The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
Distributions Which Depend on Mojo::Base
River gauge Release Uploaded
River stage zero No dependents Bot-Telegram-1.10 A micro^W nano framework for creating telegram bots based on WWW::Telegram::BotAPI 27 Jun 2024 12:07:15 UTC
River stage one • 2 direct dependents • 2 total dependents Perl-Examples-Accessors-0.133 A collection of example classes using various accessor generators 17 May 2024 00:05:20 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Bencher-ScenarioBundle-Accessors-0.151 Scenarios to benchmark class accessors 13 May 2024 00:05:21 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Mojolicious-Plugin-OpenAPI-Modern-0.010 Mojolicious plugin providing access to an OpenAPI document and parser 09 May 2024 16:31:18 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Mojolicious-Plugin-WithCSRFProtection-1.01 Mojolicious plugin providing CSRF protection at the routing level 07 Apr 2024 13:58:55 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Mojolicious-Plugin-Credentials-0.006 A credentials store in mojo 05 Feb 2024 23:27:36 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Test-Mojo-Role-OpenAPI-Modern-0.005 Test::Mojo role providing access to an OpenAPI document and parser 20 Dec 2023 21:27:09 UTC
River stage zero No dependents App-SlideServer-0.002 Serves a HTML slide show synchronized over WebSocket 11 Jul 2023 18:21:24 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Mojolicious-Plugin-Web-Auth-Site-LinkedIn-0.05 LinkedIn OAuth Plugin for Mojolicious::Plugin::Web::Auth 10 Jul 2023 02:25:20 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Mojolicious-Plugin-Passphrase-0.003 Securely hash and validate your passwords. 14 Feb 2023 01:02:40 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Mojolicious-Plugin-SecureCORS-v2.0.5 Complete control over CORS 03 Feb 2023 12:29:01 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Mojolicious-Plugin-Routes-Restful-0.04 Have a Hash make some Mojo routes 30 Jan 2023 21:28:59 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Mojolicious-Plugin-Kinde-v0.0.2 A Mojo helper and route condition to extract Kinde auth header, verify JWT token, and return the claims 09 Jan 2023 13:27:29 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Mojolicious-Plugin-Geolocation-MMDB-1.000 Look up location information by IP address 24 Dec 2022 09:32:42 UTC
River stage zero No dependents WebService-LastFM-TrackInfo-0.0206 Access to *.getInfo slices of the API 27 Oct 2022 01:30:07 UTC
River stage zero No dependents WebService-Hooktheory-0.0601 Access to the Hooktheory API 27 Oct 2022 01:26:07 UTC
River stage zero No dependents WebService-GetSongBPM-0.0401 Access to the API 27 Oct 2022 01:23:21 UTC
River stage zero No dependents WebService-AcousticBrainz-0.0602 Access to the AcousticBrainz API 27 Oct 2022 01:18:06 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Mojolicious-Plugin-Logrotate-0.003 Logrotate Mojolicious Application log 25 Sep 2022 08:06:17 UTC
River stage zero No dependents MojoX-Log-Rotate-1.222670 Makes mojolicious log file rotation easy 24 Sep 2022 16:58:52 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Mojolicious-Plugin-Access-0.003 Mojolicious::Plugin::Access Control remote ip access your App 02 Sep 2022 12:37:14 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Dash-0.11 Analytical Web Apps in Perl (Port of Plotly's Dash to Perl) 14 Aug 2022 14:02:57 UTC
River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 1 total dependent Test-Mojo-Role-Debug-1.005002 Test::Mojo role to make debugging test failures easier 28 Jun 2022 00:38:22 UTC
River stage one • 2 direct dependents • 2 total dependents Mojo-UserAgent-Mockable-1.59 A Mojo User-Agent that can record and play back requests without Internet connectivity, similar to LWP::UserAgent::Mockable 22 Apr 2022 20:19:20 UTC
