Revision history for Helm
0.4 (June 28, 2011)
+ Added missing namespace::autoclean to the dependencies in Build.PL
[M. Peters]
0.3 (May 5, 2011)
+ Added new param() and params() methods to Helm::Task so subclasses
can pass information between validate(), setup(), execute() and
teardown() phases [M. Peters]
+ Added a new --user option so you can switch the user (Github issue
#5) [xsawyerx and M. Peters]
+ Fixed GitHub issue #4 that incorrectly identified a failure to
load a config dependency as a failure to load the config module
itself [xsawyerx and M. Peters]
+ Fixed GitHub issue #6 - use ./.helmrc first and ~/.helmrc second
[xsawyerx and M. Peters]
0.2 (April 27, 2011)
+ packaging change: release is "helm" not "Helm" so that all info is pulled from the command script
not the helper module [M. Peters]
0.1 (April 27, 2011)
+ Initial public release