Revision history for Win32-JA-PathPatch
1.0.4 2019-12-18T07:50:02Z
- Remove harmful and unnecessary code
* There was an unnecessary code block starting with
"package CORE::GLOBAL;" in the BEGIN block. This code caused
that mistakenly listed CORE::GLOBAL as a dependent package,
in MetaCPAN site. This has been removed.
1.0.3 2019-03-22T23:39:36Z
- Same as 1.0.2. Make prereqs list strictly.
1.0.2 2019-03-05T09:45:12Z
- Remove unused prereqs
1.0.1 2019-03-03T05:15:41Z
- Fix PODs
1.0.0 2019-03-02T10:01:00Z
- Fix normalization
- Fix code around Cwd override
- Add and enhance tests
0.3.7 2019-02-27T04:25:21Z
- Remove about following override code:
stat, lstat, File::stat::stat, File::stat::lstat
0.3.6 2019-02-26T18:13:11Z
- Required Perl minimum version decames 5.18.0
- Remove about following override code:
chdir, mkdir, rmdir, opendir, glob, open
- Fix normalizing path
- Check required OS-LOCALE more robust
- Add test utility module
- Add Win32::API to required module ( used for OS-LOCALE check )
- Add some test_requires for new test utility module
0.3.5 2016-07-10T03:11:57Z
Bump up to perl 5.24
0.3.4 2015-03-04T12:22:21Z
FIX: none-numeric VERSION is extracted from File::Spec::*
0.3.3 2014-09-28T06:27:02Z
Change VCS to Minilla
CHANGE: distname to 'winja'(by restrictions of Minilla)
FIX: 'xt/minilla/permissions.t' kicks declaration the same package name as CPAN module for hacking
FIX: bad regexp of prefix-x5c
FIX: delete unnecessary part of POD
FIX: fill some part of POD
0.3.2 Sat Jul 12 23:40:11 2014
FIX: open: use Symbol
0.3.1 --unknown datetime--
IMPROVE: more robust and clean code.
ADDED: pod(but it's boilerplate yet)
0.3 Fri Feb 22 00:00:00 2013
CHANGE: modulename to 'winja' and distname to 'Win32-JA-PathPatch'
0.0.2 Sun Jun 01 15:28:22 2013
FIX: open();
0.0.1 Fri Feb 22 22:38:57 2013
First version.