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Leyland::Manual::Controllers - Creating Leyland controllers


Controllers are the main building blocks of your application. They define the resources (or routes) available to clients and perform whatever logic your application needs to perform.

Every controller has one or more routes. A route is a path in your web application, like "/posts" or "/articles/139". Of course, it's much more than that, as explained by the "ROUTES" section. Every controller also has a prefix. The prefix is prepended to the paths of all routes in the controller. So, if a controller has a prefix "/posts", and a route with the path "/comments", then the actual path of the route would be "/posts/comments".

Every Leyland application has a root controller. This controller has an empty prefix, so all of its routes are top level. This controller will hold the root route, which has no path (or more correctly has the "/" path). If your application is located under, then the root route handles requests directly to

Different controllers can share the same prefix, which is useful if you want to categorize your routes according to some common properties. Note, however, that when having two or more routes with the exact same declaration in two or more controllers that share the same prefix, Leyland's behavior is undefined, so please avoid such situations.

All controllers of your application should be located under the lib/MyApp/Controller/ directory of your application. Of course, you can nest controllers infinitely, Leyland won't care (but Perl mostly would).

A controller class is a Moo/Moose class that consumes the Leyland::Controller role. A minimal Leyland controller will look something like this:

package MyApp::Controller::Root;

use Moo;
use Leyland::Parser;
use namespace::clean;

with 'Leyland::Controller';

prefix { '' }

get '^/$' {


This controller, which is an application's root controller, has an empty prefix (non-root controllers will have prefixes that start with a slash, like "/posts"), and one root route for GET requests. The next section describes routes.

A controller class is also allowed to have any or all of the following methods:

auto( $self, $c )

This method is called at the beginning of every request, before it is handled by the proper route. The thing about the auto() method is that every auto() method in the chain starting from the root controller and leading up to the controller that actually handles the request will be called in order. So, say a request to your application is to be handled by your MyApp::Controller::Posts::Comments controller. In this case, Leyland will attempt to invoke the auto() method of MyApp::Controller::Root, then MyApp::Controller::Posts (if exists), and finally MyApp::Controller::Posts::Comments. The chain won't "break" if any of the controllers doesn't have an auto() method, since every Leyland controller has a default auto() method that doesn't do anything.

pre_route( $self, $c )

This method is very similar to the auto() method. It is also called before the request is handled by its proper route, but after the auto() method, and only the pre_route() method of the actuall controller is invoked.

pre_template( $self, $c, $tmpl_name, [ \%context, $use_layout ] )

This method is called right before a view/template is rendered (i.e. when you call $c->template(). It receives the context object ($c), and whatever arguments you've passed to $c->template(). If you find it useful, knock yourself out, personally I do not use it.

post_route( $self, $c, \$ret )

This method is called after a response was generated, but before it is returned to the client. It receives the context object ($c), and a reference to the returned output (which is a scalar). The reason a reference is provided is to allow you to modify it before sending. If you need to modify the response for every controller and not just on a per-controller basis, take a look at the finalize() method of Leyland::Context (read Leyland::Manual::Extending to learn how to define this method), which is exactly the same, but called after post_route() and for every request.


The route, as previousely mentioned, is what actually handles a request and generates a response. Every route is built of six parts:

1. The HTTP request method the route handles, like GET or POST.
2. A regular expression describing the URI paths the route matches (in string form).
3. A list of content types the route accepts from the client (a string separated by the '|' character).
4. A list of content types the route returns to clients (a string separated by the '|' character).
5. The route's type (external or internal, described later).
6. The route's logic (a plain Perl subroutine).

Let's look at a pretty complete example:

get '^/posts$' accepts 'text/html|application/json' returns 'application/json' {
	my @posts = MyDatabase->load_posts();
	return { posts => \@posts };

The above route will only match GET requests whose path is exactly "/posts" (assuming we're on the root controller, or any controller that has an empty prefix). It will only accept text/html or application/json from the client, and will only return JSON. The following HTTP methods are available:

  • get: for GET requests. If you want your app to really be RESTful, get routes should be "safe", in that they should not change the state of the application. GET requests are as they're named: requests to get data, not create/modify/delete data. Your clients need to rest assured application data will not be tampered as a result of GET requests.

  • put: for PUT requests.

  • post: for POST requests.

  • del: for DELETE requests.

  • any: will match any request method. Please don't use it. Really. But if you do, take into account that if a route that matches a certain path exists with the exact request method, and another route matches the same path but with the 'any' method, then the exact route will take precedence.

Read Leyland::Manual::FAQ if you want to know how to fulfil OPTIONS and HEAD HTTP request methods.

