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VTKFiltering - A Perl interface to VTKFiltering library


use Graphics::VTK; use Graphics::VTK::Filtering;


Graphics::VTK::Filtering is an interface to the Filtering libaray of the C++ visualization toolkit VTK..


Original PerlVTK Package: Roberto De Leo <>

Additional Refinements: John Cerney <>


  • Inherits from Spline

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void Compute ();
float Evaluate (float t);
const char *GetClassName ();
vtkCardinalSpline *New ();

vtkCardinalSpline Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void Fit1D (int n, float *x, float *y, float *w, float coefficients[4][], int leftConstraint, float leftValue, int rightConstraint, float rightValue);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void FitClosed1D (int n, float *x, float *y, float *w, float coefficients[4][]);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from DataSetToDataSetFilter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName ();
vtkCastToConcrete *New ();


  • Inherits from Locator

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void BuildLocator ();
void CacheCellBoundsOff ();
void CacheCellBoundsOn ();
void FreeSearchStructure ();
void GenerateRepresentation (int level, vtkPolyData *pd);
int GetCacheCellBounds ();
virtual vtkIdList *GetCells (int bucket);
const char *GetClassName ();
virtual int GetNumberOfBuckets (void );
int GetNumberOfCellsPerBucket ();
int GetNumberOfCellsPerBucketMaxValue ();
int GetNumberOfCellsPerBucketMinValue ();
vtkCellLocator *New ();
void SetCacheCellBounds (int );
void SetNumberOfCellsPerBucket (int );

vtkCellLocator Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

float Distance2ToBounds (float x[3], float bounds[6]);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1

float Distance2ToBucket (float x[3], int nei[3]);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1

void FindClosestPoint (float x[3], float closestPoint[3], long &cellId, int &subId, float &dist2);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1

int FindClosestPointWithinRadius (float x[3], float radius, float closestPoint[3], long &cellId, int &subId, float &dist2);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1

int FindClosestPointWithinRadius (float x[3], float radius, float closestPoint[3], vtkGenericCell *cell, long &cellId, int &subId, float &dist2);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1

int FindClosestPointWithinRadius (float x[3], float radius, float closestPoint[3], vtkGenericCell *cell, long &cellId, int &subId, float &dist2, int &inside);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1

void FindClosestPoint (float x[3], float closestPoint[3], vtkGenericCell *cell, long &cellId, int &subId, float &dist2);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1

int GenerateIndex (int offset, int numDivs, int i, int j, int k, long &idx);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 6

void GetBucketNeighbors (int ijk[3], int ndivs, int level);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1

void GetChildren (int idx, int level, int children[8]);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 3

void GetOverlappingBuckets (float x[3], int ijk[3], float dist, int prevMinLevel[3], int prevMaxLevel[3]);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1

virtual int IntersectWithLine (float a0[3], float a1[3], float tol, float &t, float x[3], float pcoords[3], int &subId);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1

virtual int IntersectWithLine (float a0[3], float a1[3], float tol, float &t, float x[3], float pcoords[3], int &subId, long &cellId);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1

virtual int IntersectWithLine (float a0[3], float a1[3], float tol, float &t, float x[3], float pcoords[3], int &subId, long &cellId, vtkGenericCell *cell);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1

void MarkParents (void *, int , int , int , int , int );
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from ScalarsToColors

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void AddHSVPoint (float x, float h, float s, float v);
void AddHSVSegment (float x1, float h1, float s1, float v1, float x2, float h2, float s2, float v2);
void AddRGBPoint (float x, float r, float g, float b);
void AddRGBSegment (float x1, float r1, float g1, float b1, float x2, float r2, float g2, float b2);
void ClampingOff ();
void ClampingOn ();
void DeepCopy (vtkColorTransferFunction *f);
float GetBlueValue (float x);
int GetClamping ();
int GetClampingMaxValue ();
int GetClampingMinValue ();
const char *GetClassName ();
float *GetColor (float x);
   (Returns a 3-element Perl list)
int GetColorSpace ();
int GetColorSpaceMaxValue ();
int GetColorSpaceMinValue ();
float GetGreenValue (float x);
float  *GetRange ();
   (Returns a 2-element Perl list)
float GetRedValue (float x);
int GetSize ();
vtkColorTransferFunction *New ();
void RemoveAllPoints ();
void RemovePoint (float x);
void SetClamping (int );
void SetColorSpace (int );
void SetColorSpaceToHSV ();
void SetColorSpaceToRGB ();