River stage zero No dependents MojoX-JSONRPC2-HTTP-v2.0.3 Client for JSON RPC 2.0 over HTTP 30 Mar 2022 19:50:04 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Mojolicious-Plugin-ToolkitRenderer-1.12 Template Toolkit Renderer Mojolicious Plugin 20 Mar 2022 00:54:14 UTC
River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 1 total dependent MojoX-Log-Dispatch-Simple-1.12 Simple Log::Dispatch replacement of Mojo::Log 20 Mar 2022 00:54:03 UTC
River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 1 total dependent OAuth-Cmdline-0.07 OAuth2 for command line applications using web services 28 Jan 2022 18:44:13 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Mojolicious-Command-nopaste-Service-perlbot-0.007 Pastes stuff to 08 Dec 2021 19:15:55 UTC
River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 1 total dependent Bencher-Scenarios-Accessors-0.150 Scenarios to benchmark class accessors 03 Aug 2021 03:00:56 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Finance-Dogechain-1.20210605.1754 use the API from Perl 05 Jun 2021 17:55:27 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Games-Simutrans-Pakset-0.02 Represents an entire Pakset for the Simutrans game 02 Jun 2021 12:23:12 UTC
River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 1 total dependent Mojolicious-Plugin-JSONRPC2-v2.0.4 JSON-RPC 2.0 over HTTP 29 May 2021 03:45:56 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Mojolicious-Plugin-Authorization-1.06 A plugin to make authorization a bit easier 19 May 2021 14:27:32 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Test-Mojo-Role-SubmitForm-1.004004 Test::Mojo role that allows to submit forms 06 May 2021 17:36:24 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Tapper-API-5.0.2 Tapper - REST frontend 25 Mar 2021 22:56:58 UTC
River stage zero No dependents WebService-Rollbar-Notifier-1.002010 send messages to service 07 Mar 2021 12:44:32 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Mojolicious-Plugin-Minion-Starter-0.005 start/stop minion workers with the Mojolicious server 02 Mar 2021 20:30:32 UTC
River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 1 total dependent MojoX-Log-Fast-v1.2.0 Log::Fast for Mojolicious 17 Feb 2021 17:24:48 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Test-Mojo-Role-DOMinizer-1.001001 Test::Mojo role to examine DOM mid test chain 17 Dec 2020 21:44:27 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Mojolicious-Plugin-Parametry-1.001001 Mojolicious plugin providing param helpers 01 Dec 2020 15:51:23 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Mojo-PDF-1.005003 Generate PDFs with the goodness of Mojo! 05 Oct 2020 00:19:41 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Mojo-InfluxDB-0.1 Super simple InfluxDB async cappable client with a nice interface 29 Sep 2020 14:50:45 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Mojolicious-Plugin-ExceptionSentry-0.02 Sentry Plugin for Mojolicious - Mojolicious::Plugin::ExceptionSentry 24 Apr 2020 17:02:12 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Test-Mojo-Role-ElementCounter-1.001008 Test::Mojo role that provides element count tests 19 Apr 2020 08:47:23 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Mojo-Role-0.999 Tiny and simple role system for Mojo (DEPRECATED) 30 Jul 2019 22:24:54 UTC
River stage zero No dependents App-TeleGramma-0.14 A modular Telegram Bot 28 Jun 2019 05:06:46 UTC
River stage zero No dependents SQL-Abstract-Prefetch-0.003 implement "prefetch" for DBI RDBMS 11 Apr 2019 04:11:46 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Mojolicious-Plugin-GitConfig-1.0 Mojolicious Plugin for using Config::GitLike as the main configuration provider 24 Mar 2019 15:17:32 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Mojolicious-Plugin-Web-Auth-Site-DropboxV2-0.000001 Dropbox OAuth2 Plugin for Mojolicious::Plugin::Web::Auth 10 Mar 2019 17:59:12 UTC
135 results (0.018 seconds)