This is the user agent class. It is responsible to handle the page visit,
and page content/parsing calls.
The default ua is HTTP::Tiny. However, it is possible to create a new class
just like this one and make it work with other user agents.
Will visit the url you appended/prepended to the queue
$self->robot->queue->append( search => '', {
passed_key_values => {
send => 'var across requests',
some => 'vars i collected here...... and ....',
i_will => 'pass them to the next page because ...',
i_need => 'stuff from this page and the other ',
request => [ <---- OPTIONAL... force custom request
headers => {
'Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
content => '',
} );
Here the useragent will loop over defined content types and
will call the proper subroutine to treat page->content based
on content type.