PERL PROGRAM NAME:  UNISAM2 - UNIformly SAMple a 2-D function f(x1,x2)			
AUTHOR: Juan Lorenzo (Perl module only)





UNISAM2 - UNIformly SAMple a 2-D function f(x1,x2)			

unisam2 [optional parameters] <inputfile >outputfile			

Required Parameters:							
Optional Parameters:							
x1=             array of x1 values at which input f(x1,x2) is sampled	
... Or specify a unform linear set of values for x1 via:		
nx1=1           number of input samples in 1st dimension		
dx1=1           input sampling interval in 1st dimension		
fx1=0           first input sample in 1st dimension			
n1=1            number of output samples in 1st dimension		
d1=             output sampling interval in 1st dimension		
f1=             first output sample in 1st dimension			
x2=             array of x2 values at which input f(x1,x2) is sampled	
... Or specify a unform linear set of values for x2 via:		
nx2=1           number of input samples in 2nd dimension		
dx2=1           input sampling interval in 2nd dimension		
fx2=0           first input sample in 2nd dimension			
n2=1            number of output samples in 2nd dimension		
d2=             output sampling interval in 2nd dimension		
f2=             first output sample in 2nd dimension			
method1=linear  =linear for linear interpolation			
                =mono for monotonic bicubic interpolation		
                =akima for Akima bicubic interpolation		
                =spline for bicubic spline interpolation		
method2=linear  =linear for linear interpolation			
                =mono for monotonic bicubic interpolation		
                =akima for Akima bicubic interpolation		
                =spline for bicubic spline interpolation		

The number of input samples is the number of x1 values times the	
number of x2 values.  The number of output samples is n1 times n2.	
The output sampling intervals (d1 and d2) and first samples (f1 and f2)
default to span the range of input x1 and x2 values.  In other words,	
d1=(x1max-x1min)/(n1-1) and f1=x1min; likewise for d2 and f2.		

Interpolation is first performed along the 2nd dimension for each	
value of x1 specified.  Interpolation is then performed along the	
1st dimension.							

Author:  Dave Hale, Colorado School of Mines, 01/12/91\n"


sub Step

collects switches and assembles bash instructions by adding the program name

sub note

collects switches and assembles bash instructions by adding the program name

sub clear

sub d1

sub d2

sub dx1

sub dx2

sub f1

sub f2

sub fx1

sub fx2

sub method1

sub method2

sub n1

sub n2

sub nx1

sub nx2

sub x1

sub x2

sub get_max_index

max index = number of input variables -1