vtkColorTransferFunction Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void BuildFunctionFromTable (float x1, float x2, int size, float *table);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 4

void GetColor (float x, float rgb[3]);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 2

float *GetDataPointer ();
   Can't Handle 'float *' return type without a hint

void GetTable (float x1, float x2, int n, float *table);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 4

const unsigned char *GetTable (float x1, float x2, int n);
   Can't Handle 'const unsigned char *' return type without a hint

virtual void MapScalarsThroughTable2 (void *input, unsigned char *output, int inputDataType, int numberOfValues, int inputIncrement, int outputIncrement);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1

virtual unsigned char *MapValue (float v);
   Can't Handle 'unsigned char *' return type without a hint

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from ImplicitFunction

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

float EvaluateFunction (float x, float y, float z);
float GetAngle ();
float GetAngleMaxValue ();
float GetAngleMinValue ();
const char *GetClassName ();
vtkCone *New ();
void SetAngle (float );

vtkCone Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

float EvaluateFunction (float x[3]);
   Method is redundant. Same as EvaluateFunction( float, float, float)

void EvaluateGradient (float x[3], float g[3]);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from ImplicitFunction

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

float EvaluateFunction (float x, float y, float z);
float  *GetCenter ();
   (Returns a 3-element Perl list)
const char *GetClassName ();
float GetRadius ();
vtkCylinder *New ();
void SetCenter (float , float , float );
void SetRadius (float );

vtkCylinder Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

float EvaluateFunction (float x[3]);
   Method is redundant. Same as EvaluateFunction( float, float, float)

void EvaluateGradient (float x[3], float g[3]);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

void SetCenter (float  a[3]);
   Method is redundant. Same as SetCenter( float, float, float)


  • Inherits from Source

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName ();
vtkDataObject *GetOutput (int idx);
vtkDataObject *GetOutput ();
vtkDataObjectSource *New ();
void SetOutput (vtkDataObject *);


  • Inherits from Source

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName ();
vtkDataSet *GetOutput (int idx);
vtkDataSet *GetOutput ();
vtkDataSetSource *New ();
void SetOutput (vtkDataSet *);


  • Inherits from DataSetSource

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

virtual void ComputeInputUpdateExtents (vtkDataObject *output);
const char *GetClassName ();
vtkDataSet *GetInput ();
vtkDataSet *GetOutput (int idx);
vtkDataSet *GetOutput ();
vtkPolyData *GetPolyDataOutput ();
vtkRectilinearGrid *GetRectilinearGridOutput ();
vtkStructuredGrid *GetStructuredGridOutput ();
vtkStructuredPoints *GetStructuredPointsOutput ();
vtkUnstructuredGrid *GetUnstructuredGridOutput ();
void SetInput (vtkDataSet *input);


  • Inherits from PolyDataSource

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

virtual void ComputeInputUpdateExtents (vtkDataObject *output);
const char *GetClassName ();
vtkDataSet *GetInput ();
virtual void SetInput (vtkDataSet *input);


  • Inherits from StructuredGridSource

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName ();
vtkDataSet *GetInput ();
virtual void SetInput (vtkDataSet *input);


  • Inherits from StructuredPointsSource

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName ();
vtkDataSet *GetInput ();
virtual void SetInput (vtkDataSet *input);


  • Inherits from UnstructuredGridSource

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName ();
vtkDataSet *GetInput ();
virtual void SetInput (vtkDataSet *input);


  • Inherits from ImageToImageFilter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName ();
vtkImageInPlaceFilter *New ();


  • Inherits from ImageSource

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

virtual void AddInput (vtkImageData *input);
void BypassOff ();
void BypassOn ();
int GetBypass ();
const char *GetClassName ();
vtkImageData *GetInput (int num);
vtkImageData *GetInput ();
int GetNumberOfThreads ();
int GetNumberOfThreadsMaxValue ();
int GetNumberOfThreadsMinValue ();
vtkImageMultipleInputFilter *New ();
virtual void RemoveInput (vtkImageData *input);
void SetBypass (int );
virtual void SetInput (int num, vtkImageData *input);
void SetNumberOfThreads (int );

vtkImageMultipleInputFilter Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

virtual void ComputeInputUpdateExtent (int inExt[6], int outExt[6], int whichInput);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

virtual int SplitExtent (int splitExt[6], int startExt[6], int num, int total);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1

virtual void ThreadedExecute (vtkImageData *inDatas, vtkImageData *outData, int extent[6], int threadId);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 3


