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Language::Farnsworth::Docs::Functions - A big reference to all the functions in the Language::Farnsworth Standard Library


This document is intended to document all of the functions that Language::Farnsworth includes in its standard library.

Array Functions


push[array, elements, ...]

Push will take an array and place all arguments following the array onto the end. Just like a stack.


result = pop[array]

Pop is the antithesis (ED NOTE: need better word!) to push, instead of placing an element on the end of the array, pop[] removes it.


unshift[array, elements, ...]

Unshift is very similar to pop[]. However instead of putting the elements on the end of the array; unshift puts them at the beginning.



Just as pop is the antithesis (ED NOTE: need better word, STILL!) to push, shift[] is the antithesis to unshift[]


sortedarray = sort[elements, ... ]
sortedarray = sort[array]
sortedarray = sort[{`a,b` a <=> b}, elements, ... >]
sortedarray = sort[{`a,b` a <=> b}, array]

sort[] will take a series of numbers or strings and sort them into either alphabetical or numerical order. If you give a lambda as the first argument to sort[] it will use that to do all of the logic for comparing each element of the array. This lambda must perform the comparison in a stable manner or the results will not be deterministic. The lambda must take two arguments and then return either a -1, 0, or 1 as the <=> operator does.


mappedarray = map[maplambda, array]
mappedarray = map[maplambda, elements, ...]
mappedarray = map[{`x` x + 10}, array]
mappedarray = map[{`x` x + 10}, elements, ...]

map[] will take an array or set of elements and pass each element as the first argument to maplambda for maplambda to transform. maplambda should return the new value for the element to be used in mappedarray.


howmany = length[array]

When you give length[] and array, it will return how many elements the array has.


reversedarray = reverse[array]

reverse[] will reverse the order of the elements in array and return the result.

min[] and max[]

minimum = min[array]
minimum = min[elements, ...]
maximum = max[array]
maximum = max[elements, ...]

These two functions give you the minimum or maximum element from their arguments.

String Functions


reversedstring = reverse[string]

reverse[] will reverse the order of all the characters in the string.


howlong = length[string]

When length[] take either a string as its argument it will return the length of the string in characters, this means that a string with unicode characters like "日本語" will have a length of 3.


codepoint = ord[string]

ord[] will give you the unicode codepoint of the first character of the string you pass it.


string = chr[codepoint]

chr[] will take a unicode codepoint and give you back a string containing only that character.


position = index[string, substring]
position = index[string, substring, pos]

index[] will search in string for the first occurance of substring and return its position. If substring is not found in string it will return -1. The optional parameter pos will tell index how far into the string to start looking, 0 being the start of the string.


result = eval[string]

eval[] will take a string and evaluate it as if it were the Language::Farnsworth language and return the result.


substring = substrLen[string, start, length]

substrLen[] will pull out a part of string that starts at start and is length characters. If length is longer than the end of string then it will substring will only contain the text up until the end of the string.


substring = substr[string, start, end]

substr[] will pull out a part of string that starts at start and ends at end


substring = left[string, length]

left[] returns the left 'length' characters from 'string'.


substring = right[string, length]

right[] returns the right 'length' characters from 'string'.

Math Functions

Trigonometry Functions

sin[x]  csc[x]
cos[x]  sec[x]
tan[x]  cot[x]
atan[x] arctan[x]
acos[x] arccos[x]
asin[x] arcsin[x]

atanh[x] arctanh[x]
acosh[x] arccosh[x]
asinh[x] arcsinh[x]

atan2[x, y]

I will not go into a detailed explination of what these functions are. They are the basic trigonometric functions, they all take a single number in and return the result. atan2[x,y] is best explained by wikipedia

Miscellaneous Math Functions


Returns the square root of x


Returns e ** x.


Returns the natural logarithm of x


returns the logarithm base 10 of x


Returns the absolute value of x

gcd[x, y]

Returns the greatest common divisor of x and y

lcm[x, y]

Returns the lowest common multiple of x and y

quad[a, b, c]
quadratic[a, b, c]

Returns an array containing the two solutions to the quadratic equation described by the equation

a x^2 + b x + c

Rounding Functions

floor[x]	ceil[x]
int[x]		trunc[x]

rint[x] round[x, digits]

floor[] and ceil[] do what they say they do. Both int[] and trunc[] will in fact just truncate a floating point number to an integer, dropping all digits past the decimal point. rint[] will round the to the nearest integer. round[x, digits] will round to a specified number of digits, 0 being an integer 1 meaning having one digit past the decimal point.

Functions for Rational Numbers


Because Language::Farnsworth uses Math::Pari internally for doing all calculations numbers may be represented as a rational number when possible rather than a floating point number in order to preserve precision. When used on floating point numbers numerator[] will return the number back to you, and denominator[] will return 1.

Prime Numbers


Returns true if x is a prime number.


Returns the xth prime number.


Returns the next prime number after x


Returns the preceeding prime number before x

Complex Number Math Functions

conj[x] # conjugate
norm[x] # normal
real[x] # gives back the real part of a complex number
imag[x] # gives back the imaginary part of a complex number

Random Number Functions


randmax[x] returns a random number between 0 and x.


returns the current seed for the random number generator.


sets the seed for the random number generator to x.


returns a random number between 0 and 1 with 30 digits of precision (e.g. 10**30 different random numbers).

Miscellaneous Functions



return[] lets you return a single value/variable to the previous context just like in almost any other language.



now[] returns the current date and time as a Language::Farnsworth Date value.

#=head2 unit[] # # unit[unit] # #unit[] takes the name of a unit NOT as a string (in future releases it will take it as a string or barename), and will always return the value of the unit[] named as such. This allows you to have access to a unit even when someone has carelessly defined a variable that stomps on that unit. #