datetime. For instance, which is longer: P1M or P30D? The current time ("now") is used as reference point. Otherwise, add some other datetime to both durations before comparison.

. Example: for duration

P1Y2M5D          # duration one year, 2 months, 5 days
PT1M             # mind the "T" before smaller than day values!
P3MT5M           # confusing: 3 months + 5 minutes
PT3H4M8.2S       # duration 3 hours, 4 minutes, just over 8 seconds

- -P1Y           # prefix + and =
P1DT2H * 4        => DURATION P4DT8H
4 * P1DT2H        => DURATION P4DT8H

P1Y > P1M         => BOOLEAN true
PT20M <=> PT19M   => INTEGER 1     # -1, 0, 1


P1Y.in_days       => INTEGER  365  (4yrs will have extra day)
P1H.in_seconds    => INTEGER  3600

Returns the duration in seconds, nanoseconds ignored. This is exact when the duration only contains minutes and seconds. When hours are involved, do you care about switching from and to Daylight Savings time? Months are taken as 1/12 of a year. A year is taken as 365.256 year. For exact calculations, add the duration to a DATETIME first.

MF::NAME, refers to something in the context

The Math::Formula::Context object contains translations for names to contextual objects. Names are the usual tokens: Unicode alpha-numeric characters and underscore (_), where the first character cannot be a digit.

On the right-side of a fragment indicator # or method indicator ., the name will be lookup in the features of the object on the left of that operator.

A name which is not right of a hash (#) or dot (.) can be cast into an object from the context.

Names are symbol: are not a value by themselves, so have no values to be ordered. However, they may exist however: test it with prefix operator exists.

The more complicated concept is the 'defaults to' operator (//). When there is no formula with the name on the left side, the right side is taken. This is often stacked with a constant default value at the end.

. Example: of names

_42       # and '_' works as a character
αβΩ       # Unicode alpha nums allowed

7eleven   # not allowed: no start with number

See "Math::Formula::Context" for the following
#frag     # (prefix #) fragment of default object
.method   # (prefix .) method on default object
name#frag # fragment of object 'name'
file.size # method 'size' on object 'file'

Attributes on names

exists live     => BOOLEAN    # does formula 'live' exist?
not exists live => BOOLEAN

live // dead // false         # pick first rule which exists
Math::Formula::Type->validated($string, $where)

Create a MF::NAME from a $string which needs to be validated for being a valid name. The $where will be used in error messages when the $string is invalid.

MF::PATTERN, pattern matching

This type implements pattern matching for the like and unlike operators. The patterns are similar to file-system patterns. However, there is no special meaning to leading dots and '/'.

Pattern matching constructs are * (zero or more characters), ? (any single character), and [abcA-Z] (one of a, b, c, or capital), [!abc] (not a, b, or c). Besides, it supports curly alternatives like *.{jpg,gif,png}.

. Example: of patterns

"abc" like "b"     => BOOLEAN false
"abc" like "*b*"   => BOOLEAN false
"abc" like "*c"    => BOOLEAN true

"abc" unlike "b"   => BOOLEAN true
"abc" unlike "*b*" => BOOLEAN true
"abc" unlike "*c"  => BOOLEAN false

MF::REGEXP, Regular expression

This type implements regular expressions for the =~ and !~ operators.

The base of a regular expression is a single or double quote string. When the operators are detected, those will automatically be cast into a regexp.

. Example: of regular expressions

"abc" =~ "b"       => BOOLEAN true
"abc" =~ "c$"      => BOOLEAN true
"abc" !~ "b"       => BOOLEAN false
"abc" !~ "c$"      => BOOLEAN false

Returns the regular expression as compiled object (qr).

MF::FRAGMENT, access to externally provided data

The used of this type is explained in Math::Formula::Context.


This module is part of Math-Formula distribution version 0.16, built on March 14, 2023. Website:


Copyrights 2023 by [Mark Overmeer <>]. For other contributors see ChangeLog.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See