  • Inherits from ImageMultipleInputFilter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName ();
vtkImageData *GetOutput (int num);
vtkImageData *GetOutput ();
vtkImageMultipleInputOutputFilter *New ();

vtkImageMultipleInputOutputFilter Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

virtual void ComputeInputUpdateExtent (int inExt[6], int outExt[6], int whichInput);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

virtual void ThreadedExecute (vtkImageData *inDatas, vtkImageData *outDatas, int extent[6], int threadId);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 3

virtual void ThreadedExecute (vtkImageData *inDatas, vtkImageData *outData, int extent[6], int threadId);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 3


  • Inherits from Source

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName ();
vtkImageData *GetOutput (int idx);
vtkImageData *GetOutput ();
vtkImageSource *New ();
void SetOutput (vtkImageData *output);

vtkImageSource Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void ComputeRequiredInputUpdateExtent (int *, int *);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1


  • Inherits from ImageSource

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName ();
vtkImageData *GetInput ();
long GetInputMemoryLimit ();
int GetNumberOfThreads ();
int GetNumberOfThreadsMaxValue ();
int GetNumberOfThreadsMinValue ();
vtkImageToImageFilter *New ();
virtual void SetInput (vtkImageData *input);
void SetInputMemoryLimit (int );
void SetNumberOfThreads (int );

vtkImageToImageFilter Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void BypassOff ();
   Method is marked 'Do Not Use' in its descriptions

void BypassOn ();
   Method is marked 'Do Not Use' in its descriptions

virtual void ComputeInputUpdateExtent (int inExt[6], int outExt[6]);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1

int GetBypass ();
   Method is marked 'Do Not Use' in its descriptions

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

void SetBypass (int );
   Method is marked 'Do Not Use' in its descriptions

virtual int SplitExtent (int splitExt[6], int startExt[6], int num, int total);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1

virtual void ThreadedExecute (vtkImageData *inData, vtkImageData *outData, int extent[6], int threadId);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 3


  • Inherits from Source

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName ();
vtkImageData *GetInput ();
vtkStructuredPoints *GetOutput (int idx);
vtkStructuredPoints *GetOutput ();
vtkImageData *GetVectorInput ();
vtkImageToStructuredPoints *New ();
void SetInput (vtkImageData *input);
void SetVectorInput (vtkImageData *input);

vtkImageToStructuredPoints Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from ImageMultipleInputFilter

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName ();
vtkImageData *GetInput1 ();
vtkImageData *GetInput2 ();
vtkImageTwoInputFilter *New ();
virtual void SetInput1 (vtkImageData *input);
virtual void SetInput2 (vtkImageData *input);


  • Inherits from ImplicitFunction

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void AddFunction (vtkImplicitFunction *in);
float EvaluateFunction (float x, float y, float z);
const char *GetClassName ();
vtkImplicitFunctionCollection *GetFunction ();
unsigned long GetMTime ();
int GetOperationType ();
const char *GetOperationTypeAsString ();
int GetOperationTypeMaxValue ();
int GetOperationTypeMinValue ();
vtkImplicitBoolean *New ();
void RemoveFunction (vtkImplicitFunction *in);
void SetOperationType (int );
void SetOperationTypeToDifference ();
void SetOperationTypeToIntersection ();
void SetOperationTypeToUnion ();
void SetOperationTypeToUnionOfMagnitudes ();

vtkImplicitBoolean Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

float EvaluateFunction (float x[3]);
   Method is redundant. Same as EvaluateFunction( float, float, float)

void EvaluateGradient (float x[3], float g[3]);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from ImplicitFunction

