Copyright [1999-2015] Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute and the EMBL-European Bioinformatics Institute Copyright [2016-2024] EMBL-European Bioinformatics Institute
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Arg [1] : string $table - the name of the table to retrieve coord systems
for. E.g. 'gene', 'exon', 'dna_align_feature'
Example : @css = @{$mcc->fetch_all_CoordSystems_by_feature_type('gene')};
Description: This retrieves the list of coordinate systems that features
in a particular table are stored. It is used internally by
the API to perform queries to these tables and to ensure that
features are only stored in appropriate coordinate systems.
Returntype : listref of Bio::EnsEMBL::CoordSystem objects
Exceptions : throw if name argument not provided
Caller : BaseFeatureAdaptor
Status : Stable
Arg [1] : Bio::EnsEMBL::CoordSystem $cs
Arg [2] : string $table
Example : $max_len = $mcc->fetch_max_length_by_CoordSystem_feature_type($cs,'gene');
Description: Returns the maximum length of features of a given type in
a given coordinate system.
Returntype : int or undef
Exceptions : throw on incorrect argument
Caller : BaseFeatureAdaptor
Status : Stable
Arg [1] : Bio::EnsEMBL::CoordSystem $cs
The coordinate system to associate with a feature table
Arg [2] : string $table - the name of the table in which features of
a given coordinate system will be stored in
Arg [3] : int $length
This length is used to update the max_length in the database
and the internal cache.
Example : $csa->add_feature_table($chr_coord_system, 'gene');
Description: This function tells the coordinate system adaptor that
features from a specified table will be stored in a certain
coordinate system. If this information is not already stored
in the database it will be added.
Returntype : none
Exceptions : none
Caller : BaseFeatureAdaptor
Status : Stable
Arg [1] : Bio::EnsEMBL::CoordSystem $cs
The coordinate system to associate with a feature table
Arg [2] : string $table - the name of the table in which features of
a given coordinate system are being removed
Example : $csa->remove_feature_table($chr_coord_system, 'gene');
Description: This function tells the coordinate system adaptor that
features have been fully removed from a certain coordinate system.
Use with caution as it will cause issues if there are still features
Returntype : none
Exceptions : none
Caller : BaseFeatureAdaptor
Status : Stable