sub sunix_params
#print("self is $self prog name is $prog_name\n");
#foreach my $key (sort keys %$hash_ref){
# print("parameter $key is $hash_ref->{$key} \n\n");
#print("param is $param[$k]\n");
#print("values is $values[$k]\n");
all chebutton values are turned on by default
checkbutton_on_off options are only for the checkbuttons to be green
or red
sunix buttons ca n be either on or off
sub tool_specs
Output parameters for superflows
A Tool is also a superflow
i/p $hash_ref to iobtain entry labels and
values and paramters from widgets to build @CFG
DB print("prog name $program_name\n"); print(" save_button,save,configure,write_LSU,tool_specs $files_LSU->{_program_name_config}\n"); print("save,superflow,write_LSU, key/value pairs:$CFG[$i], $CFG[$j]\n"); #use Config::Simple; #my $cfg = Config::Simple(syntax=>'ini'); #$cfg->write($files_LSU->{_program_name_config}); # print "@CFGpa\n"; #$cfg->ram($CFG[$i] ,$CFG[$j]); #print "@CFG\n";