AUTHOR: Juan Lorenzo (Perl module only)








SEISMIC UNIX NOTES char *sdoc[] = {

" SUMIGPREPSPI --- The 2-D PREstack commom-shot Phase-Shift-Plus 	

"			interpolation depth MIGration.			

"   sumigprepspi <indata >outfile [parameters] 			", 

" Required Parameters:						   	

" nxo=     number of total horizontal output samples			

" nxshot=  number of shot gathers to be migrated		   	

" nz=      number of depth samples				 	

" dx=      horizontal sampling interval			  	",   

" dz=      depth sampling interval				 	

" vfile=   velocity profile, it must be binary format.                 

" Optional Parameters:						   	

" fmax=25    the peak frequency of Ricker wavelet used as source wavelet

" f1=5



  f4=50     frequencies to build a Hamming window     

" lpad=9999

  rpad=9999        number of zero traces padded on both	

"                            sides of depth section to determine the	

"                            migration aperture, the default values    

"                            are using the full aperture.              

" nflag=0    normalization of cross-correlation:                       

"            0: none, 1: by source wave field                          

" verbose=0  silent, =1 additional runtime information	                


" Notes:								

" The input velocity file \'vfile\' consists of C-style binary floats.	",  

" The structure of this file is vfile[iz][ix]. Note that this means that

" the x-direction is the fastest direction instead of z-direction! Such a

" structure is more convenient for the downward continuation type	

" migration algorithm than using z as fastest dimension as in other SU  ", 

" programs.						   		

" Because most of the tools in the SU package (such as  unif2, unisam2, ", 

" and makevel) produce output with the structure vfile[ix][iz], you will

" need to transpose the velocity files created by these programs. You may

" use the SU program \'transp\' in SU to transpose such files into the  

" required vfile[iz][ix] structure.					

" (In C  v[iz][ix] denotes a v(x,z) array, whereas v[ix][iz]  		

" denotes a v(z,x) array, the opposite of what Matlab and Fortran	

" programmers may expect.)						", 

" Also, sx must be monotonically increasing throughout the dataset, and 

" and gx must be monotonically increasing within a shot. You may resort 

" your data with \'susort\', accordingly.				

" The scalco header field is honored so this field must be set correctly.

" See selfdocs of \'susort\', \'suchw\'. Also:   sukeyword scalco	

 * Credits: CWP, Baoniu Han,, April 19th, 1998

 *	  Modified: Chris Stolk, 11 Dec 2005, - changed data input

 *		    to remove erroneous time delay.

 *	  Modified: CWP, John Stockwell 26 Sept 2006 - replaced Han's

 *	  "goto-loop" in two places with "do { }while loops".

 *	  Fixed it so that sx, gx, and scalco are honored.



 * Trace header fields accessed: ns, dt, delrt, d2

 * Trace header fields modified: ns, dt, delrt

User's notes (Juan Lorenzo) untested


Import packages

instantiation of packages

Encapsulated hash of private variables

sub Step

collects switches and assembles bash instructions by adding the program name

sub note

collects switches and assembles bash instructions by adding the program name

sub clear

sub dx

sub dz

sub f1

sub f2

sub f3

sub f4

sub fmax

sub lpad

sub nflag

sub nxo

sub nxshot

sub nz

sub rpad

sub verbose

sub vfile

sub get_max_index

max index = number of input variables -1