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

float EvaluateFunction (float x, float y, float z);
const char *GetClassName ();
vtkDataSet *GetDataSet ();
unsigned long GetMTime ();
float  *GetOutGradient ();
   (Returns a 3-element Perl list)
float GetOutValue ();
vtkImplicitDataSet *New ();
void SetDataSet (vtkDataSet *);
void SetOutGradient (float , float , float );
void SetOutValue (float );

vtkImplicitDataSet Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

float EvaluateFunction (float x[3]);
   Method is redundant. Same as EvaluateFunction( float, float, float)

void EvaluateGradient (float x[3], float n[3]);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

void SetOutGradient (float  a[3]);
   Method is redundant. Same as SetOutGradient( float, float, float)


  • Inherits from ImplicitFunction

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void AutomaticNormalGenerationOff ();
void AutomaticNormalGenerationOn ();
float EvaluateFunction (float x, float y, float z);
int GetAutomaticNormalGeneration ();
const char *GetClassName ();
vtkPoints *GetLoop ();
unsigned long GetMTime ();
float  *GetNormal ();
   (Returns a 3-element Perl list)
vtkImplicitSelectionLoop *New ();
void SetAutomaticNormalGeneration (int );
void SetLoop (vtkPoints *);
void SetNormal (float , float , float );

vtkImplicitSelectionLoop Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

float EvaluateFunction (float x[3]);
   Method is redundant. Same as EvaluateFunction( float, float, float)

void EvaluateGradient (float x[3], float n[3]);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

void SetNormal (float  a[3]);
   Method is redundant. Same as SetNormal( float, float, float)


  • Inherits from ImplicitFunction

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

float EvaluateFunction (float x, float y, float z);
const char *GetClassName ();
unsigned long GetMTime ();
float  *GetOutGradient ();
   (Returns a 3-element Perl list)
float GetOutValue ();
vtkImageData *GetVolume ();
vtkImplicitVolume *New ();
void SetOutGradient (float , float , float );
void SetOutValue (float );
void SetVolume (vtkImageData *);

vtkImplicitVolume Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

float EvaluateFunction (float x[3]);
   Method is redundant. Same as EvaluateFunction( float, float, float)

void EvaluateGradient (float x[3], float n[3]);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

void SetOutGradient (float  a[3]);
   Method is redundant. Same as SetOutGradient( float, float, float)


  • Inherits from ImplicitFunction

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

float EvaluateFunction (float x, float y, float z);
const char *GetClassName ();
vtkImplicitFunction *GetImplicitFunction ();
unsigned long GetMTime ();
float  *GetWindowRange ();
   (Returns a 2-element Perl list)
float  *GetWindowValues ();
   (Returns a 2-element Perl list)
vtkImplicitWindowFunction *New ();
void SetImplicitFunction (vtkImplicitFunction *);
void SetWindowRange (float , float );
void SetWindowValues (float , float );

vtkImplicitWindowFunction Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

float EvaluateFunction (float x[3]);
   Method is redundant. Same as EvaluateFunction( float, float, float)

void EvaluateGradient (float x[3], float n[3]);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

void SetWindowRange (float  a[2]);
   Method is redundant. Same as SetWindowRange( float, float)

void SetWindowValues (float  a[2]);
   Method is redundant. Same as SetWindowValues( float, float)


  • Inherits from Spline

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void Compute ();
float Evaluate (float t);
const char *GetClassName ();
float GetDefaultBias ();
float GetDefaultContinuity ();
float GetDefaultTension ();
vtkKochanekSpline *New ();
void SetDefaultBias (float );
void SetDefaultContinuity (float );
void SetDefaultTension (float );

vtkKochanekSpline Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void Fit1D (int n, float *x, float *y, float tension, float bias, float continuity, float coefficients[4][], int leftConstraint, float leftValue, int rightConstraint, float rightValue);
   No TCL interface is provided by VTK, so we aren't going to provide one either.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from PointLocator

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName ();
long IsInsertedPoint (float x, float y, float z);
vtkMergePoints *New ();

vtkMergePoints Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

int InsertUniquePoint (const float x[3], long &ptId);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1

long IsInsertedPoint (const float x[3]);
   Method is redundant. Same as IsInsertedPoint( float, float, float)


  • Inherits from PointLocator2D

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName ();
vtkMergePoints2D *New ();

vtkMergePoints2D Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

int IsInsertedPoint (float x[2]);
   Can't handle methods with single array args (like a[3]) yet.


