
The idea is to build a simple query engine on top of the Schema. It will center around a gp type and a term type.

TODO: association_deep and association_very_deep should be resolved into one query type as soon as I can figure out the nuances of deep joining in DBIx::Class.

TODO: integration of 'filter_set'.

NOTE: QUERY_PREFETCH can be used to keep the objects of the initial query around when you are traversing the objects. For example, if you don't use it and traverse a many relationship, it looks like ->all.


Sets the stype of search to be done.

Arg: {type=>X}, where X := 'term', 'gp', 'gene_product', 'homolset', etc. Arg: {filter_set=>[]}, where ...


Args: standard Returns: result set iterator


Args: a more hard-wired version of the below do_query. Returns: result set, unpaged


Args: table sets. Returns: all results by page


Args: nil Returns: an array of paging info

1 POD Error

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 31:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

=over without closing =back