AUTHOR: Juan Lorenzo (Perl module only)








SEISMIC UNIX NOTES PSCONTOUR - PostScript CONTOURing of a two-dimensional function f(x1,x2)

pscontour n1= [optional parameters] <binaryfile >postscriptfile	

Required Parameters:							

n1                     number of samples in 1st (fast) dimension	

Optional Parameters:							

d1=1.0                 sampling interval in 1st dimension		

f1=d1                  first sample in 1st dimension			

x1=f1,f1+d1,...        array of monotonic sampled values in 1st dimension

n2=all                 number of samples in 2nd (slow) dimension	

d2=1.0                 sampling interval in 2nd dimension		

f2=d2                  first sample in 2nd dimension			

x2=f2,f2+d2,...        array of monotonic sampled values in 2nd dimension

nc=5                   number of contour values			

dc=(zmax-zmin)/nc      contour interval				

fc=min+dc              first contour					

c=fc,fc+dc,...         array of contour values			

cwidth=1.0,...         array of contour line widths			

cgray=0.0,...          array of contour grays (0.0=black to 1.0=white)

ccolor=none,...        array of contour colors; none means use cgray	

cdash=0.0,...          array of dash spacings (0.0 for solid)		

labelcf=1              first labeled contour (1,2,3,...)

labelcper=1            label every labelcper-th contour		

nlabelc=nc             number of labeled contours (0 no contour label)

nplaces=6              number of decimal places in contour label      

xbox=1.5               offset in inches of left side of axes box	

ybox=1.5               offset in inches of bottom side of axes box	

wbox=6.0               width in inches of axes box			

hbox=8.0               height in inches of axes box			

x1beg=x1min            value at which axis 1 begins			

x1end=x1max            value at which axis 1 ends			

d1num=0.0              numbered tic interval on axis 1 (0.0 for automatic)

f1num=x1min            first numbered tic on axis 1 (used if d1num not 0.0)

n1tic=1                number of tics per numbered tic on axis 1	

grid1=none             grid lines on axis 1 - none, dot, dash, or solid

label1=                label on axis 1				

x2beg=x2min            value at which axis 2 begins			

x2end=x2max            value at which axis 2 ends			

d2num=0.0              numbered tic interval on axis 2 (0.0 for automatic)

f2num=x2min            first numbered tic on axis 2 (used if d2num not 0.0)

n2tic=1                number of tics per numbered tic on axis 2	

grid2=none             grid lines on axis 2 - none, dot, dash, or solid

label2=                label on axis 2				

labelfont=Helvetica    font name for axes labels			

labelsize=18           font size for axes labels			

title=                 title of plot					

titlefont=Helvetica-Bold font name for title				

titlesize=24           font size for title				

labelcfont=Helvetica-Bold font name for contour labels		

labelcsize=6           font size of contour labels   			

labelccolor=black      color of contour labels   			

titlecolor=black       color of title					

axescolor=black        color of axes					

gridcolor=black        color of grid					

axeswidth=1            width (in points) of axes			

ticwidth=axeswidth     width (in points) of tic marks		

gridwidth=axeswidth    width (in points) of grid lines		

style=seismic          normal (axis 1 horizontal, axis 2 vertical) or	

                       seismic (axis 1 vertical, axis 2 horizontal)	


The line width of unlabeled contours is designed as a quarter of that	

of labeled contours. 							

All color specifications may also be made in X Window style Hex format

example:   axescolor=#255						

Legal font names are:							

AvantGarde-Book AvantGarde-BookOblique AvantGarde-Demi AvantGarde-DemiOblique"

Bookman-Demi Bookman-DemiItalic Bookman-Light Bookman-LightItalic 

Courier Courier-Bold Courier-BoldOblique Courier-Oblique 

Helvetica Helvetica-Bold Helvetica-BoldOblique Helvetica-Oblique 

Helvetica-Narrow Helvetica-Narrow-Bold Helvetica-Narrow-BoldOblique 

Helvetica-Narrow-Oblique NewCentrySchlbk-Bold"

NewCenturySchlbk-BoldItalic NewCenturySchlbk-Roman Palatino-Bold  

Palatino-BoldItalic Palatino-Italics Palatino-Roman 

SanSerif-Bold SanSerif-BoldItalic SanSerif-Roman 

Symbol Times-Bold Times-BoldItalic 

Times-Roman Times-Italic ZapfChancery-MediumItalic 

type:   sudoc pscontour    for more information			


 For nice even-numbered contours, use the parameters  fc and dc

 Example: if the range of the z values of a data set range between

 approximately -1000 and +1000, then use fc=-1000 nc=10 and dc=100

 to get contours spaced by even 100's.

 Author:  Dave Hale, Colorado School of Mines, 05/29/90

 MODIFIED:  Craig Artley, Colorado School of Mines, 08/30/91

            BoundingBox moved to top of PostScript output

 MODIFIED:  Zhenyue Liu, Colorado School of Mines, 08/26/93

	      Values are labeled on contours  

 MODIFIED:  Craig Artley, Colorado School of Mines, 12/16/93

            Added color options (Courtesy of Dave Hale, Advance Geophysical).

 Modified: Morten Wendell Pedersen, Aarhus University, 23/3-97

           Added ticwidth,axeswidth, gridwidth parameters 

User's notes (Juan Lorenzo) untested


Import packages

instantiation of packages

Encapsulated hash of private variables

sub Step

collects switches and assembles bash instructions by adding the program name

sub note

collects switches and assembles bash instructions by adding the program name

sub clear

sub axescolor

sub axeswidth

sub c

sub ccolor

sub cdash

sub cgray

sub cwidth

sub d1

sub d1num

sub d2

sub d2num

sub dc

sub f1

sub f1num

sub f2

sub f2num

sub fc

sub grid1

sub grid2

sub gridcolor

sub gridwidth

sub hbox

sub label1

sub label2

sub labelccolor

sub labelcf

sub labelcfont

sub labelcper

sub labelcsize

sub labelfont

sub labelsize

sub n1

sub n1tic

sub n2

sub n2tic

sub nc

sub nlabelc

sub nplaces

sub style

sub ticwidth

sub title

sub titlecolor

sub titlefont

sub titlesize

sub wbox

sub x1

sub x1beg

sub x1end

sub x2

sub x2beg

sub x2end

sub xbox

sub ybox

sub get_max_index

max index = number of input variables -1