  • Inherits from DataObject

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void AddPoint (float x, float val);
void AddSegment (float x1, float val1, float x2, float val2);
void ClampingOff ();
void ClampingOn ();
void DeepCopy (vtkDataObject *f);
int GetClamping ();
const char *GetClassName ();
int GetDataObjectType ();
float GetFirstNonZeroValue ();
unsigned long GetMTime ();
float *GetRange ();
   (Returns a 2-element Perl list)
int GetSize ();
const char *GetType ();
float GetValue (float x);
void Initialize ();
vtkPiecewiseFunction *New ();
void RemoveAllPoints ();
void RemovePoint (float x);
void SetClamping (int );
void ShallowCopy (vtkDataObject *f);

vtkPiecewiseFunction Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void BuildFunctionFromTable (float x1, float x2, int size, float *table, int stride);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 4

float *GetDataPointer ();
   Can't Handle 'float *' return type without a hint

void GetTable (float x1, float x2, int size, float *table, int stride);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 4

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from Source

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName ();
vtkPointSet *GetOutput (int idx);
vtkPointSet *GetOutput ();
vtkPointSetSource *New ();
void SetOutput (vtkPointSet *output);


  • Inherits from PointSetSource

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

virtual void ComputeInputUpdateExtents (vtkDataObject *output);
const char *GetClassName ();
vtkPointSet *GetInput ();
vtkPointSet *GetOutput (int idx);
vtkPointSet *GetOutput ();
vtkPolyData *GetPolyDataOutput ();
vtkStructuredGrid *GetStructuredGridOutput ();
vtkUnstructuredGrid *GetUnstructuredGridOutput ();
void SetInput (vtkPointSet *input);


  • Inherits from Collection

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void AddItem (vtkPolyData *pd);
const char *GetClassName ();
vtkPolyData *GetNextItem ();
vtkPolyDataCollection *New ();


  • Inherits from Source

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName ();
vtkPolyData *GetOutput (int idx);
vtkPolyData *GetOutput ();
vtkPolyDataSource *New ();
void SetOutput (vtkPolyData *output);


  • Inherits from PolyDataSource

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName ();
vtkPolyData *GetInput ();
virtual void SetInput (vtkPolyData *input);


  • Inherits from Source

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName ();
vtkRectilinearGrid *GetOutput (int idx);
vtkRectilinearGrid *GetOutput ();
vtkRectilinearGridSource *New ();
void SetOutput (vtkRectilinearGrid *output);


  • Inherits from PolyDataSource

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName ();
vtkRectilinearGrid *GetInput ();
void SetInput (vtkRectilinearGrid *input);


  • Inherits from Object

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void BuildTree ();
int GetBranchingFactor ();
int GetBranchingFactorMaxValue ();
int GetBranchingFactorMinValue ();
const char *GetClassName ();
vtkDataSet *GetDataSet ();
int GetLevel ();
int GetMaxLevel ();
int GetMaxLevelMaxValue ();
int GetMaxLevelMinValue ();
void InitTraversal (float scalarValue);
void Initialize ();
vtkScalarTree *New ();
void SetBranchingFactor (int );
void SetDataSet (vtkDataSet *);
void SetMaxLevel (int );

vtkScalarTree Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

vtkCell *GetNextCell (long &cellId, vtkIdList &ptIds, vtkDataArray *cellScalars);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from ImageSource

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName ();
vtkImageData *GetInput ();
virtual void SetInput (vtkImageData *input);

vtkSimpleImageToImageFilter Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

virtual void ComputeInputUpdateExtent (int inExt[6], int outExt[6]);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1


  • Inherits from ImplicitFunction

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

float EvaluateFunction (float x, float y, float z);
float  *GetCenter ();
   (Returns a 3-element Perl list)
const char *GetClassName ();
float GetRadius ();
vtkSphere *New ();
void SetCenter (float , float , float );
void SetRadius (float );

vtkSphere Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

float EvaluateFunction (float x[3]);
   Method is redundant. Same as EvaluateFunction( float, float, float)

void EvaluateGradient (float x[3], float n[3]);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

void SetCenter (float  a[3]);
   Method is redundant. Same as SetCenter( float, float, float)