If your route doesn't define the "accepts" option, it will accept any requests that do not have a content type (mostly GET routes). If your route doesn't define a "returns" option, a default of text/html is used, unless a different default is defined in your application class (see "CONFIGURING LEYLAND APPLICATIONS" in Leyland::Manual::Applications to learn how). POST and PUT routes also automatically accept the application/x-www-form-urlencoded content type.

A route can also have the "is" option, which takes one of two values: "external", meaning clients can directly access this route (this is the default), or "internal", meaning clients cannot directly access this route, only other (possibly external) routes can forward to it.

post '^/posts$' returns 'application/json' {
	my @posts = $c->forward('GET:/posts');
	# do stuff with @posts

get '^/posts$' returns 'application/json' is 'internal' {
	return MyDatabase->load_posts();

More about forwarding later on.

As you've probably already noticed, the context object is automatically available to the route's subroutine. This is not the only variable available to subroutines - the controller object is also available as $self.

The only thing that remains is actually writing your route logic. This is your field, but keep in mind you can use Leyland's logging facilities, exception facilities, etc., which are all described in other sections of this manual.


Route paths are regular expressions, which means a single route can match requests to different URI paths, like "/posts/159" and "/posts/160". Let's assume in this example we're talking about a route that loads an article that has a certain integer ID. Of course, if your route is going to load and return this article, it needs to know its integer ID. To do this, just use captures in the route's regex. Captures are provided to the route in the order they were defined. For example:

get '^/posts/(\d+)$' {
	my $post_id = shift;
	# now load post and return it

get '^/posts/(\d+)/comments/(\d+)$' {
	my ($post_id, $comment_id) = @_;

Be careful when defining route regexes that aren't strict (i.e. don't match from the beginning and/or to the end using the ^ and $ metacharacters), like get 'posts' for example, as you're likely to get the wrong results.


A route is supposed to generate the output that the client will receive. To learn about how to return output, read Leyland::Manual::Views (which also describes Leyland's automatic data serialization).


Often, you will find it useful to internally forward requests to other routes. These may be routes whose only purpose is to serve other routes. Forwarding is performed by the forward() method of Leyland::Context. It expects a path (prefixed by an HTTP method) to forward to, and possibly a list of arguments to pass to the route:

$c->forward('GET:/posts', $post->id);

Some routes, as explained earlier, can only be forwarded to, and clients cannot directly access them. These are routes that are defined with the is 'internal' rule in the route's declaration.

When you forward a request to a different route, Leyland will not perform negotation with Leyland::Negotiator like it does in the beginning of the request, but instead will only attempt to find the route and invoke it. If you are forwarding to a GET route, you can change the above line to:

$c->forward('/posts', $post->id);

But for any other HTTP method, you must tell Leyland the method.

When a request is forwarded to another route, it returns to the route that performed the forward (with the output it generated), so the route that performed the forward continues to operate. If you want to end processing immediately after the forward, return it:

return $c->forward('GET:/posts', $post->id);

When a forwarded route is matched, if its path regex had any captures in it, they will be provided as arguments to the route like any other route. If you've also provided other arguments via the forward() method, they will also be available, but after the captures.

An interesting thing about forwards, is that they return the output before serialization. So say you have an external route (i.e. not internal) that returns a Perl data structure. When directly matched, the data structure will be serialized and returned to the client (say to JSON). When internally forwarded to, however, the forwarding route will not get the serialized data, but the Perl data structure.

Another thing to note about forwarding is that arguments you pass via the forward() method are not considered part of the route's path. So, the following call:

$c->forward('/posts', $post_id);

Will not match the ^/posts/(\d+)$ route, but only the ^/posts$ route. If you want to forward to the first one, you need to do this:



When Leyland handles a request, it finds all the routes in the application that can satisfy it, and invokes the first one found. At times (rarely if at all), you might find that Leyland's decision isn't what you wanted. If that happens, you can use the pass() method to pass the request to the next matching route:

if ($c->params->{something_that_tells_me_something})

Like forward(), the passing route will not end processing, but will continue once the pass has been completed. To end processing immediately, use return:

if ($c->params->{something_that_makes_sense_to_me})
	return $c->pass;


HTTP redirects are frequent and common. I will not detail situations in which redirects are appropriate. Redirecting is easy - all you need to do is define a URI to redirect to in the response object (located under the res attribute of the context object):


Note that you have to provide the absolute URI to redirect to, not a relative path.

Once again, redirection does not happen immediately. Sometimes it is useful to set a redirect, and still continue handling the request and/or perform some other operations. If, however, you want to redirect immediately, use return:

return $c->res->redirect($c->uri_for('/posts'));


Read Leyland::Manual::Views to learn how to create views and templates or return to the table of contents.


Ido Perlmuter, <ido at>


Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-Leyland at, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

perldoc Leyland::Manual::Controllers

You can also look for information at:


Copyright 2010-2014 Ido Perlmuter.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.

See for more information.