PERL PROGRAM NAME:  SUFDMOD2 - Finite-Difference MODeling (2nd order) for acoustic wave equation
AUTHOR: Juan Lorenzo (Perl module only)





 SUFDMOD2 - Finite-Difference MODeling (2nd order) for acoustic wave equation

 sufdmod2 <vfile >wfile nx= nz= tmax= xs= zs= [optional parameters]	

 Required Parameters:							
 <vfile		  file containing velocity[nx][nz]
SeismicUnixGui: data_in  suffix_type= bin
 >wfile	file containing waves[nx][nz] for time steps
SeismicUnixGui: data_out suffix_type= bin
 nx=			number of x samples (2nd dimension)		
 nz=			number of z samples (1st dimension)		
 xs=			x coordinates of source, or, alternatively, the name
			of a file that contains the x- and z-coordinates,
			with the number of pairs as the first record and
			the actual pairs of (x,z) locations following.  
 zs=			z coordinates of source				
 tmax=			maximum time					

 Optional Parameters:							
 sstrength=1.0		strength of source				
 pw=0			use point or extended source geometry parameters
 			=1  use horizontal plane wave source 		
 pwt=20		amp taper on ends of line src (in grid points)  
 mono=0		use ricker wavelet as source function 		
 			=1  use single frequency src (freq=2*fpeak)	
 nt=1+tmax/dt		number of time samples (dt determined for stability)
 mt=1			number of time steps (dt) per output time step	

 dx=1.0		x sampling interval				
 fx=0.0		first x sample					
 dz=1.0		z sampling interval				
 fz=0.0		first z sample					

 fmax = vmin/(10.0*h)	maximum frequency in source 			
 fpeak=0.5*fmax	peak frequency in ricker wavelet		

 dfile=		input file containing density[nx][nz]		
 vsx=			x coordinate of vertical line of seismograms	
 hsz=			z coordinate of horizontal line of seismograms	
 vsfile=		output file for vertical line of seismograms[nz][nt]
 SeismicUnixGui: vsfile goes to $DATA_SEIMICS_BIN
 hsfile=		output file for horizontal line of seismograms[nx][nt]
  SeismicUnixGui: hsfile goes to $DATA_SEIMICS_BIN
 ssfile=		output file for source point seismograms[nt]
 SeismicUnixGui:  ssfile goes to $DATA_SEIMICS_BIN
 verbose=0		=1 for diagnostic messages, =2 for more		
 abs=1,1,1,1		absorbing boundary conditions on top,left,bottom,right
			sides of the model. 				
 			=0,1,1,1 for free surface condition on the top	


 This program uses the traditional explicit second order differencing	

 Authors:  CWP:Dave Hale
           CWP:modified for SU by John Stockwell, 1993.
           U Houston: added plane wave and monochromatic wave 
                        source options.  Chris Liner, 2010

 Trace header fields set: sx, gx, ns, delrt, tracl, tracr, offset, d1, d2,
                          sdepth, trid

 Modifications: Tony Kocurko (TK:)
                Memorial University in Newfoundland and Labrador
                - Allow user to supply the name of a file containing
                  shot point locations, rather than supplying them
                  as values to the xs= and zs= command line arguments.
                - Correct the calculation of izs[is].

 Technical reference:
 Kelly, K. R., R. W. Ward, S. Treitel, and R. M. Alford (1976),
 Synthetic Seismograms: A finite-difference approach, 
 Geophysics, Vol. 41. No. I (February, 1976), p. 2-27.


sub Step

collects switches and assembles bash instructions by adding the program name

sub note

collects switches and assembles bash instructions by adding the program name

sub clear

sub abs

sub boundary_conditions

sub dfile

sub dx

sub dz

sub fmax

sub fpeak

sub freq

sub fx

sub fz

sub hsfile

sub hsfile_out

sub hsz

sub mono

sub mt

sub nt

sub nx

sub nz

sub pw

sub pwt

sub seismogram_out

sub ssfile

sub sstrength

sub tmax

sub verbose

sub vsfile

sub vsfile_out

sub vsx

sub xs

sub zs

sub get_max_index

max index = number of input variables -1