  • Inherits from Object

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void AddPoint (float t, float x);
void ClampValueOff ();
void ClampValueOn ();
void ClosedOff ();
void ClosedOn ();
virtual void Compute () = 0;
int GetClampValue ();
const char *GetClassName ();
int GetClosed ();
int GetLeftConstraint ();
int GetLeftConstraintMaxValue ();
int GetLeftConstraintMinValue ();
float GetLeftValue ();
unsigned long GetMTime ();
int GetRightConstraint ();
int GetRightConstraintMaxValue ();
int GetRightConstraintMinValue ();
float GetRightValue ();
void RemoveAllPoints ();
void RemovePoint (float t);
void SetClampValue (int );
void SetClosed (int );
void SetLeftConstraint (int );
void SetLeftValue (float );
void SetRightConstraint (int );
void SetRightValue (float );

vtkSpline Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet


  • Inherits from Source

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName ();
vtkStructuredGrid *GetOutput (int idx);
vtkStructuredGrid *GetOutput ();
vtkStructuredGridSource *New ();
void SetOutput (vtkStructuredGrid *output);


  • Inherits from PolyDataSource

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName ();
vtkStructuredGrid *GetInput ();
void SetInput (vtkStructuredGrid *input);


  • Inherits from StructuredGridSource

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName ();
vtkStructuredGrid *GetInput ();
void SetInput (vtkStructuredGrid *input);


  • Inherits from Collection

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

void AddItem (vtkStructuredPoints *ds);
const char *GetClassName ();
vtkStructuredPoints *GetNextItem ();
vtkStructuredPointsCollection *New ();


  • Inherits from Source

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName ();
vtkStructuredPoints *GetOutput (int idx);
vtkStructuredPoints *GetOutput ();
vtkStructuredPointsSource *New ();
void SetOutput (vtkStructuredPoints *output);


  • Inherits from PolyDataSource

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName ();
vtkImageData *GetInput ();
void SetInput (vtkImageData *input);


  • Inherits from StructuredPointsSource

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName ();
vtkImageData *GetInput ();
void SetInput (vtkImageData *input);


  • Inherits from UnstructuredGridSource

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName ();
vtkImageData *GetInput ();
void SetInput (vtkImageData *input);


  • Inherits from ImplicitFunction

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

float EvaluateFunction (float x, float y, float z);
float  *GetCenter ();
   (Returns a 3-element Perl list)
const char *GetClassName ();
float GetPhiRoundness ();
float  *GetScale ();
   (Returns a 3-element Perl list)
float GetSize ();
float GetThetaRoundness ();
float GetThickness ();
float GetThicknessMaxValue ();
float GetThicknessMinValue ();
int GetToroidal ();
vtkSuperquadric *New ();
void SetCenter (float , float , float );
void SetPhiRoundness (float e);
void SetScale (float , float , float );
void SetSize (float );
void SetThetaRoundness (float e);
void SetThickness (float );
void SetToroidal (int );
void ToroidalOff ();
void ToroidalOn ();

vtkSuperquadric Unsupported Funcs:

Functions which are not supported supported for this class by the PerlVTK module.

float EvaluateFunction (float x[3]);
   Method is redundant. Same as EvaluateFunction( float, float, float)

void EvaluateGradient (float x[3], float g[3]);
   Don't know the size of pointer arg number 1

void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent);
   I/O Streams not Supported yet

void SetCenter (float  a[3]);
   Method is redundant. Same as SetCenter( float, float, float)

void SetScale (float  a[3]);
   Method is redundant. Same as SetScale( float, float, float)


  • Inherits from Source

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName ();
vtkUnstructuredGrid *GetOutput (int idx);
vtkUnstructuredGrid *GetOutput ();
vtkUnstructuredGridSource *New ();
void SetOutput (vtkUnstructuredGrid *output);


  • Inherits from PolyDataSource

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

virtual void ComputeInputUpdateExtents (vtkDataObject *output);
const char *GetClassName ();
vtkUnstructuredGrid *GetInput ();
virtual void SetInput (vtkUnstructuredGrid *input);


  • Inherits from UnstructuredGridSource

Functions Supported for this class by the PerlVTK module: (To find more about their use check the VTK documentation at

const char *GetClassName ();
vtkUnstructuredGrid *GetInput ();
void SetInput (vtkUnstructuredGrid *input);